--- CURRENTLY INFECTED: 1,864,134 ---
--- MILD CONDITION: 1,848,146 (97%) ---
--- SERIOUS CONDITION: 57,513 (Down from 57,603) ---
--- RECOVERED: 889,250 ---
--- DEATHS: 208,090 ---


--- RESEARCH ---

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

--- VIDEOS ---

>Doctor destroys Coronavirus narrative
[YouTube] youtu.be/xfLVxx_lBLU

>Corona BTFO by USC
[YouTube] youtu.be/3iYrkQXhPwQ

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death
[YouTube] youtube.com/watch?v=KpGpoGuQtF8?t=83

--- REMINDER ---

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>208K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year
• 360,000 people born every day
• 130,000,000 people born every year

>but muhh exponential broooo
Been growing linearly for what, 22 days now?

>noooooo but that's only because we locked ourselves inside!!!
We did nothing for months to stop the virus which spreads faster than the Flu, can spread undetected in its incubation and has a multitude of transmission vectors, yet it was only the recent lockdowns which saved us from those millions dead that was raved about? I highly doubt it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.11.20062349v1.full.pdf html

Ok, guys. Last one 404d for one reason. Let's keep this going.

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>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 makes men infertile
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 can cause infertility. Tests find that the virus is undetectable in the testicles and sperm: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.31.20042333v2

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 has antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 has ADE. Attempts at re-infection elicit a robust antibody response: biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.10.036418v1

>CVG MYTH: You cannot become immune to COVID-19
Though we cannot be sure how long immunity lasts, antibodies titres are found in recovered COVID-19 patients and all known coronaviruses confer at least some degree of temporary immunity: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.14.20065771v1

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 mutates rapidly and there are multiple strains
COVID-19 has a relatively stable genome and mutates slower than influenza. Reports of multiple strains reference negligible genetic differences that have no effect on virulence or immune response: livescience.com/coronavirus-mutation-rate.html

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 contains HIV
Early debunked reports suggested the Novel Coronavirus genome contained HIV-like sequences. This HIV-like sequence refers to the virus’ spike protein, its mechanism for binding to ACE2 receptors on cells. Genomic analysis suggests that whilst the novel RNA Coronavirus mimics HIV’s binding mechanism, said mechanism is an independently arising protein of a different kind and does not entail a HIV-like pathogenesis: archive.is/rW2hA

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 destroys the immune system
Whilst COVID-19 can attack T-Cells, no evidence of viral reproduction in them could be found. Lymphopenia is common in viral infections and T-Cell counts should recover post-infection: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.11.20062349v1.full.pdf html

Attached: 1588002577184.png (1827x1873, 1.06M)


>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 stays latent in the body and can reactivate
The Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 is, unlike the DNA viruses HIV and Herpes, an RNA Virus. There are no scientifically known mechanisms by which RNA viruses become latent. Whilst it is true that the virus (like SARS) can persist for many weeks in patients, the body should ultimately clear the virus. Cases of ‘reactivation’ are most likely false negatives and mark the temporary failure of the immune system to clear small pockets of the virus after the main infection: archive.is/GuIBI (1/2) medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.27.20043299v1 (2/2)

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 infects and hides in the central nervous system
Whilst in very rare cases COVID-19 may infect the brainstem, this phenomenon is seen in other viral infections, including in influenza, and is known as encephalitis: pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2020201187

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 causes permanent lung damage
Whilst it is true that lungs can be damaged in some severe courses of infection, this is a common phenomenon in respiratory pathogens and particularly in pneumonia. Non-atypical lung lesions recover in-line with pneumonia recoveries and Ground Glass Opacities often disappear spontaneously: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4630533/ (1/2) pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2020200370 (2/2)

>CVG MYTH: It is impossible to create a Coronavirus vaccine
Whilst there has never been a Coronavirus vaccine in humans, bovine corona vaccines exist and some success has been achieved in creating a vaccine for MERS. Experiments with vaccines in China already demonstrate that immunity can be conferred on monkeys via vaccine. Previous attempts for SARS and other common Coronaviruses were discontinued due to lack of need or want: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC227016/ (1/2) archive.is/mnO9h (2/2)

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-23 um 18.36.png (1679x5247, 1.07M)

stop shilling this stupid thread. it's worse than cvg, ptg, and sg

Can someone post the basedface on the left with the mouth closed

Yas Forums is such a joke

basedface wtf SOIFACE

Do not get tattoos, the ink migrates to lymph nodes

Attached: 21-scientistsfi.jpg (800x480, 29.93K)

>t. happooner

>t. muh ADE
Fuck off, back to /cvg/

Attached: 1587929454120.png (960x640, 352.01K)

Why are conspiracy faggots so fucking retarded?
Every single time:
>Mass shooting
>Suicide bomber

If they were transported back into WW2 they would lierrally claim that WW2 is a hoax

Brainlet cope thread

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Fellow nothingburgerinos!
When do you think they will finally let us back to our joberino, to earn zogbuckos to buy producterinos and capeshiterino action figurinos?
I really hope they open up soon, I really need to get my g*sh d*ng H*CKing haircuterino.

