Video of man yelling "Fuck You" and insulting quarantine protestors

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“Look at your cheap walmart shoes” lady sent my sides in orbit. 7/10

Russians at it again, when wil they stop their disinformation campaigns?

Baтныe нeдoyмки.

Honestly think these quarantine restrictions are jew magic. Notice how the s o y bois are the ones arguing for it. They have no problem staying home, playing their Switch and eating vegan tendies. The perfect submissive male for the Jew.

They want any and all dissidents to become as submissive. Don’t give in to them.

Look at your cheap russian shoes, you trumptard. Get an essential job, fuck your daddy isuues.

your country is crumbling right now, Vlad.

coof coof

Do white people really have no shame in wearing/buying clothes from walmart?

Have sex

vocabulary of an eight year old. look at that ham hand too.
Lockdowners need to be isolated and shot.

See this post right here is why I think there's a campaign against the right, america, pol.... I'm not sure who exactly. but one thing I am pretty sure is that fighting to ignore the quarantine is AT BEST, extremely risky. Anyone that's real loud about lifting social restrictions answer me this- whats the long term outlook of having COVID? We don't even know the medium term. Who wants to be the guinipigs and get this in their system so we can wait and see what happens? Maybe I'll get it, maybe I wont but I sure as hell am going to make efforts not to be the first batch where the world 'sees whats up'. So my question is, who is trying to push this mindset and why?

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nice projection

lmao watch anything other than RT


I get my Hanes black socks there but that’s it.

pyccкий yeбoк.

Exactly. What is wrong with these people? We're creating a more significant slave reality if we lose our ability to work/function with an economy. We will become completely reliant on government handouts, rather than having slight self-reliance.

I can't believe these people stormed the Kavanaugh confirmation, according to NOVEL allegations, but they're shitting on protestors when there's an active rape claim against Biden, which entered public record in 1993.

The only people that I ever see in the Walmart clothes section are niggers.

All the comments full of people wanting to suck the
dick of the man yelling "Fuck You"

>Only the emasculated will give up its freedoms to the globalist.

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Y i k e s. Nike dry fit black socks are the superior socks. Yall really dont have any shame

I wouldnt know, I dont step inside walmart. I go to Target like the other civilized folk

When russians came to America for the first time, they thought it is Heaven, where everything falls to white people. But after many years of struggling, russians realized that you have to work hard, even if you look white. White americans work hard, but russians wanted everything for free. The entitlement they carried from Soviet times, when all non russians worked in Gulag to feed these parasites.

Now, they hate America, they can’t associated themselves with white americans, because they are not hardworking, and they don’t want to go back to Russia, because deep down they know what a shithole place it is.

I’ve been working the whole time bro. Flying all over the country. New Orleans, New York, etc.
No PPE. Zero fucks given.
I have nearly died multiple times from illness and car wrecks etc.
This hoax is all the result of extreme herd mentality driven by the media and the internet.
Just live your life.


>so stop shirking your responsibility at globalcorp and get back to work!!!

So that you know, russians love to pinpoint your low income status too. Typical behaviour of a russian trash.

I have OCD so the Hanes are the only ones that don’t fuck me up where I can feel the toe stitches.

finally someone in wisconsin that's worthy of a visit and he won't meet. buddy, please let me beat a hole into your head.

White trash, look at your cheap socks from Dollar Tree.

the fuck did you say about my socks?

>I believe in science
>Its super dangerous
>Thats why Im here standing next to this big group of people.

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Vlad, stop your disinfo campaigns please

Nike doesnt have that toe stitching either, and it's a more breathable material so your feet dont get sweaty, good for athletic work

Pretty solid trolling, desu. He's lucky enough to be taken of by his wife who dances on tiktok all day while some people need to actually work to support their family

The weird thing is if the virus was as deadly as they wish it was, those bearded women would not have the nerve to stand that close to unmasked people.
He's just white knighting for the jews.

>Nike dry fit
Yeah, you're a pleb.

This is like Podesta berating people for kidnapping kids in Europe.

Chances he uploaded this to reddit for upboats?

We don't know the medium term because we don't know any term, or that it even exists.

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Dont you have some Great Value socks to pick up? I'm sure they will look really nice in your sketchers new balance, with your cargo shorts, and funny graphic tee. Dont forget your 5 dollar sun glasses, and your pocket knife Matthew. Who knows today might be the day you'll actually need to cut something

Who are we kidding you carry that pocket knife to compensate for your tiny pocket penis

>>Go inside!! If you are outside you are Killing people!!

>>Dude you are outside !!?????


The fact this idiot is outside "dying" proves 100% he is a liar and he knows coronahoax is a hoax himself.
Hero confronts Coronavirus Hoaxers

>interview with nurse laid off for the hoax “I was laid off because we have no patients” “friends in the ICU unit are getting cancelled shifts, main hospitals in the Cleveland area"

>>covid tent is dance tent

>>nurses tiktok dance, no social distancing

We want to go outside obviously because the virus is fake. Leftists screaming and REEEEEEEing proves it's fake too.
(If it was a real "deadly virus") then all these Leftists who hate us would cheer and encourage us conservatives to go outside every day. They would be overjoyed to watch us go out and kill ourselves.
Leftists, politicians, police and Chris Cuomo go outside and go to work every day, which proves that this is a nothing hoax virus. The MEDIA are outside every day sobbing about how people outside are going to die WTF WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE THEN MEDIA??? (Obviously because the virus is fake, a nothing, and the media know it)

>>TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
>>>go inside
>>empty inside
>>inside elmhurst

Lmao. I hope this becomes a thing. These people deserve to be humiliated

Mask Shaming

the thing is the people proposing that we just stay home for 9 months have no plan either. wait until it suddenly disappears one day? send a government agent to your house so you dont go outside when you test positivie on a test that has a 30 percent false positive rate?
The government has just allowed every small business in america to go bust over what MIGHT be a bad virus, and now that we can see it is as bad as a tough flu, they have completely changed the goal of the lockdown from preparing hospitals to just shutting everything down until further notice. And they will do nothing to protect the people from the financial disaster that they allowed to happen.
There is no reason we should be locked in our homes under threat of arrest, required to wear masks at the threat of a 1000 dollar fine. absolutely none

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Imagine being an atheist in 2020. It’s not edgy or cool anymore it’s time to stop.

Godless ape Go back to kissing niggers for your good boy points on reddit fag.
Go to hell.

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Poor people don't. I came from a upper middle class family, and my wife from a poor one. She tried to make our kids wear clothes from Goodwill and I threw them out. That caused one hell of a fight

>mumbling "fuck you" and "god hates trump" over and over is trolling
I think he just looks like a schizo personally, he's picking on a bunch of people in hopes of eliciting a reaction so that the protest can get shut down when it turns violent.

People like him would be shot or beat to death the minute martial law was declared.