China or USA

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I've gotten to a point where it's not even the jews causing all the problems this year anymore, it's literally china everywhere.

Have you guys take the tiny yellow ding dong pill yet???

Its still the jews. Chinese have always been filthy disease infected insectoids. Jewish globalism allowed it to spread.

Welcome to the club fren. But the chinks keep trying to redirect blame away from themselves so don't fall for it.


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USA because we don't torture and then eat our best friends.

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>shit or piss

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Your pic left out organ harvesting, hapa

>family values
Says the nation with the highest rate of infant female homicide rates

CCP strives to build a comunity of cooperation and shared future for humanity

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Biggest Ally is very bad lately.
I think I will side with China.

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Make mine Israel

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>alliance between jews and chongs
Kikes on suicide watch

actions speak louder than words and chink actions show 0 evidence of showing any morality or equality

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The Chinese got styled on by the nomads, they have been the eternal mutt for 1000 years

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yeah I'm out

Are the paying you in vodka or krokodil?

Even the the jew'd USA is better than china

In maga tears

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>Tranny Pedophile Psychopath Kabbalist Cannibals
>Soulless Organ Harvesting Hive Mind Bug People
What a time to be alive

But how do you inject the Maga tears when your arm is all rotted away from intrapenis codeine use? Why are you so silly slavchink?

I inject my rotten my rotten dick into your mom tho

>Russia - the nation of Slavchinks that let Bolshevik Jews take over their country, slaughter millions of ethnic white people, and then raped their way into the heart of white civilization.

Fuck you Russia.

USA. Americans at least value sembleances of freedom, plus foundational America was absolutely based. Patriot-scholar warriors who were known as Fathers and rallied the land. China was founded by fucking MAO who was the king of nigger tierserfs that single handedly manage to DESTROY THOUSANDS OF YEARS of chinese history, basically wiped out the chinese intellectual class, and created the modern retarded survilliance state filled with low IQ insect "people".

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>implying jews don't want us all to turn into chinese insect people
That's literally the end game goal. That's why they promote muttification, that's why they cover and shill so hard for China. They don't give a fuck about China, they're just using it as a means to an end.

I choose

lmao. chinks with science and technology. those fucks stole everything from the west. kek
