Is it just me or

Is it just me or does this actually make sense:

A bunch of people who supported Trump in 2016 have gotten off of the Trump Train. Trump has disappointed us, yes. But it doesn't take a 140 IQ to figure out that the Democratic candidates (whether it ends up being Biden, or if he gets replaced) are absolutely horrible when it comes to issues of white replacement and trade imbalances. Trump brought these issues to the forefront, and has done more to stop the racial replacement than anyone since Hart Celler passed.

He throws bones to the MIGA crowd and elite jews, as well as signals support for some establishment causes. He has been met with resistance from Congress (yes we don't live in a dictatorship, and the branches need to get along to get anything done) which has held back The Wall.

Ultimately, if we're objective and not emotional like a bunch of 36 year old women, we can conclude that Trump is getting way more done and has helped the right wing/white/economic nationalist cause more than anyone. Prove that statement wrong.

What doesn't make sense to me is how a lot of folks on Yas Forums and TRS have pulled their support. It's almost as if they were pretending to support Trump, and then once he was built up, they bring it crashing down.

Oh, and the degenerates, the SJWs, the thronging brown hoards, the cultural marxists, the journalists: they haven't warmed up to him at all. They're fighting him as hard as ever. It's not like he joined them. He isn't giving them anything they want except for waving a rainbow flag once at a convention.

This isn't adding up. I think we've been played by a bunch of people jumping on the board and into "white nationalist media" just so that they could bring down Trump, the greatest enemy, the greatest threat that the left has had in our lifetimes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

if you post in one of leftypol's threads then you are retarded. at least drop a redpill efore you leave.

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That's a good piece of practical advice. But they're threads don't cease. I keep getting this image in my mind of 5 fat trans/gay/otherkin/feminist Antifa members being paid $12/hr to make a new thread on here every 10 minutes.

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True. If you don't realize that Trump is the only viable candidate for 2020, you probably have a sub 100 IQ. You don't have to like him and if you want someone different, look out for 2024.

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To be clear, the MIGA bullshit pissed me off. All the wasted time talking about "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the embassy, muh Jerusalem". The posturing toward Iran. All a waste and all cucking to MIGA.

But having said that, he's still measurably done more for the right and for white americans in general than anyone else. Fact.

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>real girlfriends
What's that?

I never had a girlfriend, I have a wife! Met her during bilingual mass. As soon as she taught me some Spanish, I proposed.

>asked her how you say "will you marry me?"
>she blushed
>tells me while being cute
>used plausible denial to propose with a smile

To this day, "te casarias con migo?" is the only good Spanish I can speak. I kinda stopped trying once I taught got her pregnant. Currently on our 4th child.

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im voting first time this year for trump. in nc hopefully we turn red and stop being purple

>issues of white replacement and trade imbalances. Trump brought these issues to the forefront, and has done more to stop the racial replacement than anyone since Hart Celler passed.
H1b1 says you are wrong.

Then why is it that immigration advocates and people who are trying to replace whites are fighting Trump so hard?

Why is it that the leftists are as ferocious as ever toward Trump?

In other words, according to what these new "off the trump train" "rightists" say, and what you're saying is: since Trump cucks every now and then, we must elect Democrats who are openly anti-white Marxists. How is that logical? That's like saying "I'm going to kill all the dolphins because sharks attack people." Or "Well this GOP politician wants to regulate bump stocks, so let's elect Diane Feinstein."

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The kikes have been openly praising trump. The same people trying to genocide the white race.

I'm still not a huge fan of him, less so than in 2016, but he's the best option for the States at the moment (take that as you will) - maybe it's just me, but 2020 doesn't have the same magic in the lead-up as 2016 had. I don't know, probably because I'm older and 2020 seems fucked


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You didn't address my points.

How is it useful to support SJW Democrats, who opening flaunt white replacement because Trump is kowtowing half way to the people who are the elites at this time in history, and whose shekels he needs?

Could it not be the case that Trump is actually co-oping them? Look at all the kikes who hate Trump! Look at the voting stats on them! These numbers don't lie:

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hello russia, please send bakeliets

> voted trump 2016
> not voting 2020

>Get off the Trump train

No, what happened was a combination of shills and Bernie Bros deciding that socialism could work...if it was just for white people. Naturally, they want gibs without working, they just want to be able to say nigger while they collect their check.

