Trump mental breakdown

Why's he acting like such a hysterical ninny?

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What's a ninny?

Who the fuck are you talking to?

Yeah Bong you outed yourself, man you bongs are obsessed with trump.

It's a brishdish saying means cry baby

Please stop replying

What makes you think that he's writing those tweets, un faggot

President Potatus appears to be frolicking in the late stages of dementia.
25th Amendment, anyone?

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He's not wrong about the lugenpresse. A bunch of faggots just making shit up. Hang them all. You too, queer.

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post the original version where the retard actually spelled it hamberger.

Imagine being so retarded you can't spell hamburger in america.

Why do you use memeflag, are you from a shithole country?

because he IS an hysterical ninny

It's a serious show of weakness. And I'm tired of defending this guy. He hasn't fought for me, or kept any of his 2016 promises. So I'm not gonna do backflips to rationalize his complete failure to lead.

Fucking lol. The President of the country can't even fucking spell hamburger. At least it's better than when he spelled it hamberder. Fucking retard. I'm still convinced "covfefe" was his attempt at sending a request to someone for coffee


>ironic post
tiptop kek

he could be the dumbest fucker on the planet and he still wouldn't be a seething faggot like you, dick-butt

I'm not american, all this is comedy to me.

Trumpfags on suicide watch

Just kidding, they should kill themselves without being dissuaded

I see nothing wrong with the tweet. msm is pretty gay. OP is a plebbitor who worships nyt

He has every right to be angry at the Demonrats who hate this country and hate us.

Probably insanity from untreated syphilis

She'd be leading the adrenochrome harvest.

Is this the best your plebbit fucks have?
I knew we were being raided, but I thought they would actually put up an attempt other than "he spelled hamburger wrong".
Go off yourselves like the other 40% already did.
It grows in the options field.

sperg confirmed

Why do you seethe so much if it's not affecting you?

He also spelled Nobel wrong and he also didn't know the difference between the pulitzer and nobel prize. AS A FUCKING 70 YEAR OLD THATS BEEN ON THE EARTH SINCE THE DINOSAURS.

Just fucking gargle his semen and drown in it.

except that she isn't because nobody cared to elect her. because she is less of a leader than Donald J Trump. so much so, that i'd rather watch him have a well-deserved meltdown that watch her figure out how to get richer from a viral infection of the entire planet.


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twitter hacked

>What's a ninny?

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I think he was just being sarcastic again

He misspelled hamburger the first time, too.