Attached: 1587893119340.jpg (776x838, 72.26K)

SEETHE MOTHERFUCKER. You know you were a HAPPENINGFAGGOT and now are trying to cope away the fact your stupid ass fell for (((MSM))) jew lies

says the people breaking us law, no wonder your threads keep getting nuked

Can you point out where any law is broken?

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almost like isolation is working

Based OP
Thank you for making this thread to combat their disinfo.

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what is the logical explanation on why mods keep deleting this thread? Seriously, someone explain me before they delete this one too

Anyone who browses this site without a memeflag delouser is an idiot. Not only does it hide shill comments and posts, it is an excellent indicator of quality threads because they always have massive amounts of memeflag comments, so you know the shills are assmad.

You are trying too hard

Attached: worryposting.jpg (200x255, 12.66K)

>what is the logical explanation on why mods keep deleting this thread?
Because this board is compromised aka dead. Rip


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mods are glowie shills
cvg is following the narrative

Maybe someone reports them for violating US law or there's a rogue mod (in minecraft ofc, mods here are gods).

Just put rino in front of words to cope with the fact that you haven't left your house to do anything productive for years.

Notice how is it "expected" for so long before the "spike"? Because those numbers aren't confirmed. Why are we looking at a spike as confirmed? Also why are we seeing a thousand person "spike" for a single week as statistically relevant? Especially since cancer patients ceased treatment and STEMI cases are just dying at home.

SHILLS are absolutely SEETHING in this thread lmao. CoronaHOAX is dead! Entire economy will begin opening on MAY 1st, and the economy is going to EXPLODE. Gonna be hilarious watching Trump absolutely fucking DUNK on you niggers come November.

isn't that the whole point of this general


People should be mad as hell at governments and media right now

> Blasting this nothing completely out of proportion
> Social distancing, no freedom of assembly
> Stay home, watch our bullshit propaganda
> Killing off sick and old people by denying them treatments
> Lowering health care expenses under guise of deadly virus meme
> Crashing the economy so only a few - already too large - corporations will survive
> Bailing out banks and those large corporations who fucked it up on top of that
> Tracking and surveillance everywhere
> Fucking police telling people what they can and cannot do
> Places where you have to wear a mask to publicly show your obedience
> People mistrusting and snitching on each other
> Blablabla do you want people do die by being irresponsible?? blablabla... when instead governments and media should be ashamed af for instumentalising deaths like that

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That's right, back to work goyim

Attached: council.jpg (940x490, 205.02K)

Attached: Philosorona.jpg (1125x1121, 703.88K)

>economorino will EXPLODEPENODI!
>muh TRUMPdaddy

Attached: 1587481773325.png (784x1100, 806.88K)

This pretty much sums it up

Attached: Vaccine clown world.jpg (828x756, 451.33K)

I love you guys

Looks like 5-6 out of 7 jews by face structure or being known already

>image macro
>reddit meme

this post very anti jewish please delet

Attached: file.png (420x380, 238.95K)

You guys seem down and hungry.

Attached: nbg.jpg (640x640, 75.5K)

is that why multiple counties are being smart and ignoring their governor, keeping closed until at least june?

>. Why are we looking at a spike as confirmed? Also why are we seeing a thousand person "spike" for a single week as statistically relevant?
>Fails to provide data refuting my shit
>t. nothingbrain

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It gets people talking ; )

Attached: BgHv9utd.jpg (1366x1025, 154.36K)

Girls shouldn't post here- ever.

If you want a circle jerk, there's plenty of corona chan fan art on /cvg/

Attached: 1 COVID absence of test.jpg (828x856, 103.2K)

Generals are fucking gay.

Attached: 1 Death Certificates Mystery.jpg (1062x1295, 672.41K)

Not even 3 times. It'll probably stay under 100K and will be comparable with the flu.


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>Compelling = Get bux for it & don't get fired

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>Can someone post the basedface on the left with the mouth closed

Attached: 1584436292488.png (600x800, 11.28K)

I always thought NPC meme was that, just a meme. But after trying to discuss if this quarantine is really necessary with lots of friends and family members. I can say for sure it is real.

it is ALWAYS the same plot

>show bullshit predictions "experts" made and how they were wrong by 98%
>"it just shows that the quarantine is working!"
>but these predictions assumed total isolation, in the best possible scenario, a thing that never happened, yet they were totally wrong
>"so you are saying you know more than WHO and experts?"
>no, I'm just showing you that our governments are taking measures based on busted data and there is not a single proof that quarantine is doing anything remotely good
>(insert an emotional moving the goalpost response here like "YOU ARE JUST SAYING THIS BECAUSE NO ONE FROM YOUR FAMILY DIED YET!")

This is making my blood boil

Attached: California Corona Projection.jpg (1622x2723, 1.51M)

lol thx bro

r u lost?

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