While I dislike Trump for not getting the shit done and basically fell for all the psyop memes discrediting him, I can't help but still vote for him purely because he is a victim of the Greed of the Establishment. By purely existing he gets the media to foam at the mouth and lie. If there is any man who will cause the Media and Establishment to at least slightly change it's probably him.

Trump has imported more and deported fewer immigrants, both illegal and otherwise, than Obama did. Trump has also banned bump stocks and talked about banning silencers. He has been objectively worse for immigration as well as the second amendment than literal Muslim terrorist Barack Obama was. You're literally not fooling anyone schlomo.

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Covfefe-19 trump dog whistled it awhile back saying those who knew would understand it.

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All 1ptbids thinking theyre fooling anyone.

>Trump, the greatest enemy, the greatest threat that the left has had in our lifetimes.

He is a life-long democrat and friend to the elites that hasn't made even the slightest effort towards achieving his main campaign trail promises. 2000 miles of land border with Mexico and we aren't even a tenth of the way done with the wall. Swamp is as murky as ever. Hillary still running around doing her thing. I will grudgingly vote for him again because the alternatives are worse but that doesn't mean I have to be a party drone. He is a failure on everything but his China policy. Some of his immigration works for me but even that was Kushner.

put your memeflag back on you subhuman streetshitting dogfuck

this and based
my vote for him would be a protest vote against biden, nothing more
hell i might not even fucking vote if he keep this shit up because his handling of the covid pandemic has been piss fucking poor )as much as the rest of Yas Forums would like to actually believe that injecting bleach into your veins is going to cure you of the virus)

Refusing to vote is also not better. Trump does from time to time do something that people over here can celebrate. He is also funny. Says funny and stupid shit that has the entirety of the world speaking about the US on daily basis. If you want to vote for Trump as the only viable option per voting but decide to not to vote you may aid Biden. He isn't even a politician he talks about how wet the hurricanes are on a water scale. You can certainly give him 4 more years. He will be gone in 4 no matter what. After that you may as well vote for people like Biden for the rest of your fucking life until you die from old age. Only to remember that you had the privilege to vote for this entertainer in charge.

>the alternatives are worse but that doesn't mean I have to be a party drone.
Nobody says you have to be a party drone. The GOP must be co-oped, not submitted to. This is pragmatism.

>Some of his immigration works for me but even that was Kushner.
The problem.

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Do you not think we're in your discord servers?

Is it just me or does this actually make sense:

Biden is unelectable and there are more people who are pro-Trump now than before. You can only take something he says out of context for so many years before the very people who do nothing but watch their favorite comedian and news anchor get the feeling something is going on and Trump might not of been represented as straightforward as they thought. Just my experiences as (originally) a lone Trump supporter whose family went from harping on him hating women despite being supportive of his abortion stance and being racist despite not being able to list a time he has been while Biden gets up on stage and says poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Ouch.

Every time.

Fpbp confirmed.

i'll definitely die without ever voting for a democratic candidate

>What doesn't make sense to me is how a lot of folks on Yas Forums and TRS have pulled their support. It's almost as if they were pretending to support Trump, and then once he was built up, they bring it crashing down.
You redditors made the mistake of thinking that Yas Forums was actually supporting that zionist stooge. The 2016 memes were just for the lulz, anyone with an IQ above room temperature realized that a conman who'd been mentored by Roy Cohn was just using populist rhetoric to get elected.

Precisely! Finally, someone who sees the objective truth. Too many people who are disenchanted with the shortcomings of Trump seem oblivious to the damage our nation will incurshould the Dems get back in the WH.

How new are you? Pro-immigration candidates are often pro-social benefits because the candidates they seek to import need those benefits and will vote in whoever offers them over and over again. Mind you before you jump to an emotional kneejerk conclusion that they don't necessarily need the benefits because they're stupid or incapable but because they are first generation migrants adjusting to a new culture being given a candidate that waves an agreeable banner to rally people under but wields it as a weapon for their own self gain.

>You didnt address my rigid paradigm that serves my own belief rather than opens a conversation.

What did you expect them to feed into it? Gee I wonder why they didnt.