Thoughts? I've noticed this question causes normies to get really confused. Maybe this as a poster would work?

Thoughts? I've noticed this question causes normies to get really confused. Maybe this as a poster would work?

Attached: 1587924190370.png (594x841, 21.43K)

Racism is just familyism. Your race is just your extended family. Is it wrong to want to be around your family?

It's like asking why hell is bad, cuz technically it's not but only retards go there.

Checks out

Did you check OP's flag too or you're just a retard?

I am OP, I had that flag for shitposting purposes

You don't even believe in hell. What are you talking about?

the difference between kike flags and nigger flags is that nigger flags are either total bros or insufferable cunts and you can easily tell which is which while kike flags are always leeches.

Lol you’re Jewish
Why are you Jewish dude just stop it bro

Noting difference and claiming heirarchy are two different things that have been conflated into being the same thing.

you dont believe in hell though mr goldstienburg

Normies have no problem answering that.

>racism leads to opression and unjust outcomes.

>all these leeches trying to copy IOTBW with their own retarded ideas

Why insult urself like that?

>Jew warping definitions
Hell is already clearly defined, not something that you can subvert

So we just say this :>we don't believe in caste systems, what's wrong with acknowledging the differences between groups? Is that not the beauty of diversity?
Or some shit

Racist is so easy to defeat, leaving Jews without any recourse.
In the west, we do not have racism problem: we have an asshole problem. Filthy assholes who spit everywhere, do not work and live 25 of them in a single family home.
There you go. It’s not about race. It’s about assholes who refuse to adapt to western society.

That defeats the purpose of a racial awakening

The meme your trying to articulate already exists.

>diversity is code for white genocide

Because at its root multiculturalism is not just about giving minorities equal rights. It is also about stripping white people of collective sovereignty.

So something like multiculturalism is about destruoing white power. Except white power is code for nazi so.... you cant say that without reformulation

>multiculturalism is about making whites powerless
>multiculturalism is about anihilating whiteness “and thats a good thing”

I mean thats issue. That the true outcome of “multiculturalism” and “diversity” is turning whites into opressed minorities.

Its a beautiful lie. Just like communism.

Beatiful Lies: communsim, diversity, femminsim, equality, democracy.

Everything has a flaw. Including your white idealism. White society has been shitty. Labor houses? Coal mines? Company script? The dust bowl?

The shit is endless. I could spend a day writing about how shitty white society is.

Truth is, those in power hurt those over whom they exercise that power. You are fighting the wrong enemy.

Race is no more than a divide and conquer tactic for the most part. It is effective because it is an innate prejudice and therefore exploitable. But it as materially no effect on outcomes. Workers rights, unions, effective leadership, solidarity. These are the important qualities. The nazi boogeyman is a useful tool.

That language is too intense for normies

>is good thing bad?
are u retarded?

Nah he is right schlep

White disempowerment

Normies still wont buy the meme because they arent stupid enough to buy into your “solution”

At this point that would be classified as "racist" anyway.

Okay, what is the solution then, in your opinion?

Piss off you stupid cananigger. The whole point of “racism” is that it’s a heuristic to find the assholes

Racism in the most worse sense of the word is bad, like to undermine other people or enslave them based on race is objectively bad.

On the other hand it's not bad to have preference for people that look, speak and think like you and wanting to live in a place where they are the majority. The more interfaces there are with the "strangers" the less stranger they are. Living in a place with immigrants that can't speak the language even is 10x different than living in a place where they not only speak the same language but are well integrated members of society mimicing others, even though they might have a different logos root.

Assholes are everywhere. Its just that shitskins have a majority of them, while whites have a minority.

Because at its root multiculturalism is not just about giving minorities equal rights. It is also about stripping white people of collective sovereignty.
are nazis seriously still pushing this nonsense?

Doesn't matter because it scales up with proficiency.

"shitskins" are not the majority of white collar criminals or warhawks that send other people children to fight in the middle east and return home to kill themselves or social engineering.

The wasp elite and the jews are the only partners.

Attached: deathtoll.jpg (720x725, 103.38K)

>White disempowerment is a problem

Thats just a thesis. Its a brand.

So add a : and write your support.

>they always say “ok zogbot”
>never “are you ok zogbot?”

Racism is bad cause, there's a 0.0000001% chance that even a nigger can be a nuclear scientist.

no sweetie, the assholes are racists like you. diversity is our strength

>divide and rule isnt a thing

Did you even read what i wrote or just the first sentence? Yeah....