Do americans really believe in this?

Do americans really believe in this?

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No just 70%

Prove it wrong. I'm waiting.

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my dad knew noah, he told my dad that it was a lie for tax purposes

Believe in what?
The story of Noah and the ark?
Or the pic you posted that implies there were dinosaurs on the ark?
Need more clarification on your question.

Yep, we're all idiots. Next subject

No just 1/4 of americans a literal retards.

24% believe Bible is literal word of God, the lowest in Gallup's 40-year trend
View of Bible as secular stories and history at 26%, up from 21% in 2014
The largest segment, 47%, still think Bible is inspired word of God

Not even. Most Christians don't even believe their own propaganda. Ask around in a normal neighborhood and most people will tell you that they don't literally believe that giraffes and snakes were all stuffed into a giant boat to survive God's failure to create man.

Dino’s we’re dead by then, fewer species in various genus’s. Personally it’s doubtful but the existence of a flood in every, single, mythology and history from that era plus fossils records makes me believe that a flood did happen. We’ve found fossilized remains of an arc sized boat too, but you jews forget that.

Also jannies clean this fuckin slide thread shit


where did they put the whales (i.e. ur mum)

What did the carnivores eat on the ark?

Lol, prove what? That you don't believe God or Gods build and use flying machines but you think millions of species were preserved on an ark as described in the Old Testament? An advanced civilization may well have visited humans in the distant past and preserved much of the life on earth during a cataclysmic flood. It's a neat story when you think about it. The problem comes when someone's beliefs are all over the map and modern science starts proving a chemical basis of personality. Sooner or later, honest men want the real answer. Not the feel good story.

of course not, how would two male Paraurolophuses reproduce?

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Just an origin story to instill concept of obedience.
2 by 2 onto a boat
6 gorillion in an oven

Not too much different

Based and biologypilled

I personally dont. But the argument was that its written as one of each kind. Like felines not every single type of cat

>imagine being this dumb
of course they put all the fish and whales in aquariums because flood would've killed them.

My great great uncles Meshach, Shadrach and Abendigo were repeatedly roasted by the Nazis in the camps, but they just laughed it off.

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>extreme flooding never hap....
checkmate, atheists

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>No just 70%
that is terrifying tell me its false

less than 1% of french think that 70% is terrifying, it would be like the lowest 1% was 70% of the population

are americans even human at this point?

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oh yeah, well how did they drill for the petroleum to run the air filters and flourescent lamps in the aquariums?

checkmate, atheist

>get a load of this freak

Why are you "humans" incapable of producing art?

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oh yeah, well if there was flooding where did they put the giant mops used by angels to soak up the extra water?

checkmate, theists

Actually have a friend that believes that noahs ark legit happened.
Also thinks corona is hoax

My dad works for Wisdom Tree. He says Noah's Ark 3D is getting a sequel on the Switch.

what? what the hall are you talking about you nasty mutt? america has never produced any art, france is like the country of art

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A wooden boat of such dimensions without advanced metalurgic reinforcements would collapse in itself.

This. We all know French people have never created any nice architecture. Americans, on the other hand, are pumping out beautiful new McDonald's buildings every day.

>what is evaporation
I thought you atheists liked science

let me break it down for your slow frog brain.
that art wasn't created by the 99% of the french you associate with. it was created by the group that you consider terrifying

oh yeah, well if there was EVAPORATION, then where are all the giant electrical outlets to run the bathroom fans?

checkmate again, nonbelievers

Is this a pagan larp thread or an atheist thread? Please clarify, as my response is dependent on which thread this is.

that's ridiculous since the boat was made from the strongest wood and there wasn't even any metalurgics added besides there wasn't even any Home Depot back then to order metalurgics

checkmate evolutionists

Presumably, if divine intervention is what led the animals into the ship, I'm pretty sure that divine intervention is what led all animals to be satiated.

All jokes aside, though. His intended point, I believe, is that secular societies can't produce good aesthetics, and only Christian ones can. I disagree with this, of course. Notre Dame was built by French Christians, and African Christians have produced nothing of the sort. French people are completely capable of making such structures today as well, but the spirits of Western peoples were conquered by Jews in 1945. Hence why heavily Judaized societies like the USA fail to create beauty despite being more Christian than Europe. The common denominator is whether Jewish spirit prevails, or Aryan. Not whether a society is Christian.

The Flood or Noah's Ark? The Flood probably did happen.

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This. My wife helped me understand divine intervention when I asked her why our son was so darksome. Just another of God's miracles!

How did any vegetation survive beingbunderwatet for 30 days? Where did enough water to flood the whole fuckijg earth come from? Where is the worldwide indication of a giant flood in the geologic record?

Why doesn't humanity have a genetic bottleneck 3000 years ago and recombinant DNA from having rebooted from one FAMILY?

I just doubt it as literal truth.

The fossils are in order and not jumbled up

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