Globalists, the NWO and Bill Gates all getting BTFO by Trump.
Covfefe-19 Covfefe-19 Covfefe-19
Do bleach
Immediately; FUCK YEAH!
Second thought; America just became Bill Gates’ enemy. One that if they should get really sick would prove the need for his products.
He'll go with the heeb drug. Screencap this, print it, put it on your wall.
Post pics when it happens.
Daily reminder that Tedros Ghebreyesus is not a doctor, has no experience diagnosing or treating diseases, and the WHO is in the pocket of chink, good goy and jewish commies.
The UN as project is anti-white and pro third world.
Many UN secretary generals like EU commissioners have been former marxists.
Theyre radical lefty types that push for a one world government built off (((progressive values))) at the cost of the west
>doesn't know bleach and chloride dioxide are completely different things
Well that confirms you're IQ is lower than the average Somalians
Just don't sign into microsoft anymore
I dont want the "world" anything having my data so thanks Trump
>Daily reminder that Tedros Ghebreyesus is not a doctor
Correct, he's a warlord turned politician
>One that if they should get really sick would prove the need for his products.
That just went belly up last week. Bill Gates is finished forever.
Bahahahaha and of course the whole thing is being pushed Merkel and Macron.
All is dust
Listen to based Russian Vladimir Vasilievich and Based Irishman GEMMA O’DOHERTY
fucking niggers
They are installed by ZOG
Based Trump saves America once again
Adding link to pic related article, for clarity's sake:
IMHO, POTUS not signing on to this shows he's well-aware of the vaccine insertions (((they've)))consistently used to cull populations through time. He knows their gameplan.
He's not only protecting himself, he's protecting US ALL.
I wouldn't want to be attached to this, either.
They want us to take the vaccines so they can continue their race mixing propaganda. They need white women to believe it is safe to take the nigger dick. Trust me lads. That is what this is all about. Getting that nigger dick inside of white wombs.
Friendly reminder: 48% of all black women have incurable herpes. And NO, condoms will not protect you. FACTS. Feel free to look them up. NEXT. Niggers have 10 to 20+ times the instances of STDs across the spectrum of disease than whites. Therefore, if you coalburn you are not only endangering yourself, you endanger your white community. Finally, you should not have sex with coalburners. They too are just as likely to be suffering the same STD contraction rates. Always ask...Do you have sex outside your race, before you get intimate. Coalburning is now the fastest vector of spreading STDs in the white community.
Will leafs still be injected?
I would say that I envy you, however we have better data protection laws, even abortions here are less cucked than the U.S. (no literal baby killing, only allowed until week 12).
source on the WHO expenses? That would certainly red pill a bunch of people
Just means we will be the last to get the vaccine you ignorant leaf.
Day of the rake when?
What is it with you Americans and being the most schizo possible posters on this entire board? not to mention the most shitposting and delusional about Europe but that's another matter.
Have you even stopped to think about the sheer unrealistic scale for these conspiracies to be true? It would take exactly one medical worker to show proof to make it collapse. Not to mention this is assuming EVERY SINGLE GOVERNMENT possible is alright with this and won't investigate the matter and are in on it. So every government, every medical worker in all these countries that could check in on this, plus any that have or would work on these chips and vaccinations have to ALL be in on it and not tell anyone.
Do you even realize how insane that is?
bruh, he's been woke to the evil vaccine movement for a long time, and been calling it out publicly. Back when he tweeted pic related being anti vaxxer was way less popular than it is today.
They inject you at birth and give you a high dose of estrogen.
Merkel is pushing it, Macron is being the lapdog bitch he always is.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with evolving psych standards and awareness of this disability at all, making it more frequently spotted along with an ever growing global population and later age of having kids.
Actually liberals love being cucked by pretentious champagne communists. See, to get a liberal to vote for you all you to do is say "white man bad". Then you can snort coke and meth and fuck Rent Boys while traveling in jets all on the libcuck's expense. They love to be pay pigs.
This. Everything you hate is funded by chicks and implemented by their jew whores.
Trump you're fucking cool dude
>evolving psych standards and awareness of this disability at all,
Yeah it's not you shithead. You think teachers in the 80s didn't notices aspies in the classroom. Actual autistics are easy to spot.
>Have you even stopped to think about the sheer unrealistic scale for these conspiracies to be true?
New here?
but that's asuna...
This is a strawman argument and defies basic comprehension of how a corrupt deep state bureaucracy functions. You don't need all the slave rowers in the galley to steer a boat you fool. That is what rudders are for. This implies it only takes a few hands at the wheel to steer the ship of state. Rowers simply need to be adequately made to fear or be bought off. Seriously user....this is not rocket science dude.
This is Beginning Statecraft 101.
Full on ones yeah, but ones that are higher functioning is a different matter. Why do you think there are still people that get diagnosed at a later age instead of having been diagnosed when they were younger? Because inattentive parents and teachers didn't think about it.
No, just continually amazed at the Americans of this board and about 90% of the shit they come up with and immediately believe to be true based on a mere claim of another retard on this board.
every needle in pic related represents a different inoculation a child gets before the age of 2 years old.
Based trump
>but ones that are higher functioning is a different matter. Why do you think there are still people that get diagnosed at a later age instead of having been diagnosed when they were younger?
The only ones that matter are the moderate to severe cases the mild and low cases are bullshit diagnosis to pump up the pills industry it pure bullshit. If you have "autism" but are not dependent on others, you dont have austim you're just a sperg.
No it's not, pointing out the sheer logistics and deception required for such a matter is a perfectly valid point to make, it is quite simply an unrealistic conspiracy theory.
Please feel free to elaborate how you think such a matter would be put into effect if you truly believe these things to be true, because i'd need to hear why you think that at least.
the us don't care they already have bleach
>pills industry
Autists do not take pills last I checked, at least not the ones I worked with. You're clearly argueing from a complete point of ignorance on the matter.
But if you believe that you already are proving my previous point, except the reasoning behind more autists in your case is due to people 'pumping up the numbers' for reasons.
I'm still waiting for one piece of solid forensic evidence that any single claim of genocide at concentration camps occurred. All we ever see are emaciated bodies of people who were alive until the end of the war. Why not just dig a hole and toss them in? What resistance could they have made? Why not toss them on fires? No explanation. They were simply starving. All the stories are myths that have been exposed as lies and exaggerations. Holocaust is a hoax designed to give Jews privilege and unchallenged power.
When was the last time a whistleblower actually stopped anything?
>source on the WHO expenses?