You want regressive? Because that's what this shit is.
Not good. Not good at all.
And as the article says, this is what's being focused on over there instead of Corona? They're more interested in screwing over trans people?
You want regressive? Because that's what this shit is.
Not good. Not good at all.
And as the article says, this is what's being focused on over there instead of Corona? They're more interested in screwing over trans people?
>Knock, Knock
Hello Based Department...
That tranny in the back is too dumb to wear his mask correctly.
Ending the real pandemic
might move to hungary point staying on a sinking ship
Did this man graduate from Based University?
this is just a joke but i fully support this decision fucking clown LGBTQ retards and their useless priviliges fucking hypocrites like all leftists they are the worlds biggest problems all others want to live a peacful life and there is them creating useless drama out of everything but what the heck am i doing saying the obvious
Fuck your trannies, fuck your niggers, fuck off back to plebbit.
Hail Hungary!
Based. They should be classified as mentally ill.
>You want regressive?
The only relationship and sexual activity that objectively progresses the human race is man/woman relationships engaging in vaginal sex.
Mentally ill individuals having anal sex is an egress.
Can you guys please keep it down? Im on the phone with the based department.
Technically they already are, it's called gender dysphoria
The most appalling part of this article is the fact they recognized them in the first place
Yes can I get an extra based pizza for delivery please?
I love how amid a pandemic, Hungarians still found it within themselves to hold meetings and pass legislation that would help shut down the trans disease. Based, redpilled, and glorious.
I know right? If I had a nickle for every retard I've seen at a Walmart who covers their mouth but not their nose, I'd be at least five bucks richer.
Finally someone is doing, chopping your dick off shouldn't be considered a new gender.
you bet he did
What means the 'recognition'? We seen them as they really are, ugly abominations or wut? Then yeah, we already recognized them as mentally ill pervs.
Btw in Hungary they never had special 'rights' so those nonexistent rights can not be stripped. They have the same rights as any other hungarian citizen. They did not get positive discrimination and privileges, it was their problem? So fuck off why they talk about equal rights if they want more than the average has?
These stories are full of shit, another western puppeted ngo tries to paint us as nazis.
I hope these idiots will get refugee status at the more 'civilized' lmbyqxyz countries and done.
>You want regressive?
Yes. Because you can't allow cancer to progress.
WHO said it’s no longer a mental illness
>nercophilious NPCs try to turn Yas Forums into a reddit/ tumblr like echo chamber of popular, GloboHomo-approved opinions
2nd step is to ban lgbt and feminist propaganda.
based hungarian
WHO has lost all of their credibility. Wanting to chop your cock off or turn your vagina inside out is undeniably a mental illness.
eastern europe is the least affected by the virus
So this is what happens when you're genetically different from the rest of Europe.
If it were anyone else I'd clap. Don't like trannies, but it's fucking Hungary. Trannies are the first to go. They are the first to go in any situation, but this will not stop with trannies.
Based as fuck.
It wont go anywhere much really, it's just a common sense regulation to prevent the subversion of the society from destroying it's cohesion, tradition and the culture.
Who exists to call corona covid-19 so people won't call it the China virus which is now apparently racist