Why are young men checking out from society?

Why are young men checking out from society?

And what can be done about it?

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Genetically modified catgirl servants

I want to clean that room

Convert to Christianity first.

Sexbots. With incubation chamber.

the room of a fat fagot tranny....kys

Because society offers nothing but disappointment and degeneracy. The best way to get away from it is to become a hermit in the woods or a NEET in a lair. Everyone lives once and those hating on secluded lifestyle are just jealous of those who can do whatever the fuck they want.


I checked out because I was constantly being treated like shit, why work a job I hate to pay for a life I also hate?

I'd marry this man. Brings back middle school memories.

create a society worth checking in to

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If you are smart enough to ask this question then you already know the answer as to why it's happening.

Men have been replaced with Women and foreigners because they are cheaper, easier to control, and drive wages to rock bottom. Capitalists have decided that Men are obsolete. Welcome to the Brave New World.

>when you're literally being genocided
>why aren't you happy user?
fuck these swine

Start lifting weights and nobody will treat you like shit.


my room looks a bit like that

> And what can be done about it?
Nothing. The more Millenial "males" check out, the more Millenial girls available for us Gen-Xers.

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Who pays for all that?

Computer room mcdonalds?

bullshit, I lifted weights for a year, then went to a club, a group of women said I looked like mclovin, a faggot threw a drink at me for not talking to him long enough or something

>Being attracted to old hags

>Why are young men checking out from society?
autism is mostly men

Where's the benefit? The idea of a normal life is dead any man with a shred of dignity will check out.Self improvement is a meme modern society views those improvements as a negative, there's no reason to improve for ones self if there as there is no community to give back to.There is no urgency in modern life.Collapse of neoliberalism is the only option.

Thats my room but without the money to buy junk food

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By becoming a foot soldier of a future fascist army waiting to be lead by the next Hitler

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But how do you pay for anything? House food at least

I'm surprised there's internet in the rice field

Bro have some respect for yourself. How are you supposed to build your life up when you cant even control your room.

>clean your room
>take a shower
>set some small goals

Life isn't easy but it isnt hard either. Dont get tunnel vision on the big picture. You dont build a wall by saying you want to build a wall. You build a wall by saying you're going to lay this brick, as precisely as you can. Followed by the next brick, until you have a wall

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>for a year
Lol do you think that's long? You're literally swimming in the toddler pool. Try 5 years. Consistently. Every 2nd day. No alcohol. Great nutrition. Then report back if anything treats you like shit.

I had a piece of my dick cut out of society as a baby so I figure I might as well cut the rest of me out too.

Yeah and thanks to internet judeo-western degeneracy is brough here

It's pretty fucking gay is why.

Worse pay-off relative to the past

when you finally publish your study I will make sure you have to retract it.

Are you fucking retarded ? I'm 259 and bench 405. I'm big as fuck and get tons of shit. However people will only go so far thou, your right about that.

What is it with americans and dr pepper.

But you literally cannot do whatever you want. You have no money, no skills, no expertise, nothing. You are a completely useless human being that only survives because money is given to you and others provide for you. Imagine wasting your youth on video games instead of developing a marketable skill.

Did I say it's long? You said
>Start lifting weights and nobody will treat you like shit.
Learn the definition of "start" dumbass

Not completely anti-social. There is a Cajon for the rare occasion when invited to a drum circle.

>spend 5 years starving and torturing yourself so you can get some roastie slut whose slept with 50 guys and a dead end mcjob where you are expected to interact with niggers and third worlders every day
Modern Society

It’s the only doctor most of us can afford

Did that. I noticed people respecting me more but I still hate society.
Why work hard to feed merkels niggers when I see old people (the ones who literally rebuilt this nation) picking bottles from the trash to make ends meet?
It's heartbreaking.

