Why are black people so hated?

What did we do?

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Pic: Me

You're low-IQ savages. Not your fault, it's just how nature made you.

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Yoi increase violent crime in every single city you congregate, anywhere in the world. And no it isn't becsuse of poverty. It's because your are black, 5 independent studies prove this.

>What did we do?
About 52%.

Ehhhhh but it kinda is there fault. Instead of book reading and educating themselves to make up for natural deficits they just muh dik bix nood all day

Shut it mutt, you're just as bad and your education is cancer-tier.

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nothing at all, thats why we're so fucking mad that you keep leeching

That's not even an excuse for you to make fun of the color of my skin.

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used as slaves which builds resilience and then exploded unto the world stage cause nothing makes a culture more confident and aggressive than overcoming hardship.
Do I like black culture in the US?
No I think it’s primal and lacks a clear respect for thought and wisdom, is that all of black culture? hell no.
But in general blacks have a victim complex they aggressively push which is often justified but fails to account for personality within the individuals they engage which is ignorant and dumb, and aggressive

It's not about what you do, it's about what you don't do.
Don't follow the law
Don't support yourself
Don't give your children father's

Why do you hate me, my Swedish brother? My cousin Jose Barack in Sweden is married to a beautiful blonde Swedish woman. I'm moving there soon.

I hear Swedish women love the BBC!

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>t. negger

We whites hate criminals and those that worship criminals. Blacks are usually criminals. Whites are usually not.
Blacks usually don't think laws should apply to them. Whites are usually law abiding. Both races have criminals. The difference is that blacks not only have more criminals, they idolize them.

>Education is cancer-tier
>Chinese, Europoors, and all in between come to our universities and pay exorbitant amounts to do so
Not so fast toothpaste

You are evil uncivilized criminal savages

Isn't that a guy a poo though?

>implying niggers are human

>What did we do?
Hurr-duurr ooga booga.
Its what you fucking didnt do you ape fuck. Jesus christ.

Your general behaviour.

Big nostrils, check
Big lips, check
Ape like complexion, check
Brown shit skin, check

You posted a picture of yourself didn't you tyrone

The real question is what didn't you do. To which the answer is: nuffin. You dindu nuffin

Does your cousin shit in the street

What fucking race is that?

To me, that nigga looks black Dominican.
Why do you quote our Jesus Christ? Jesus was opposed to racism.

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Ugly, dumb, violent.


Blacks will never be Swedes.

Low IQ, they chimp out, destroy everything they touch, make up a great deal of the crime in the country they are situated in, they have no culture, they're ugly and they're niggers.

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>Jesus was opposed to racism.
What? Tell me, Do you believe the things money lenders write about him? Nice picture, black zeus!
He actually had a crew cut btw.

you went and tried to openly hate whitey so now i give it back to you in spades. spade get it? cuz yer a nigger? fuck it just steal a bicycle then nigger.

We hate niggers user
Not black people in general

Because , you are a cancer on the face of everything that’s beautiful, you literally ruin everything.

In the US, you are given pristine beautiful neighborhoods that you do not have to pay for, and within months you destroy it, all of it.

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Many Americans are 100% European. Our ancestors immigrated here and we didn't dilute our blood with shitskin blood.

>What did we do?

What was she thinking? Jesus...

Thats an indian


lots of them are niggers
theres a meme about being real thuggish and chimping
you gotta be that to be black
if u civilised then u act white

Yall did some very bad things in 1352.

Pick one.

For start you whine about oppression non stop and oppress gays. All you are is a hypocrite.

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A black Indian is the one who is currently teaching me 3d modeling and I really appreciate him.

My girlfriend left me for a black, another reason why I hate them and they also always try to steal my cell phone.

Homophobia doesn't exist. The visceral reaction heterosexuals have regarding homosexuals is Not fear. It is righteous disgust and outrage that something so vile as a faggot (pedophile) exists at all. Being disgusted by faggots (pedophiles) is totally based and red pilled. You faggots just use the term homophobia to make your weak selves feel powerful, when in reality you are weak hedonists. Weak in body and weak in mind. You faggots deserve to die and should all be thrown off of multistory buildings into traffic to protect children from your predatory, pedophile ways.

You guys are alright, you just take shit for the american breed

Chile will become a mostly Afro-Hispanic country and there is nothing you can do about it. :)

The Haitian master race always prevails.
Don't we have culture? The most popular music in the UK is rap. LOL
That's what you want to believe. But most Swedish girls love black men.

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gayfag marriage is now legal in Germany.
what changed? a single word on a stupid paper. It costed only a few million Shekels but YEAAAAAH fagrights
what a fucking waste of money and time.

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imagine boasting about university which at this point has become a joke of an institution to you mutt fuckers

Let’s face it the globalists want blacks everywhere because they are the perfect slaves for them. Their iq is so low they can be made to do anything, have zero hope of ever doing anything for themselves (or they would have come out of the jungle on their own) and I am not trying to be mean just state the problemo.
We will have to be quite cruel at some stage or the world is doomed though.
And coloureds does not think this is a good thing for you with the globalists. The only good thing for you is to be left alone for nature to take its course. You should be released into the wild.

nice numbers

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why... why would she scrape from the bottom of the barrel when she could've had anyone she wanted? is she that undesirable

It never takes criticism, it thinks its perfect then wonders why no one can stand them.

Colo Colo?

You dindu nuffin. We all know that, don't we?