Do Americans really believe this nonsense...

Do Americans really believe this nonsense? Do you guys actually believe that not only will your government become tyrannical but that you will also fend off their tanks, bombs, and drones with your assault rifles?

I guess there's a reason the rest of the world is laughing at you. You are the only developed nation that has mass shootings almost every day.

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You have free speech in Sweden bro?

Idk Swed, how is it despite the US being the best military in the world, we still cant get rid of those sand niggers running around in toyotas with AKs...
Things that make you think.

ok mohammed.

swedish grandmas have literally had their iPads confiscated by the police for commenting on news articles about niggers raping little girls

The American military couldn't even defeat a bunch of goat fuckers in Iraq.

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It takes only a few minecraft projectiles to kill important minecraft positions after which the minecraft armies will have no command

do you actually believe american soldiers will kill other americans because big goberment said so?

you guys really are lost up there

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>Do you guys actually believe that not only will your government become tyrannical but that you will also fend off their tanks, bombs, and drones with your assault rifles?

Do you really think the entire US military will 100% support the government? I know leftists are allergic to historical facts but kindly review your lessons on major civil wars. They usually have the state military splitting behind factions.

Reminder that those jets can't fly themselves and the pilots that do fly them need to eat and sleep, along with having loved ones. If push came to shove those pilots would either get murdered in their sleep or watch as their families are killed in front of them. That and believe it or not but most servicemen wouldn't be willing to attack their fellow countrymen


That may be so, but the alternative is just cucking out and accepting to be led straight to hell (which is what most of the world will do, because they have daddy issues and crave authoritarian cock down their throats). Might as well die fighting instead of prolong your suffering as a slave, n'est pas?

Any one have the based response to these threads? I think it was a Japanese flag and cites enforcing curfew, etc.

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You retard. Firepower doesn't really matter that much in a guerilla war.

Do you honestly think the United states is gonna start dropping MOABS on small towns once the fighting starts? They wouldn't start bombarding city's and infrastructure because it would cripple them. You're talking about a country that fired a ship captain for saying a few of his cabin bois might be sick because it comes off as weak. Why would they purposefully cripple themselves in the event of a civil war? Sorry for the grammar I'm drunk

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Why do people believe this stupid nonsensical meme. Do you actually believe wars are won with shock and awe bombing campaigns or tanks? You watch too many movies and play too many video games.

Be a real man and join army and learn how army works.

Never mind, it was posted while I wrote this.


lets find out faggot

>politicians want Syria devastation in the land they control
>people will vote for politicians that cause Syria devastation in their own land

You mean the one about the drones and tanks not being able to stand at a streetcorner and enforce curfew?

ask the rice farmers. Organized armies have a really bad time fighting organized insurrection and partisan soldiers.
Ask the russians what happened with the chechens.

Professional armies are good to fight against armies, but when is a matter of fighting civilians protecting their homes, is a whole new different story. The only way to won that kind of war is mass genocide and that shit is not allowed, at least, not in public.

The minecraft army is also very expensive, so if minecraft players stop paying minecraft taxes it will go broke very quickly.

Additionally, most of the delicate minecraft equipment is produced by minecraft players, and not the minecraft army itself, so it only takes a few angry minecraft players to ruin a lot of things.

>*Laughs in Vietnamese farmer, Afghan goatherd and Iraqi terrorist*

Oh boy, Sweden laughing at anyone. How spectacular.

>ruled by cunts
cucked faggots dont understand what being a sovereign citizen is and having rights the gov can't fuck with, keep asking to see a reaction, sweednog

Lol ya.

who is gonna drive the tanks or drones or planes? you faggots always seem to think the government is some giant. it is just people, individuals.

We're the military fool. Find me a lefty in the services and i'll send you a $10 paypal.

Dude, see the Yugoslav Wars in the 90s. The Serbians fucking destroyed a modern spy jet in 1999 while using Soviet Union tier artillery.
Any tool is a great tool if you know how to use it.

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Ahhhhh oooo sooo scary, so intimidating. Yeah. Try doing that to real woke people who out-number the faggot government fuckers that can be overwhelmed. You swedecucks are nothing but the butt of a joke and fucking cucks. Your women are fucking Achmed and you do nothing about it. Get shanked in the throat by Muzzie Abdul, Cheese-skin Bög

340 million gun owners vs less then 1mil army im not a betting man but i wouldnt bet on the tanks

The single most delusional belief the far left has is that the military would be on their side in a civil war.

>be OP
>Imagine believing there wont be a divide within the military as well

but you dont have to fight the mil to win you just need to shank blue voters

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yeah, i believe that

Pretty sure the government doesn’t drive those planes. It’s American citizens. American citizens wouldn’t bomb their own nation. The amount of collateral damage would turn everyone against them and it would be the American military vs 300 million plus citizens and enough guns and ammo for everyone one of them

this. all of my vet/cop buddies are right wingers.

Government is already scared at people pissed about the quarantines, you know the boiling point is about to go full-on anarchy. FUCK. THE. GOVERNMENT.

Imagine how the USA will manage to conscript anyone

we already have been hating our government for 40 years

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Yeah, but it had been posted by the time I finished writing my request.

If this is true, explain why it is taking more than 30 years to clear up the middle east of their "idiots with guns" with all our drones, tanks, planes, and missiles.

First off thanks MilLeaf but should specify not a lefty officer yes? As we all know a lot of the officer corps has been getting infected with the parasitical leftist bug. Also mind if I ask what your thoughts an the general sentiment in the CAF is regarding the MP's who have clear ties to the CCP? And how it's becoming pretty clear they put those CCP interests before Canadians?
Vigilamus pro te
Viam inveniemus, lit.
Facta Non Verba, lit.

yes because guerrilla warfare and revolutions have never been successful, it's not like the us military got literally BTFO by rice farmers or anything, just put a f15 on every street corner of america lmao, im sure that wont cause mass civil unrest haha, im sure there wont be any resentment in the army for being ordered to fire on their own citizens lol

The guy in that picture, chris bechtel, was a history teacher at my school

>what is desertion rate basedboy

Based English teacher gets it. Historically, it takes only 3.5% of the total population for a successful revolt. None of these "b-but muh drones" posts are gonna refute this historical fact.

Sweden giving military advice. So funny it's sad.