Sorry, only foreigners have the skills needed.
Unemployed? Willing to work as fruit picker?
Why are beaners so fat, despite working outside?
U don't think the author knows the meaning of the word 'skill'.
What skill is required? I didn't think being in shape enough to move around all day is considered a skill.
We need ubi, there aren't enough jobs available for everyone.
Well fuck you your fruit can rot
I wonder if these (((journalists))) will regret writing articles like this when they're hanging from a lamppost
The government owes its citizens bread and circuses (NEETbux). Let the slaves (illegals) do all the work.
Rome had it right the first time.
The ability to have the rest of your family living in another country where minimum wage is enough to buy a house.
If it is a such a highly skilled profession they can pay better wages and offer benefits to attract and retain workers.
>natives don't want these simple manual labour jobs anyway!
Laid off natives inquire
>this is a highly skilled job so we need all that unskilled labour from overseas!
they'll shout their innocence til their last breath
>wages are fucked
>unions are fucked
>unions were fucked by the dems
>unions protected the worker and guaranteed wages
t. office cuck
>this is not an "unskilled" job
>You have to work quickly, carrying heavy bags of apples, or bent over picking strawberries
>they think this counts as "skilled" labor
I remember when teenagers used to do this
>t. the writer of the article
What are the many reasons for this other it being physical?
Have you ever seen actual food harvesters work? Not the ones on TV in fancy fruit drink commercials? These fuckers are using machetes faster than Connor McGregor can throw a punch, 50 feet in the air in 90 degree temperatures for over 12 hours straight, 6 days a week to be able to meet the MINIMUM they need to keep their job. It’s not intellectual, but it does take skill to be quick and to be safe.
Of course it's a fucking British article
>What skill is required
The skill to accept shit pay and being treated like a slave
Nigger this is the UK. We grow strawberries and apples and that's about it. Fruit picking here is crouching down and picking a small berry off a plant. It's not hard.
"you dont want to do those jobs."
will do those jobs.
"you dont have the skills to do those jobs."
have experience in doing farm labor.
"sorry we just use immigrant slave labor who we can overwork abuse and pay close to nothing."
any employer who uses an immigrant laborer when 30 million americans lost their job thanks to corona should be jailed.
Pay an honest wage, and people will do it.
Don't, and fucking die with your shitty farm.
Fuck anyone who resort to foreign workers, and their families, and their deads, fuck everything they stand for.
>pay is shit
>quota is unreasonable and lead to dangerous work practices
>hours are terrible
>benefits are non-existent
The employer can change any of those things to attract local workers.
I love the admission of underpaid slave labor that everyone overlooks.
If you support these farms then you have no right to complain about minimum wage jobs, nor can you argue about your country loosing money to foreign ones that is what these farmers are doing, propping up foreign countries (potential drugs, terrorism, foreign dictators, etc).
To me it seems like it's all a scam I'll bet the foreign workers are paid even less the farmers take money for rent and feeding these people and the companies that are middlemen to get them the employment take at bare minimum a 50% cut (someone is paying for the airfare).
Tonnes of people argue against Automation and say it's coming but here is one of the most important sectors that is actively not investing in it so you know they have to be profiting off of 'human misery' as so many make out the job is.
I've picked strawberries on a commercial farm. It's not that easy. That being said, it isn't as hard as this faggot makes it out to be.
You haven't worked a day in your life have you faggot.
Your sarcasm detector is broken
they like migrant workers because they don't quit and work hard, because they know if they don't meet quotas they could be sent back.
More like the (((farmers))) are unwilling to pay a wage that’s not half of minim wage they’re allowed to pay temp workers. Also they can’t claw back most of your earnings by making you rent a shack off then at an exorbitant price
Because working outside isn’t really hard. Do you actually think picking produce takes that much energy or is hard?
t. worked on a strawberry farm
I've loaded tractor trailers full of boxes for a living, somehow I think I could manage. The problem is people think they are too good for honest hard work, it's an issue we've inherited form our eternal anglo forefathers, it's in the DNA to try to scheme and middleman instead of working.
The wife and I got a letter from the Federal Government today explaining the new stimulus bill. Signed by Trump. Was like "cool". Then, I flipped it over and saw the same letter was written in Mexican. Fuck the US...I hope this shit crashes hard.
>third world pol people are skilled
>they work harder than westerners
That’s why third world countries have to import labor from Australia and America to get labor intensive jobs done in mines and oil fields.