/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3483

► Detected: 3,020,243 (+26,981) ► Died: 208,491 (+1,576) ► Day: 109 (-10:09:31)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,595 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Archive of content deleted by China

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Archive of content deleted by China

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

Low antibody levels raise questions about reinfection risk

r0 between 3.8 and 8.9, according to the CDC

Air conditioning helps corona propagate faster

Virus manifests as lung abnormalities

Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

Over 36,000 deaths went unreported in 7 countries and 3 cities

90% of positives in antibody tests might be false positives

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

▶ 285 new cases and 27 new deaths in Poland
▶ 4 new cases in Madagascar
▶ 27 new cases and 2 new deaths in Czechia
▶ 61 new cases in Bahrain
▶ 482 new cases and 9 new deaths in Chile
▶ 3130 new cases and 430 new deaths in the United States
▶ 17 new cases and 2 new deaths in Greece
▶ 2 new deaths in Isle of Man
▶ 5 new cases in Cyprus


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Denmark NUMBA wan

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First for fuck off we're full and you can't come in to the corona free wonderland


fuck PRC

Why does the one at the front have his mask off?

is it safe to come out yet, anons?

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This disease is highly more contagious than we know and it's also highly more deadly than we know. This has been around since at least July 2019 and it has infected the world's population multiple times over already. With each reinfection it does more damage to the host, however at first this damage is not noticeable. As more infections happen, people should start getting seriously sick based on how weak their immune systems are. This is why old people are dropping first but also people in the 40-60 year range, which while having stronger immune systems, they're active in the workforce and thus have more chances of being reinfected multiple times. Current outbreaks we see in cities like New York are the result of many waves of reinfections (probably 10+).

What we should start seeing as more reinfections occur is that eventually younger people will start getting affected more, and children should start falling BEFORE people in the 10-30yo range, since younger children are more fragile than those at their peak of health and youth. And this is what's happening now: theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/27/nhs-warns-of-rise-in-children-with-new-illness-that-may-be-linked-to-coronavirus. Keep your eyes open for more news like this, where it says that many children are falling to one disease or another and that what's happening to them is unexplainable, because the way kids and those in the 10-30yo range will fall will not be the same as the ones falling from weaker immune systems.

And also keep an eye out for Brazil, what will happen is that Brazil will be one of the first countries where a really bad wave of reinfections will start taking a higher number of people out than what has been seen in the rest of the world, because our winter is coming and many states will experience their flu season as well as their worst coronavirus reinfection wave the same time, something that didn't happen in the Northern Hemisphere.

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>inb4 immunelets bleating helplessly about their eventual deaths
Reminder that you are a true coward if you are scared of this.

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Not one person, /cvg/.
Not one.

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This has done so much good for me. Every last attachment to normality, like thinking money is actually worth something, or thinking some people are salvagable, is gone. Now I know it's fake, there are just too many retards, and I want everything to burn in Her plaguefires.
Thank you coronachan.

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When you start it


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He just wants to grill for God's sake

how else will he show you his reddened face with the very slight marks anyone would have after taking off a mask. lol

Reminder that nothingburgers are CCP shills trying get China off the hook for unleashing this massive fart on the civilized world.

holy fuck

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>Nationally, 5,586 people or 83 per cent have recovered from the disease, leaving 1,051 confirmed cases still current or “active”.

Who here glad that it really became a nothing burger thanks to lockdown and we can go back to normal in about 2 weeks while the mongs have to lockdown for longer cause they took 100 years to shut everything down.

you're in america, so yes

>Billions of crisis actors!

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Didn't say that annnnd you can't post ONE.

#1 United States 990,290 (55,843) #2 Spain 229,422 (23,521) #3 Italy 197,675 (26,644) #4 France 162,100 (22,856) #5 Germany 158,142 (5,985) #6 United Kingdom 152,840 (20,732) #7 Turkey 110,130 (2,805) #8 Iran 91,472 (5,806) #9 Russia 87,147 (794) #10 China 82,830 (4,633) #11 Brazil 63,328 (4,298) #12 Canada 47,319 (2,617) #13 Belgium 46,687 (7,207) #14 Netherlands 38,245 (4,518) #15 Switzerland 29,164 (1,640) #16 India 28,380 (886) #17 Peru 27,517 (728) #18 Portugal 24,027 (928) #19 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #20 Ireland 19,262 (1,087) #21 Sweden 18,926 (2,274) #22 Saudi Arabia 18,811 (144) #23 Israel 15,466 (202) #24 Austria 15,274 (549) #25 Mexico 14,677 (1,351) #26 Singapore 14,423 (12) #27 Pakistan 13,909 (292) #28 Chile 13,813 (198) #29 Japan 13,441 (372) #30 Poland 11,902 (562) #31 Romania 11,339 (631) #32 Belarus 11,289 (75) #33 Qatar 11,244 (10) #34 South Korea 10,738 (243) #35 United Arab Emirates 10,349 (76)…

