My boss wears one

Whats the meaning of a owl ring?

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signal to other men that they are homosexual

>checked and kek'd

Don't all collective rings mean that?

Odds are he just like owls.
I mean my ex-girlfriend's father collected owl statues, and my current girlfriend has a small owl statue, what are the odds of me being part of an Illuminati breeding program?

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M like in the paintings


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Minerva is the goddess of March/Pisces and Age of Pisces, in which we are currently

your gf is an mkultra groomed whore. beware of her killphrase, the default is calling her fat.



This. (((Jew)))elry is trash. For men only a watch and wedding ring are acceptable. For a woman, a pair earrings (ideally non-piercing), a pendant, a wedding ring and one bracelet are acceptable. Anything else means they're degenerate. And no, a choker is not a pendant.

owls are a trendy cute animal, like foxes
otters are also huge, and possums are sneaking up. Look on etsy.


You're definitely a faggot

Muh rings muh orgasam muh Fiji water muh a.i muh dick. Muh saved geometry.

Muh pyramids. Muh temple

Muh muh reeeeeeeeeeeetsrds!

I would argue a signet ring from the university you are alumni to is appropriate for men. But that's it.

Oh fuck how did he know....

You look ridiculous.

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I accept your revision.

A signet ring is a particular design

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Also a necklace with throphies cut from your enemies.

Your suggestion is rejected. Violence should only be means to an end, not the end itself. Justifying brutality under the pretence we should embrace it when it's against our enemies makes you no different than a negro. There's a vast difference between victory and savagery, and celebrating the latter makes you inhuman.

It means he’s a furry

Bohemian Grove

Order Of The Owls

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>default is calling her fat

If you mean what does it mean in terms of Illuminati. It is referencing Stolas the Great Prince of Hell. He is seen as a Fallen Angel and commands twenty-six legions of demons. He is depicted as either being a crowned owl with long legs, a raven, or a man. He teaches astronomy and the knowledge of poisonous plants, herbs and precious stones....that or he just likes owls. Gotta admit it’s pretty cool as far as man rings go.

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It's not an owl.

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Jews and satanist all have an owl ring or an owl statue on their property

If I were to ever start a cult, it would literally just be to wear things with a certain symbol on them, no other purpose or requirements besides utmost secrecy.
If somebody did notice, it would cause massive paranoia in places like here, and the rumours would just fuel themselves.

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You would see lots of Owl synchronicities all the time too.

Or make it easier to sort out who should get purged.

Like the (((Dodge))) symbol?

Who who who is your boss?