What has Yas Forums been reading lately?
What has Yas Forums been reading lately?
Other urls found in this thread:
The writings of Kim Il Sung about the Juche idea
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
KJV Bible
The commentary version?
i love u man
Occult Theocrasy
Morals and Dogma
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Freemason? How did you got into that?
Metaphysics of War
Rats by Claire Wolfe
Critique of Stalin’s Economic Problems Of Socialism in the USSR by Mao.
He doesn't look all that fit or mighty desu. Looks a bit onions.
White Niggers of America
and pic related.
You wouldn't say that with that sword at your neck.
Ovid - Metamorphoses
Short stories by H.P. Lovecraft
Poetry by Gabriele D'annunzio
I was born into what I've found out is a York Rite religion -- Jehovah's Witnesses. Most members have no idea who really runs the publishing company they serve. They also overuse the name Jehovah everywhere without realising it's the most important word in Masonry.
Commentarii de bello Gallico, liber V
Biblia Sacra juxta vulgatam clementinam
Regarding freemasonry, is it truw what they say about it? Do you believe everyone could access it or is it reserved for just a few?
FYI the original editor of the Oxford History of the US series was a trotskyist who soured on communism in response to the civil rights movement. His protege James Mcpherson didn't. So McPherson has this weird thesis in this book, where in the election of Lincoln represents a second American Revolution lead by the North as somewhat of a holy war to liberate the slaves and ensure equality.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Epictetus stuff (from Arrian of Nicomedia)
Dugonja, trbonja i vidonja
Also reading Dream of Reason which is a book on the history of philosophy.
this book
Well, my uncle is a psychologist and a freemason and he's the weirdest man I've ever met. He's a pilot, plays golf and enjoys all sorts of luxuries, but he lives with my aunt in squalor. No idea what motivates him to be a freemason and I've never talked to him for more than a minute.
It attracts weirdos, who want to feel elite. That's all I can gleen from this.
Biohistory Decline and fall of the west
Please help me Yas Forums. I'm feeling extremely down. I got nothing to live for in life. I got no woman, I got no hopes and dreams, I got no future guys. Everything looks bleak. I want to earn money so that I can find and marry someone.
What do I do lads? Any book recommendations to turn my life around?
Pls no religious books. Need something positive and uplifting. Even novels will do.
My God bless you anons. Thank you in advance.
Based and redpilled af
I suppose it depends on what the claim is. But the literature is out there, as well as quotes from their influential leaders. Personally, I believe or hope there are people born into Masonic families who will ɡo aɡainst the NWO agenda -- ɡrey hats, if you will. It's been said there is a split in the cabal and a war is being waged behind the scenes, whether it is true or not and for what purpose, only time will tell.
it's not uplifting but hardening
was looking at this one any good?
Read Epictetus Enchiridion and Seneca On the Shortness of life. Retreat into Mind. Learn to overcome any suffering imposed by lady Fortune.
Well, freemasonry and occult societies have always been looked upon with envy eyes. And as people didn't get their original puposes, they've always been treated like evil people, although there's some reason to believe that claim. I've never met an occultist in real life, only LARPers and idiots with delusions of power.
>What has Yas Forums been reading lately?
slide threads.
Thank you anons. I appreciate it. The economic downturn due to corona has left my job in uncertainty and that is also giving me anxiety
Philosophy perhaps, not so much logic/epistemology as practical/ethics philosophy.
Start with socratic dialogues, epicurus and the stoics.
Or do like this user who reads a books studying all of them (haven't read that one, but read Bertrand Russell's book.
You could always read Dostoyevski too, more approachable than some other russian literature, largely philosophical and there's no way you have it worse than a dostoyevski character.
Anyway I don't read THAT much, some other anons might have better suggestions. good luck
Evola is good too. But I recommand Nietszche first
Evola was an autistic magician and a degenerate. Am I the only one who thinks he's overrated?
Find the biography of someone that's successful and you admire. Find out what habits they picked or what opportunities allowed them to be successful. That doesn't mean you take out a loan for tens of thousands of dollars to buy status symbols so you can appear rich. Most successful people I've meet do things like keep routines, plan out events in advance, set aside a portion of their day to run a few miles, etc.