poison control centers reported a spike in calls following President Trump’s suggestion that injecting disinfectant might help people infected with coronavirus.

At a news briefing Thursday, Trump speculated on the effectiveness of several possible treatments for the virus, most notably by injecting disinfectant into the body.

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And he'll still win the next election. The Democrats REALLY fucked this up. Then again, I wouldn't expect less from a neanderthal that flies the flag of the most impotent military alliance ever created. Impotent, like the chances you Winnie The Pooh ass licking enemy agents have of winning in the US elections in November. Welcome to the future, it doesn't include you.

communism has never worked

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MAGA MAGA MAGA .... idiots kills themselves it's a good thing. Natural selection.
Trump did it again !!

>pic related is real
I can't even...

Attached: 1245235.jpg (741x768, 80.19K)

Thank you for introducing that completely useless statement you fucking halfwit.

meme flag faggot, eat a bag of dicks

Show flag, you globohomo Jewish piece of shit.

all this shilling against bleach just proves how good it is

>comparing these 18 hours to the same 18 hours in 2019
Literally fake news.

Trump is the smartest person on the plant
Alex Jones just said so

This, bleach enemas also cure autism. Bleach is the miracle cure they dont want you to know about


Baste Trump destroying his own support I guess.

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I bin micro dosen bleech sinc te oter day nd it like al my worried jus went way

Imagine being an emotionally dysregulated gender confused autistically screeching self-loathing libtard figuratively bending the knee and literally over for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords. That's no way to go through life.

Daily reminder:

Biden is globalist corporate pedophile and rapist.

CNN and the DNC knew about it and are covering it up.

Only pedophiles and rapists vote for Biden

Attached: CNN coverup.jpg (587x673, 99.16K)

>drink bleach
based meme lord

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>And he'll still win the next election. The Democrats REALLY fucked this up.
LOL, no. That's some maximum trumpcope right there.

> Data from the New York Poison Center center revealed that in the 18 hours after Trump’s comments, the Poison Center received 30 exposure calls about disinfectants. Ten involved bleach, 9 were about Lysol, and 11 others regarding other household cleaners. Compared to the same time window last year, there were a total of 13 exposure calls, with 2 involving bleach, but none involving Lysol-type products.
Talk about misleading journalism.
Calls to poison control centers have been up dramatically not just the last couple days, but for weeks. You want to know why?
We're in the middle of a pandemic. People are scrubbing surfaces with the best chemicals they can get far more often than they did in the past. The opportunities for accidental ingestion are up dramatically and calls have increased sharply for a while as spills and accidents happen.

I would not at all be surprised to find these incidents were majority anti-trump people trying to make him look bad.

Yes. I believe some TDS sufferers are wild enough to drink bleach to “own Trump”.

>Dems taking bleach to own trump

Stop drinking bleach AND disinfectant you’ll never find the right one nothing burgers because there isn’t a right one. Just stobbit.

you made this thread 10 times now memeflaggot.

>Welcome to your future, it don't include you....
Drinking or injecting bleach? Lol you got that right. Also, 4 more years is fine with me. I'm loving the keks

I had a Trumper argue with me that bleach is safe to take because vaccines contain mercury and antiseptic. He says he’s going to do it to prove me wrong. And now we wait

Libels ar sooo dum
I tink it was 4d chest



Not really misleading. A particular group of degenerates await any and every word from the orange man, and accept it as the truth. But hey, it's the media's fault though, right?

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>He says he’s going to do it to prove me wrong.
What a patriot


This nigger knows what's up. I've seen retards working in the grocery store dual wielding lysol spraying it all over permeable food items and vegetables where it can be absorbed.

