Was r/frenworld the last good subreddit?

Was r/frenworld the last good subreddit?

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Heh. Frenworld was funny

Go back and stay there

I'm sorry you're so upset, fren

Nothing on reddit was ever good. Fuck off.

What happened to frenworld?
I mean, I can guess, but what was their excuse for doing do?

There's always bigyoshi.

>let's combine Yas Forums memes with literal babyspeak

I can't tell if you people are experimenting with propaganda or are actually mentally stunted.

This. I've never even been to plebbit deliberately (only time I've ever ended up on a page there is from a broad google search about a specific topic), but the way people communicate there is fucking cancerous. I fucking loathe reddit.

They don't have the balls to actually replicate Yas Forums memes so they resign themselves to sanitized, infantile shit with no meaning.

And Yas Forums was?! Where jannies have full control of the threads they want to delete?

If there were any that weren't absolute shit, do you really think I would tell you faggots and have it be ruined again?

Everyone here should go larp as a terf on r/gendercritical. We are having a blast.

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Not really its just cozy , niggerboo

Wait a second, I'll shitpost rn

I heard a lot of plebbit boards get political supermods allocated to them by the site if they have any non leftist views or slightly edgy memes being upboated. Immediately after the supermod is allocated, the board gets mysteriously raided by one day old accounts who post stuff that breaks the ToS and it is allowed to stay up for long enough until the new supermod reports back to plebbit head office and then a permanent ban follows for the whole sub.

The radfem anti tranny plebbits are some of the only stuff with genuine Jimmy rustling potential there. Virtually everything else has been completely wiped.

by this assume never was in your life ever fun kys

Honestly, I create an account every few days just to type NIGGERS in as many boards as possible. Redditors usually can't stand that.

You're doing Gods work fren.

some of the trap porn there is ok I guess

Attached: racoon.png (594x585, 491.87K)

>GO BACKKK feat cryingwojak.jpg

>Virtually everything else has been completely wiped.
The culling of public internet is actually scary.
There's almost nothing with any "substance" anymore.

Come on. r/coontown was fun if not only for the fags that would show up and sperg out about their pets. I still go on the gun subs.

The election destroyed this place.

They are taking chunks off our little island month by month now. I refuse to use discord and the other chans seem like they attract more glowniggers and schizos than here. The real internet needs to have some kind of Renaissance where globohomo get dabbed on for another ten years.

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Milliondollarextreme was based

The canadian gun owners sub there literally is asking for gun confiscation from papa trudeau

Lmaooo. I would put money on mods and the main accounts pushing the agenda there being in the back pocket of reddit management.

“when do leave/shiny beads”
“my name is john and hate every one of you”
“why is gun a right but healthcare is not”
“Sky king codes, is WW3 happening”

Ron Paul was fun but 2015 was the greatest /pol ever was.

This thread is so good, they are all bashing on islam