I have these ideas:
>Governments give jobs to people who have been unemployed for a long time, no other criteria involved.
This one is pretty much needed, especially because men with no social skills or contacts (neets) are totally unemployable and no one will ever give them a chance. No one seems to be considering this, so maybe it isn't possible.
>Universal basic income
This is probably the only way men who cannot find a job will receive some help. No government will ever help "men", but if we change "men" with "everyone", maybe unemployed males can be given some of the support they desperately need.
There aren't enough jobs for everyone. Solutions?
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If the job market doesn't recover right away I think we should offer some form of temporary universal basic income as long as individuals are willing to volunteer doing some form of community service for a certain number of hours each week. There are plenty of people willing to volunteer their time for free as long as their basic needs are met. People on the low end of the social hierarchy will be hit hardest by this pandemic such as trannies who majored in women studies. Maybe the government can offer them free hrt if they spend a few hours each week cleaning up garbage in their communities and they can provide them with cheap food like hot pockets so they don't starve to death. If the quarantine lasts any longer I'm sure there's plenty of free work for them to do online.
imagine the amount of male to female trans people craving for a dick in their inverted penis because they cant get it from people with common sense, so theyll become prostitutes out of financial issues due to great depression and act like women kek. all prostitue fuckers will be fucking trans people without realizing.
There is no need for everyone to work. 1/5 of the population can sustain themselves and the remaining 4/5. It is why there are so many dumb jobs that shouldn't exist.
Too bad it isn't about working to live, we live to work, primarily for noses&co, gotta keep the big banks rolling.
Could be living in the closest thing to utopia, instead it is all ruined by greedy ikes.
you're a retard. for a long, long, long time now, companies have been pushing workers into longer and longer hours with more and more job responsibilities. there are numerous people who can tell you their bosses essentially gave them the jobs of 2 or even 3 people, with no pay raise, and they just have to work themselves to death or get fired.
introduce worker's rights. limit the workweek to either 40 hours a week lunchbreak INCLUSIVE (not on their own time, which turns the 9-5 into the 8-5), or hop to a 32 hour workweek completely. is it any wonder that companies post higher profits than ever, ceo and executive pay is higher than ever, and worker real wages are lower than ever while they have more responsibilities and credentials than ever and work longer hours than ever?
that's for the US though. idk about EU, do you fags even make anything?
I got a pretty good solution
get rid of all the non-whites
>cheaper rent
>higher wages
>more jobs
>better social cohesion
win-win-win-win situation
No more women in the workplace.
Women get money from men as it is. All having women in the workplace does is reduce everyone's labor value by 50%.
Go fucking stand in a home depot parking lot for a bit, you'll get a job.
Know the person is a paid shill when they only give more money as an answer.
Universal basic food and shelter is the answer.
It's more or less the same here, smart phones and such means companies just expect you to be working all day everyday and where before 3 people did your job, they left and were never replaced , and no you don't get their salary added to yours. Don't like it? Quit, we will get 200 applications for your role in an hour
This is the brunt of it. My last job that I left just before coronachan came to liberate me was doing so much that I asked if I could be made salary so I could keep up with the work load because hourly workers aren't allowed to work over time. Shortly there after I was written up for not using my time correctly because management said it was possible to do ok in 40 hours. The position I was forced into taking already had 4 people quit in a 3 month period and I quit after a year.
The reason for the issues surrounded a complete failure to provide training on the new job role, zero desire to improve systems needed to perform job role, and inability to create an environment in which the job could be performed without distraction. You know who fucking cares? No one.
>any solutions?
Spread the virus as far as possible. 1/5th of the world's population could be wiped away.
(answering despite the memeflag)
Some quick fixes that come at a cost but work are:
> limit work hours to 30 in some companies so they hire more people (but you need to give an incentive for this to happen otherwise the current workers get leeched dry)
> tax exemptions to small and medium businesses, but you need to compensate by taxing bigger ones and fight money laundry (the economic impact of this is sort of small to those companies)
> find a way to fund or loan money for new small and medium businesses: subsided credit, investment funds designed for this, push tax money into new small private ventures that are needed for society (energy, education, infrastructure, transportation, food, healthcare, ...), ...
> limit the flood of imported goods into the country (this is tricky and can cause collapse if done half-assed)
> research new ways to manufacture goods, get energy, produce food,... and other basic services that are modern, effective and cheap. migrating into some sort of "distributist" decentralized economy. (the current methods and practices are based on ideas from the 19th century).
> Reducing the required investment for opening a new business (rent, taxes, bureaucracy, equipment, ...) by any means (including the previous item).
In Februrary there was literally, factually, more jobs available than workers. I agree that work needs to change but UBI is for lazy leeches
Source: look it up not, hard to find
> created platforms and organizations to help people to open their businesses, including procedures, potential locations (according to what the person is trying to open), promising areas to explore, general budget practices, ... (a lot of people get screwed by basic steps like this)
>I want to be assigned a job and then have someone care for me from cradle to grave
Imagine being such a fucking failure that the existence of a plantation slave seems like an improvement.
