Call me naive...

Call me naive, but somehow I had hoped that Sarah Palin would be remembered as a nadir of sorts in US political discourse. Alas it was not to be.

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>today, OP was a faggot
the fact that Obama wasnt seen as every bit as cringe if not more shows you are a faggot

What the fuck is a "nadir". Why do you fags always have to try to sound smart with big or obscure words. Just talk like a normal person, you gay homosexual fucking faggot

Name one obama cringe.

>I had hoped that Sarah Palin would be remembered as a nadir of sorts in US political discourse.
Did you miss out on Gerald Ford?

lel sirley you cant be serious, its just a matter of what he did that was the most cringe. running guns to the drug cartels is surely up there.

marrying a man man and buying kids and telling the world they're yours is pretty cringe

universal health care is unconstitutional and cringe as fuck

having loretta fuddy assassinated when she was going to testify about falsifying the birth cert was pretty cringe

his wife is a dude lol

listen to this, it'll sort you out

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Wow me smart librul be use smart word go fuck yourself retard

running an FBI sting on the newly elected president was certainly cringe as all fuck


it would've been one thing if he got out of office and was like "oh yeah btw michelle's a dude and i'm a satanist lol bye"
that would've been funny as shit and almost based, but he had to be a fucking pussy about it

$65,000 hot dog party is fuckin hella cringe

He was a nigger?

He sold weapons to Aztec savages that used them to kill Americans
Let Hillary be in charge of anything

That time he called in an f-16 bombing on mexicunt farmers who stole cartel weapons and were training to use them against the CIA-backed cartels and their glownigger masters.

Dont you mean cheese pizza?

>Yas Forums is gonna think im so smart for using a thesaurus
>im gonna reward myself with Jeromes cock :)

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Norms know about this shit too. If you still like Obama you should catch a bullet.

>universal health care is unconstitutional and cringe as fuck
Talking from a shithole country with no universal healtcare whatsoever, thousands of dead every day for covid 19 and obviously the highest infection rate in the world.
Cringe as fuck, indeed you are.

>$65,000 for kids to be flown in for pedo activities
yeah, whatever their code word du jour is

Giving a stack of cash to iran

be less impotent, impotent

>what does Unconstitutional mean
yeah you are cringe as fuck you brainwashed moron. EUfags get rope, EU is an illegitimate bankster invention.

obama was a limp wristed pussy

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Honestly correct, it might have made me sort of like the guy

Even if it really is $65,000 for hot dogs, that's still cringe as fuck.

Go away, AssClown.

Palin’s Great Service was to expose Barack Obama as an unready Dauphin, despite a Geobbels Press that was in his pocket, Sadly she was not able to convince the country.

It took eight years of getting our train ridden by the Chinese and the Iranians to get Trump in there.

I've noticed the first posts in response to any Trump criticism are:
>what about Obama
>what about Hillary

These retorts are so pathetic and prove that there's very little defense of Trump's behavior anymore.

“If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”
Fuckin’ ghey.