#1 Russia +6,198 (+47) #2 United States +3,130 (+430) #3 Spain +2,793 (+331) #4 Saudi Arabia +1,289 (+5) #5 Iran +991 (+96) #6 Mexico +835 (+46) #7 Belarus +826 (+3) #8 Pakistan +581 (+11) #9 Belgium +553 (+113) #10 Bangladesh +497 (+7) #11 India +490 (+5) #12 Chile +482 (+9) #13 Brazil +469 (+27) #14 Canada +424 (+57) #15 Netherlands +400 (+43) #16 Ukraine +392 (+11) #17 Germany +372 (+9) #18 Romania +303 (+12) #19 Sweden +286 (+80) #20 Poland +285 (+27) #21 Egypt +248 (+20) #22 Panama +241 (+6) #23 Serbia +233 (+6) #24 Indonesia +214 (+22) #25 Kuwait +213 (+2) #26 Philippines +198 (+10) #27 Afghanistan +172 (+7) #28 Portugal +163 (+25) #29 Dominican Republic +158 (+4) #30 Denmark +123 (+5) #31 Finland +119 (+3) #32 Switzerland +103 (+30) #33 Bolivia +84 (+4) #34 Hungary +83 (+8) #35 Moldova +73 (+6)…

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That is the spirit. Fire purifies and Corona-chan is hot that is for sure

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ironically, it is Mainland China vho depends on export market... they're committing murder-suicide to their economy

Just inject bleach and gamma waves into your system user, lol coronabeerus got fucked lelelelellele xdddd miga

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Its just a flue

That is what Corona-chan looks like unmitigated and without access to modern medicine.
She is a monster in the form of a cute girl
Which reminds me of this song

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Yeah but I just need someone else than US intelligence telling me that CHYNA did it.
Like the rule of the thumb is usually do exactly opposite to what CIA says.

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How many people are just in their homes dead?

Can't get a mask to cover his Jew nose.

*stabs you*

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Spent 5 seconds in FineReader to convert pic related Wuhan Flu survival guide into readable format:

Attached: how to survive chink flu by some faggot who likes memespeak too much.png (720x8209, 1.22M)

Lots. They'll still be finding bodies next year.

Becoming a tranny cures coronavirus, or at least that's what they want you to think

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Hello fell 4channers! remember it's a big "nothing-burger"! Just look at my forced Hill Dawg tier meme

>calling for dox/raid etc

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>Thread is slowed down
Nothingburger confirmed.
You fags lost.

>He thinks we can get a hold of precious personal contact info of someone who's died of the virus
Epic retard.

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>Just doxx the sick
Doxxing is not allowed on Yas Forums, if there was info it was removed
>see nothingburger

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ls this the plot to an anime?

This makes you just as much of a sheep as the sheeple you make fun of

So, what’s going to happen to /cvg/ when this whole thing is realized to be a nothingburger and the country opens up without any issues?
You gonna shift goalposts again?

Imagine the nothingburgers who wants things to go back to normal. Imagine thinking that clown world was normal to begin with. Time to give these reddit idiots their baptism.

They're saying the excess mortality is because people are afraid of going to the hospital now

We are truly the master race

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I know like 20 people, so unless there's 60 million dead in the USA I wouldn't expect to

I also didn't know anyone who died in Iraq or Afghanistan, are they all crisis actors too?

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Whats really funny is watching all the doomsday preppers getting BTFO. They spent all thier time building stockpiles of MREs, guns, and ammo but never took care of thier finances.

Same people are up to thier eyeballs in debt, car payments, mortgages, and never kept more than a few hundred bucks cash in thier bank accounts.Spent all thier time getting ready for the kind of disaster where you don't have to pay your bills only to get fucked by an empty bank account once they lost thier jobs.

I spent a lot of time and effort maintaining enough savings so that I could go 3 months with zero income, and its paid off a hell of a lot more than having a small warehouse of mountainhouse and .22 ammo in my basement.

Can they fucking stop

I could name two but I would just be a libtard gommie shill so what's the point

▶ 1739 new cases and 333 new deaths in Italy
▶ 799 new cases and 2 new deaths in Singapore
▶ 432 new cases and 57 new deaths in Canada
▶ 10 new cases in Albania

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Implying you won’t have an outbreak the moment you start accepting foreign tourists.
The secret is in the U.K. we’re still going for here immunity but we’re starting with the NHS staff, the delivery drivers and the supermarket staff. All customer facing staff here have already been exposed. The people most likely to pass this shit about will have had it.
Next it will be meaningless clothes and media shops to expose the teenagers/uneducated workers there. Then builders will return to normal, then once the second/third wave is subsiding we will open schools and unis for the final wave of infections.

Isn’t it pretty obvious? Who else would fuck up this bad regardless if it originated from a mismanaged lab or a disgusting market?

>17% unemployment and rising
30% soon

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>my mate Dave
>my mate Dave's dad

>what is hyperbole

But yeah man. Children in incubators n sheeet

>Last week, doctors on Long Island in New York started treating Covid-19 patients with estrogen in an effort to increase their immune systems, and next week, physicians in Los Angeles will start treating male patients with another hormone that is predominantly found in women, progesterone, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can potentially prevent harmful overreactions of the immune system.

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wumao spotted
>there's only black-and-white
>unironically not acknowledging that USA did nothing to stop mask hoarding by mainlanders expats
> not acknowledging that PRC doesn't give information about this until it's too late

Stupid schizos, nothing is happening
Take your meds
Greece lockdown ends in 1 week, things all over the world are returning to normal

>This kills the medless schizoid

You now have broke people with guns.
Do the math.

>mass panic
>weapons stockpiles
My kind of anime

>start accepting foreign tourists
Nah not accepting any. We can go outside soon and the borders are closed. We are completely self sufficient and grow enough food 3 times over.

Enjoy your dead monarchy.

The cure truly is worse than the disease!

No, and I am really showing my age, but for some reason I am reminded of Vandread where men and women end up living on separate planets. Its a fun little harem and this girl is actually a male spy living among the women.
Fucking hot

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