It has begun lads. Immunity passport/CoVid19 passport to be rolled out!!

We will not be able to travel outside of our countries AT FIRST only with a covid19 passport or something called immunity passport. Of course after they unleash all this, there will be outbreaks locally. They will move forward and wont let you out of your county's and then cities without your immunity shot. You wont be able to go groceries shopping because you might get infected( they are doing it for you goy).

Its on lads, keep in mind this will go in stages, first international and then national followed by local. There was an article about bill gates plan to have an implant with your medical records and that they started to roll it in Malawi and some other african country but I cant find anymore that article.

>EU tourism ministers agree on covid 19 passport

Heard this news from some romanian news site but could not find a proper english article for you niggers except the one bellow

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Other urls found in this thread:

Croatian tourism minister: Protocol on travel at EU level needs to be adopted

Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli said on Monday that it was necessary for the European Union to have a common plan for the exit from the corona crisis, which would include a common protocol on travel and a sort of “COVID-19 passport.”

Cappelli addressed the press after a video conference with EU tourism ministers on the topic of the effects of the pandemic on the tourism sector, which was chaired by the tourism minister of Croatia, which is holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Tourists may need Health Passport to enter Greece this summer

Greece’s Minister of Tourism Harry Theocharis said on Tuesday that Greek authorities are mulling the introduction of a ”Health Passport” which will serve as proof that an individual is not suffering from the COVID-19 cor

The Minister said that Greece will only have a three-month tourist season this year, between July and September, but added that if the situation develops positively, then the “shoulder season” months of October and November might see an increased number of tourists in the country.

However, the biggest challenge for the tourism-dependent country will be to determine who will be able to enter Greece and how.

Too early to discuss ‘immunity passports’ for COVID-19 recoveries, Trudeau says

Bump. Fuck Bill Gaytes and fuck vaccine people.


do we have a say?

just dont travel
problem solved

if thats the hill they want to die on.

At first will be international travel. Then you wont be able to leave your city because there will be outbreak cities which need to be contained

Kill them all.

just dont travel to other cities.

>born just in time to witness the complete enslavement of all humans

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I dont travel. Never saw point of it

if thats the case then people who live in isolation all their life are lucky ones

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Doesn’t this exist with TB already? Take your meds perhaps?

dude what the fuck is going on in Europe? I seriously hope you people are planning to make some heavy moves, because how dare a human subscribe another human to such life decisions. It's absurd how selfish and entitled these fucking idiots are, they're so clearly agendic that they need to die.

Why don’t you contain yourself in your outhouse Costică? Fuck off

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Nah if you live in isolation the government will send their goons to kill you and your family.

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Tourists in EU will be obliged to have a COVID-19 passport

Croatian Tourism Minister Gary Cappelli said after a video conference of EU member state tourism ministers on Monday that there should be a common plan at the EU level to deal with the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which would include, among other things, adopting a common travel protocol and a sort of “COVID -19 passport”.The videoconference was held on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the tourism sector, and at the initiative of the Croatian Minister of Tourism, as part of the EU Council Presidency.Croatian Tourism Minister said that the ministers concluded that there must be a common plan for getting out of the crisis, and that through a travel protocol, which includes a safety and health aspect, a common document, something like a “COVID-19 passport”, could be made, which would be valid for all EU countries on departure and arrival of tourists.“We must allow the borders to be opened as much as we can, but with the protocol of how it will be implemented, which all of us must then respect”, Cappelli said.Travels would thus include road, rail, water and air transport, and while insisting on a common protocol, Cappelli says a co-operation agreement is also possible bilaterally.He adds that tourism is crucial in saving and strengthening certain European economies, such as the Italian and Spanish ones, which, like Croatia, have a high share of tourism in total GDP.

>We will not be able to travel outside of our countries AT FIRST
how do you enforce this on the ocean? nobody wants to fly anyway but how can this be enforced in general aviation? you're going to tell a billionaire in his gulfstream 5 he can't land?


Yeah sure, we outnumber those goons 150 to 1, let’s see how well that works out

new normal.
get used to it.

Yeah but when you wont be able to leave the city and visit your family or somebody else it will hurt you. Just because it does not affect you for now does not mean it wont in the long run

>something called immunity passport
And the WHO says they don't know for sure that there IS immunity, even if you've survived the disease. How the fuck is this gonna work?

Why wouldn’t you be able to? Right, YOU since you have no balls nor guns

Yeah go ahead and you have your covid19 shot boy? No entry

Finally a real happening, now I can get violent and be a hero.

Fuck off with your fantasies kikegypsyjew

People are docile and americans are too. Why do you have to make it a personal.attack?

Because you’re clearly an instigating faggot

>instigating faggot
I instigated what? I am spreading the news. So look at me as the harbrnger or light

Quick, better go catch the virus before it dies out. Otherwise no immunity passport for you.

There are no cures or vaccines for coronaviruses; not SARS, not MERS, not the Common Cold... none of them. You should be very skeptical if they suddenly have one for this.

My city has everything I need. No problem.

Based hans

actually its not that bad of an idea.
>shitskins cant travel freely because they are not pozzed with covid vaccine
>they have to give their complete biometric data, need to take a vaccine shot and then they can "maybe" enter
>less shitskin crime in rich countries like germany

My point is that most of the stuff OP is yelling about already happens with other diseases. You can’t go to college or travel without proof of TB vaccination.

Wrong. That's nonsense. This place is so full of shit.

>instigating what
Fear, bs, and no option besides compliance. Fuck off Vasile you fucking kikejewgypsyfaggot

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This place is full of beta compliance faggots

>You can’t go to college or travel without proof of TB vaccination.
sure you can, just have a military service record

I don't think you understand how impossible it is to police the ports this way, if people own their own port you can pretty much forget it. private property

I dont want to leave north America anyway.

You don’t even need that

Just get the counterfeit chip

Turns out the race war we were all looking forward to was actually going to be everybody vs jews instead of whites vs darkies