If you're against space exploration and NASA's budget you're an actual 80 IQ mutt
If you're against space exploration and NASA's budget you're an actual 80 IQ mutt
No such a thing.
Muh space exploration muh a.i muh eternal life.
Muh Mars mission. Muh sacred geometry muh special dick secrets
Space is a made-up conspiracy theory made by the libtards to justify pissing away taxpayers money
Again, it must be hard to wrap your head around if you're of the 80 IQ category
Space is a joke. Aliens are demons and industrial technology is evil. Space nerds are just looking for a new escapism because they don't want to face up their problems here and fix the planet because they don't like the only viable solutions since those solutions hurt people's feelings.
How can space exist, in empty space?
I’m not against it. I think as a species we haven’t weeded out the retards enough to expand on it. An elysium would be dope though wouldn’t have to deal with all the white trash and others
man those pictures are so gorgeous. we had an astronaut come to our school to give a talk in the 90s. was pretty awesome. probably one of the reasons im a ham and into electronics today.
plus satellite work is fun. even pulling GOES data is neat.
damn savage
I'm for space exploration because we need to find a planet to ship the niggers to.
agreed, nebulae are the best astronomical objects
Wasting money while we do not have the technology to effectively explore space is fucktarded, call me when they can establish colonies on the moon.
Prove space is real without a cgi pic or video. I'll wait.
Pillars of creation.
Truly magnificient, as a kid i marveled at their beauty.
I'm all for space exploration, as most rational people. However-
>childhood is idolizing NASA to carry humanity to the stars
>adulthood is realizing that NASA is yet another inefficient bloated appendage of the govt and is on the verge of being rapidly outpaced by private companies
We could have established moon colonies 30 years ago. Then the entirety of Latin America decided to come here and demand welfare.
Listen el abominacion, people had to build little shitty boats unable to navigate shallow Waters so then in some time they could cross an entire fucking ocean to kill your ancestors.
The same is with space.
You mean like the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa? Average I.Q. = 70. That's why so many white women love them, dumb as fucking dirt and easy to control with their gash
I agree, but fixing shit on Earth should be priority. How can we be building moon bases and sending men to Mars when Somalians are taking over our cities and driving on the wrong side of the fucking road?
It's our space agency, you muslim fleshlight.
How else do you technology progresses than by incremental steps? Do you think if NASA hadn't laid the foundations in the 60s and 70s that we would have reusable launch systems of today, or if we don't continue to develop these now that, magically, we will make a leap and the technology becomes feasible in the future? Are you retarded?
If you weren't a poor fuck you could just buy a telescope, point it up, and see for yourself
we would be better off dumping the money and brain power into ocean exploration.
>Space exploration
>implying space even exists outside of the solar system
We've wasted billions of dollars on go-nowhere missions and projects like Artemis which have become politicized. The only worthwhile work to be done in space is asteroid mining, there's nothing else up there and we already live on a planet that might as well be a giant Garden of Eden compared to the rest of space.
You know if your whole race would commit sepuku, we all would gain from it.
If you are pro space but support government funded programs to colonize other celestial bodies you're an actual 80 IQ mutt. SpaceX is building an interplanetary space vehicle in a field in Texas because the aforementioned government wouldn't stop shilling billions for Boeing to make blueprints that never materialize.
all civilisations either become spacefaring or extinct. fact.
Space is a myth, it couldn't exist you retard!
You are boldly going out of your tiny mind
Obviously you've never looked through a telescope lmao.
Why is that your only arguement. Wouldnt it be extremely easy to prove space is real without a cgi image after 60 years in space? Come on faggot with the highest IQ, tell me where is the real proof.
>(You)ing the whole thread
>even people agreeing with you
All civilizations that have gone spacefaring can still become extinct
>people are still fighting the progress of our technology
after you reincarnate a couple times you're gonna be pissed when Earth joins the federation
>Space exploration
Why are you accusing America's muslim outreach organization of exploring space?
NASA can fly anything that doesn't blow up.
Seethe more.
Why are you so sure there has ever been another civilization in the first place?
It's a shame that all of your images are computer generated or "colorized" or flat out fake.
Only commies are against space exploration because it goes hand-in-hand with their anti-progress message.
You see this often with global warming protestors as well.
Make no mistake, climate change is a real problem that has to be dealt with. Unfortunately, most organizations are full of commies who want us to end things like air travel rather than improving our current methods to pollute less.
The real redpill...