Fernando Henrique (((Cardoso))) said the same around here during the late 90's. It's called structural unemployment, a lot of jobs exist but nobody fits the requirements to get them.
A lot of companies to do it on purpose for many suspicious reasons.
The memeflag says everything.
so essentially a universal problem of the bourgeois taking advantage of us yet again. we need a global worker's rights revolution. i, for one, am tired of being forced to pay for my own job training (college/uni and now postgrad certs), i'm tired of working way more hours than necessary (it was called the 9-5 and it had an hour lunch break. now you either work your 9-5 with no break at all or you take it on your own time and stay 8-5 or 9-6). i'm tired of my nation being flooded with foreigners designed to depress my wages. i'm tired of their half-baked fradulent degrees they bought for a chicken and a goat being held equivalent to something i went into 5 figures of debt for. i'm tired of ridiculous HR gatekeeping, 300 applicants per position level competition, 3+ rounds of interviews, being stinted on benefits, having no paid time off, being forced into longer and longer commutes, entry level requirements now being 3 years of experience in the exact same role, the lack of on site training, and the utter lack of loyalty. companies will fire you the very SECOND they think it won't be profitable for them. it's enough. we need to put a muzzle on the dog.
A year of national service. You can do this at any age. Of course your own health and fitness and criminal record might influence what you can do but essentially a year of guaranteed employment at minimum wage.
Fire department, health service, army, navy, building roads, laying bricks, forestry, whatever. Allow disabled people to do it too. After the end of that no one can complain they don't have skills or experience. Make it mandatory for accessing state benefits and housing, too.
usually H1B scamming, because pajeet will do it for half your pay, twice the hours, and mop out the toilets and hallways afterwards for free, because he's deathly afraid of being deported back to his shithole if he loses his visa. i was not born to compete with slave labor.
The (((coomunist))) rhetoric here is useless, this is the real problem:
> UK jew pushing gibs
if we kill and eat the left there will be plenty of job openings
So limiting scam visas and illegal immigration also improves the job market? Interdasting...
What on earth are you talking about?
If a year of work was guaranteed and mandatory you'd have a workforce with the skills needed to function. You could revolutionise a country doing this. Hitler did it.
>unemployed males
They should KYS. the world has no need of weak white Christian beta males.
Universal basic income should exist as a minimum, and should also have an opt-out for any good folks who earn enough money and don't feel the need to claim it.
Also a public sector labour scheme to allow people on UBI to work part-time to earn in addition to their UBI doing basic societal maintenance including litter picking, cleaning streets, parks, etc.
If you are too retarded to know about every time it was attempted and why it failed, you shouldn't post here.
national service still exists in Switzerland and Austria, albeit only for men to work for the military (although one can do social work instead if they really don't want to be in the army).
I think it makes sense to offer national service but doesn't make sense to make it compulsory. If it's effective and beneficial to one's development, people will do it without coercion. As we are not Nazi Germany, I think it's better that way.
We educate children to 18 with all sorts of random shit and you think it's a bad idea to educate adults in actual job skills. Better get your next retort in before your power cuts out you monkey soup guzzling nigger
UBI is extremely retarded and even used as a weapon by jews and their minions when they want to crush an economy (like USA with niggers and illegals, Brazil with Bolsa SenpaiĆlia and Europe with rapefugees and wiggers).
It should be used only in emergences.
> Also a public sector labor scheme to allow people on UBI to work part-time to earn in addition to their UBI doing basic societal maintenance including litter picking, cleaning streets, parks, etc.
People in a risky situation may not even have the means to keep a proper job schedule and public services are messy (like everything else the government does).
I thought about a system where both private and public institutions recorded small and medium sized tasks in some public database, people could complete them and get paid immediately after it. The problem is this system creating a stimulus for institutions (private or public) to replace their employees with cheap unregulated labor, so it must be severely restricted and monitored.
Another aspect nobody talks about is the insane prices of taxes, rent, energy, food, transportation, healthcare... and how this is the real root cause. The income is just number, you could live like a millionaire with 50k USB per year if every product or service costed almost nothing.
Start your own company.
Learn to read, inbred retard. Using the government to push the economy is (((Keynesianism))). It works for a few years then the massive debt and huge mountain if acquired expenses comes back to destroy you.
If you want to train people you need to find another way. The government can still do it, but not in a big scale, only in specialized roles.
Stop importing foreigners and exporting jobs.
Start deporting g forigners on welfare, give that welfare to liberal arts majors while sending them to re-education camps to learn a usefull trade skill.
Imediately stop any and all federal finicial support of forign entities and governments.
Holy shit you live in a great place! How the fuck did that happen?
NEETs can develop social skills and gain contacts. They choose not to. Weaklings don't deserve to be given anything. I was a highschool dropout NEET for many many years. Married with a buncha kids and a good job now. I chose to get off my ass and get fit. I chose to start working with tools and build up my skills. I chose to self educate, to meet people, to get my life together. Fuck the cunts that refuse to try.
Kill niggers