Why is Yas Forums a MK Ultra experiment to humiliate the userbase and get them to experience severe stress just like what happened to Ted Kaczynski under clinical settings at Harvard? 85% of the threads are something to that end. I know I am experiencing those negative affects as I have become hateful, stuttering, and withdrawn with no remedy in sight.

Also my IP range is banned from creating threads.

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because it's getting crazier out there

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you have nothing to lose jungle monkey

As ever it is easy to point at society and parents, but everything starts with the self. These young men check out of society because they fail at life.

Maybe instead of making the same thread every day you could do something substantial with your life.

T. Essential worker on break

Your country is about to lose to durkadurkas and monkeys. That's sad

>spending half a decade gymceling for nothing
No thank you, looks are 70% genetic, 30% effort.

>>And what can be done about it?
Nothing. Let the collapse come.

Imagine developing a marketable skill and then feeling bound by it after.

There’s nothing stopping a NEET from self training, but in the end there’s no reason to bother.

Dogs are living happier lives than people.

remove women's rights

And herein is the problem that you said yourself without realizing it.

If it were a problem with girls, society would be saying "but muh giiiiirls"

If it were a problem with hispanics, it would be "but it's not fair and we need more culture building for latinx"

If it's for blacks, it's "but muh slavery, they still haven't recovered"

If it's for Jews it's "but the holocaust, Jews have it rough!"

If it's for fags, "zomg poor fags can't fuck people of the same gender without feeling socially awkward, we need to fix this"

But when it happens to a white male, it's their fault because they fail at life.

I hope someday we can get the young white men mobilized again.

A lack of war and the best solution is war. Nothing like being shot at with a machine gun covered in mud and other people's internal organs. You quickly forget how difficult your life was when you need to go to work and talk to people. You reenter the society and are grateful. Some will shoot up a church but most will be revitalized. This is the only proven solution on how to strengthen the man. Woodworking alone won't do I'm afraid.

at least. but really thats not even the point. im not marrying a woman for any reason when she can just divorce me for half my shit on a whim.

point is, when you take a step back, theres a ton of reasons men are checking out of society. the real question is, why havent the rest of you?

MUH marketable skill

That's what your entire identity is bound to. You are a product. A human resource.

Pretty much nothing. I just wanna sleep.

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Two words: clown world

From a US/west perspective:
Provide fair compensation for their work, provide real wage growth. As is income inequality makes the game seem rigged (it is). A Plutocracy of short sighted robber barons rule this country because everyone sees themselves as “temporarily embarrassed millionaires”. We’re no better than Russia.

Come back when you graduate high school

Why participate in a society that only wants to see me fail? Why bother when I'll just end getting divorced and having to pay child support and alimony for the rest of my life? I'm just gonna do what I need to do to survive until I finally muster the balls to blow my brains out.

>implying I lift for roasties
Man is modelled after the image of god. Fucking act like it. No great mind can reside in a mediocre body.
Fucking defeatist. Lifting has tons of benefits.
>more confidence
>more respect
>more attractive
And it's not hard work if you truly enjoy it.

You're onto something. I can't post images

> And what can be done about it?
Parents should kick them out of their house

It's kinda gross but not even that bad. 20 minutes and you could have it looking presentable. Just need to clean up some trash and vacuum a little.

>A lack of war and the best solution is war.

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Yep, men are defined first and foremost by their craft. Blacksmith, farmer, physician, and so on. Always have been and always will be. We are a producing animal. We take raw resources, shape them using our knowledge, and make something useful like a computer or a car. Not reaching your potential by not applying yourself to some craft is a waste of a man's life.

Imagine kicking all the kikes and shitskins back to their countries, emptying their bank accounts and dispersing it to the population they tried to genocide.

does anyone else like to dream?

I feel this. As a divorced guy paying child support with a marriage that went off the rails entirely because people on social media make an effort to convince women that they should try to search for some rich 10/10 guy, I’ve pretty much given up.

Now neither of us are as happy as we used to be, but there’s no going back.