Anticipated 2A case dismissed

Well, this is a disappointment, but other 2A cases are likely headed SCOTUS' way. NYSPRA vs NYC seemed like a bit of a weak case to rule on, anyway, so there may be a bit of a silver lining in that there are more compelling cases to hear.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>sue democrats
>wait seven years to finally get your day infront of a fair court
>democrats change a couple lines but keep the law largely intact
>better start over at the circuit court so you can be delayed another five years

the Supreme Court is a complete joke, Evasion Capable of Repetition is for first class rights like abortion

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well, so much for trumps court picks.

supreme court is a fucking joke
the fuck do they even do all day?

I'm hoping there are better court cases as this one basically hands local/state governments a plan for fucking with the constitution and getting off scott-free.

>the 2nd Amendment will save us!
>Blue Lives Matter!

Gun people are simulatenously the best and the worst of the white race. On one hand we have people who invent 3D printed guns, say fuck you to the gov't and the pigs, and generally lead an intelligent, independent life. On the other, we have a bunch of obese boomers, who slobber over every cops dick they run across, who want immigration as long as its legal, and think that the 2nd amendment is worth half a shit.


Seems that's what Kavanaugh is waiting for. The MA AWB and MD CCW cases are still in the pipeline.

This is actually a good thing, they're getting rid of the dead weight cases.

I've heard some say that one of the NJ cases are a good candidate as well. And if I got it correctly, Kavanaugh in agreeing with Alito has said that the court should address how the lower courts are interpreting Heller, hopefully sooner rather than later. Unfortunately "sooner" in this case means 2021.

I'm in no way, shape or form a legal scholar so could you elaborate on why the ruling is a good thing and why you consider this case "dead weight"?

Can I get a rundown on the case?

The law it was dismissed, ya faggot.

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Pretend Ruth Ginsberg is alive

The case was moot retards because new york changed the law.

>NYC makes a law saying those with guns registered can only take said guns to their home in the city, the range or an armorer
>Said law prohibits people from taking their guns from a home in NYC to a home outside of NYC
>People sued the city
>City fought back
>Got appealed up to the Supreme Court
>City panics and re-writes the law to accommodate what the plaintiffs (ie NYSRPA) had wanted (ie. mooting their law before the SC can address the case
>SC gives us this decision

This is what I believe is the very, very short summary of the case.

The libshits don't want a right leaning court to rule on 2A laws when the court has openly announced they are interested in laying down new, pro 2A precedents

Yeah, I get the city mooted their law, but I'm not entirely sure I agree with the SC's decision as it essentially lets governments play games like this without recourse for those affected. I think that's why most people are dissatisfied with the decision today. I suppose it's good that it clears up a path for other cases to be heard but I don't view the decision or its outcome as a positive.

They cant hear a moot case. Even if they could and there was only a plurality there would be no law except for the outcome. But since the point is moot the outcome would not be effected. It sucks but its better to wait for a better case where it will impact all states/cities with strict gun control

In your opinion, what would be a better case to look at? I know there are a few in the appeals process but what do you think has the best chance?

Alabama or Mississippi should ban abortion and then moot the case

Unironically kill yourself if you support abortion.

>mfw this tactic is co-opted by the other side and we see decades of bi-partisan fuckery
>pass law on hot-button topics
>let it go to SCOTUS
>about to lose, pass new law rendering old one moot
>rinse and repeat
I, too, anticipate the upcoming clownworld shitshow that people better than me has seen coming

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That is sad to hear.

Supreme courts are dismissing 2A-related cases all across the country even if they are slam-dunks.

I highly suspect that one case is currently in the pipeline to disrupt EVERYTHING as it pertains to gun-rights in the US. Get ready for all the grabber regulations from the last 100 years to be invalidated with a single ruling:
>concealed/open carry restrictions = GONE
>mag capacity limits = GONE
>assault weapon bans = GONE
>other restrictive state laws = GONE
>NFA = ruled forced tax = GONE

Who else can see what's coming in the next few years?

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I know thats what you would like to think but the reality is that cert is probably gonna be denied for every other pending 2A case with MAYBE a few dissenting opinions for the lower courts concerning their handling. Face it Trump has done fuck all for the 2A and we arent getting anymore concerning out of his Orangenigger ass.

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>concealed/open carry restrictions = GONE
I personally think that the restrictions will be relaxed, not full constitutional carry but hopefully just a routine application to get one. As a side note, I'm still pissed at that nigger Paul Ryan for holding up reciprocal carry.

>mag capacity limits = GONE
Yeah, I can see that happening as mags would be deemed integral and a necessity to having fully functional arms, thus being constitutionally protected.

>assault weapon bans = GONE
More hesitant on this one but I do hope that it'll be revoked across the entirety of the US.

>other restrictive state laws = GONE
Hopefully so.

>NFA = ruled forced tax = GONE
I'm not certain this will go away. Maybe make it easier to get a tax stamp but I doubt it'll go away.

No, we don’t need more niggers

Pure cope. Roberts would never allow something like that, and the 3 hardcore pro-gun justices (Kavanaugh has proven himself to be not hardcore pro-gun) don't have the ability to force the issue.

Gun rights aren't going anywhere until 1, but more likely 2 anti-gun justices are replaced. 3 out of 9 can be called rock solid 2A supporters. That isn't enough for any meaningful progress.

The policy called "Evasion, Capable Of Repetition" was made almost particularly for abortion from these states. It's a doctrine that allows the court to review cases that have been mooted because the state or city in question has shown they are willing to reinstate a law that was going to be reviewed but they used gamesmanship to temporarily evade that judicial review because taking a case to the Supreme Court naturally takes multiple years especially in the 9th circuit. Roberts and Kavanaugh clearly lack the fortitude to stand up to gun control laws otherwise they would have applied that to NYSRPA.

Update: Worman v. Healey (AWB in MA case) is now listed for conference this Friday. Granting cert is a possibility.

Please let this be true, first thing I will do is get a real M4, a silencer and an MP5.

This is some qtier optimism

We can only hope

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