Why are nonwhites incapable of treating animals in a non-barbaric manner?
Animal on Animal attack
I don't trust Browns and blacks with animals at all tbqh.
If I ever see one outside, walking their dog, I just assume that one day they'll freak out and beat it to death (probably film it on tiktok too)
Whites aren’t much better. i.e. Tiger King. All humans suck.
I’m starting to conclude that what distinguishes humans from ‘animals’ is our inherent wretchedness.
Nothing that falls under the category of ‘animal’ behaves in such an outrageous manner. Everything in nature and the animal kingdom is filled with purpose. The killing and devouring of one animal by another is out of instinct and necessity and never for its own sake or for the pleasure of seeing the other suffer.
But what purpose and necessity is served by this man’s cruel actions against this innocent creature?
we must be some kind of aberration
Shut the fuck up Paco get the fuck out of my country.
Fuck. First time I read it I read it as Reheading I was very confused there for a minute.
this. they just dont have the mental capaticy to empathize with another living thing. basically a bunch of pyschos
>animals only kill to eat
No. They also kill for sexual gratification. The difference between humans and animals is that we know not to do those things and abstain while animals have no ability to cogitate morality.
Divide & Conquer. A tried and true technique, even if absurdly simple to recognize.
Meet Henry. Now this good ol boy was taught by his whore mother how to kill and have sex with all kinds of animals.
His father was a legless wheelchair cuck who (along with 9 year old Henry) was forced to watch her have sex with clients.
if thats your best example, you are a fucking retard. kys loser
carnivores have been known to kill other animals for fun and leave the body, user.
Make me faggot.
Shouldn't you be jacking off to your women getting fucked by blacks? Your race is going extinct lmao
>dude whats per capita lmao
based nonwhite retard poster
Cats kill for fun and play with their prey. Man is a rising beast, not a fallen angel.
>animals are food you degenerate
You fucking faggots will simp out over a god damn cat or dog. It's no wonder you shower every nigger, faggot, communist, kike and child molesting cross-dresser with legal protection and impunity from prosecution for being a god damn degenerate. The White race is literal AIDS incarnate. You have no capacity to condemn anyone else considering that your race is nothing more than the mindless host body for the parasitic kikes.
"I respect animal welfare" literally means "I respect the welfare of subhumans, degenerates and parasites within society." ;
>You faggots are upset about a cat being beheaded?
>You fucks are literally supposed to behead the human infidels and parade their heads on sticks
>This is the definition of civilization
>Western "tolerance" is literally AIDS
>This migrant savage is more fucking civilized than your entire race
>The White Race is entirely subhuman
Dolphins like to rape sea creatures bro
This fine young cannibal preferred fucking the brains out of gay black men. Is this /ourguy/
They isn't have souls, they don't have any real connection to nature
Ooga booga
Me angry
Me wait until opportunity then kill
>t. Tyrone Ortiz
Whites are built for BBC
>chang posting
how quaint
Naah. Bbc was made for cow buttholes. That's all.
MASSIVE low IQ energy
fuck cats spic bro did nothign worng
gimme some examples
You don't want me to do that. Just turn yourself in and you'll be safe. If you leave it up to me you're gonna regret it.
No one is defending the actions of tiger king and he’s in prison. You defend these illegals just for being brown.
>doesnt address the other guys mention of 'per capita'
You dumb monkey nigger, your black ass doesnt even know what the words mean
>but whypipo do bad things too!!!!1
Free will
Whites are just as bad with animal, shit white people created zoos, I’ll leave it at that.
White females treat animals, especially male dogs, in a barbaric manner.
Rising towards what? Ever new ways to dominating and destroying each other? Towards new ways of satisfying our base instincts?
There is much that is admirable in man but we need to remember our place as well. We are not gods (i.e.infallible, etc.).
This isn’t only a christian sentiment but a pagan/philosophical one as well (see Socrates, whose tactic was To often show that you can be mistaken about things you feel you are certain of).
Ah yes those horrible places where they get medical care and are safe from predators
Why do whites fuck animals? Like states literally have law legalizing zoophilia in the USA. Also, why White Europeans have animal rape dungeons and create zoophilia porn websites? I don't get it? Is it because their ancestors did it so much?
Not an exclusively non white thing. Plenty of sickos with white skin too. Get off on torturing animals.