The president dosen't tell the country to inject bleach

>the president dosen't tell the country to inject bleach
>media tells people that the prseident wants them to inject bleach
>people die from injecting bleach
At least you got some sweet ad revenue of that now deleted article, huh CNN?

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Literally says injecting disinfectant. KYS

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning......."

" And is there a way we can do something like that,"
Only low IQ people would he means that they should go and inject themselves with disinfectant.

>something like that
>ignore the part where he names light as a disinfectant right after
>ignore that he's talking to his staff and not telling people to do anything

Kill yourself

Except he's clearly talking about innovative biotech stuff, not literally injecting lysol or drinking bleach. The media and left is way off on this one

Yes he was talking about injecting a syringe of light into the blood.

You are a moron

>low IQ
trump voters it is then

They forgot the Zinc. You really need the Zinc.

>talking to staff
>during national televised pandemic daily update

why cant this turd just do his "talking to staff" rambling behind closed doors?

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Yes, it's called blood irradiation therapy.

He literally turns to them and asks them to look into it. Are you retarded?

Clicks. No one who supports Trump is going to stop because of this made up bullshit story. Only people suffering TDS actually believe he either suggesting ingesting disinfectants or that anyone not literally retarded would attempt such an act even if he had. It is a nothing story, created to enrage either side.

I don’t care who told who to do what. I only care that retards are dead, and I crave moar!

then he has to say he was being "sarcastic" cus his spitballing idiotic ideas during a pandemic update blew up on him. birx even had to say she didnt know what he was talking about when he asked her about it.

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Ironically this is true
People are still falling for the media narrative. Tactics are same however the derangement syndrome will take any information that will be thrown. For example.
>(Opinion piece)
>Edit: at the end of the article
>He/she said that "...kill... ...yourself... ... with... ...disinfectant"
>anonymous source of he said she said
4th year and still keeping with it like some delusional lunatic.

talking like most normal people blew up on him, yeah ok faggot this is a media problem not a trump problem

Why you cut before the "?" mark?

>most normal people are in charge of the most powerful country in the world during a pandemic asking stupid fucking questions

its an american citizen problem we have a shitposting memelord as president

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Even if it makes you look more stupid than orange man.

No idea why he said he was being sarcastic, but I'd wager it's easier than genuinely trying to explain these alternative procedures to the same people who willingly misinterpreted and reported falsely that he told Americans to inject bleach. He said nothing wrong and saying he was sarcastic doesn't retroactively change the words he said. Even if he didn't know exactly what he was talking about, he was 100% on the money and he isn't a medical expert. You'd be arguing that he "accidentally" brought up another old and formally common medical practice and forced it to become publically discussed. So odd how he accidentally gets the media to advertise genuine points for him all the time isn't it?

He literally said something “like that” not to “do that” you lying piece of shit. He also said “for that you’re going to have to use medical doctors”. I think trump is an epic asshole but these lies are really pathetic, plus your candidate is literally a senile fucking rapist I0x worse than anything kavanaugh was accused of and your lying left wing press is burying the story. How does it feel to be a lying bag of shit promoting a lying party of corrupt rapists?

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bleachposts are an attempt to cover up the discovery of a vhs tape.
bleachfags want us to talk about anything other than joe biden raping tara reade and her mom calling larry king about it in August of 1993.
they are running smoke screen for the rapist named joe biden.
they freaked out when the tape was discovered, which is why there were so many bleachposts for such a short period of time.
whenever you see a bleachfag post, remind the thread about biden raping reade so as to defeat their effort.
save this pasta for easy re-use.

I can taste your desperation in pushing this

Literally an interrogative. I personally suggest >>(you) drink bleach, however.

if you have to go with "i was just kidding" cus its easier to explain what you were talking about then you should just shut the fuck up and let the experts speak.

yea yea theres that 4d chess again. you fucks never stop trying to retcon this idiots words. he didnt mean to do it, he looked like an idiot doing it and now hes deciding on whether to stop having these press updates altogether.

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>How does it feel to be a lying bag of shit promoting a lying party of corrupt rapists?

I miss the good old days when a Senator could cheat on his wife with a staffer and let her die in a car underwater while he scrambled around to save his career, and stay in the Senate for decades until he died, and be considered a main contender for President for the next two or three terms.

Grabbing pussy and sniffing hair is so lame by comparison.

goddammit forgot the meme flag

>the president didn't say inject bleach....
Then why did trump say he was being sarcastic? Or did you miss that?

>he's racist!
>he's a rapist!
>... he wants to FUCK his daughter!
>he likes kikes (you guys hate that right?)
>look at all the wars he almost started!
>he is... DUMB!
>ok, can we just agree he is a shitposting memelord and not fit to be president?
4 more years faggot, buckle up

thats not a problem thats fucking awesome

Did you see the video when he said he was being sarcastic? He was being sarcastic to the reporter that asked the question. 4D sarcasm went right over everyone's heads.

>he should just shut up!
>who cares if he was 100% accurate and got millions of people to look into blood irradiation therapy

You're the type of retard that thinks a billionaire President is stupider than you are while working your min wage mcjob and living with your mother.