home schooling is a solid way of protecting childeren from subversive anti-white ideology pushed by the goverment prove me wrong
Home schooling is a solid way of protecting childeren from subversive anti-white ideology pushed by the goverment prove...
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I can't. You're right and it makes Jews seethe. Article related, Jew having a meltdown about Amish keeping their women from being brainwashed by whoredom.
coudnt read it all got nauseated by how discusting this article is
You’re absolutely right, and if you’re white and not homeschooling youre the problem with white genocide. good luck having your daughter fuck niggers.
Home schooling is fine if you have the capacity to teach them what they need for precursors to secondary education, more than willing to bet most people here that aren't INTJs didn't do fantastic in high school let alone be able to teach their curriculum to someone else
i think you can hire an reliable tutor to teach to your kids about the subjects you dont know,i for example know a lot about history,philosophy and geography but lack knowledge in math biology and chemstry so i would hire my fried that is good in this subjects to teach my children,you should also focus on teaching skils like hunting fighting and fishing and moral values like tradition and comunity
>so i would hire my fried that is good in this subjects to teach my children
Yes! But if he's teaching your children, that means he's too busy to be teaching all of your neighbors children, or his own children for that matter
>You don't have the capacity to teach your children!
What a fucking cuckold slave mindset. Domesticated little bitch. Homeschool kids will cannibalise and rape you
My parents homeschooled me and I am a cock sucking tranny now.
I don't know what your curriculum is like down there but I'm certain it doesn't include huffing petrol you fuckin abbo
then ill teach his children in the subjects hes not very good at simple like that creates an community and a network of friends and famly you can count on
well thats beacuse youre mentaly ill so....not really your parents fault
>Home schooling is fine if you have the capacity to teach them what they need
You think high school teaches shit beyond basic algebra and reading, if that? As if teaching a kid the basic's of reading at 5 or 6 then giving him good books to read isn't a vastly superior education to government compliance training? What a pathetic NPC bootlicker, public schooling sure worked on you.
If you're going to homeschool, you're better off engaging your kids in a co-op with likeminded parents, that way they have a chance to be with better abled and more capable teachers.
Or just use the internet to access free programs made by such people. A bright kid can get a better education in about an hour a day, and have plenty of time to do chores or other useful things.
>You think high school teaches shit beyond basic algebra and reading, if that?
I definitely learned more than algebra and basic reading, yes
I live in one of the higher achieving states in terms of public school education, and I went to a wealthier district. That means I went to college for engineering and skipped a couple entry level math and physics classes
I'm willing to bet that you'll find out this doesn't scale well
>I'm willing to bet that you'll find out this doesn't scale well
Yeah, you'd need a low cost information network connecting you with thousands of like minded people for that to work.
homeschooling usually leads to weird ass kids with little or no social experience. if you're homeschooling your kids you better make sure they're with other kids their age.
Maybe if you took some of these people with the knowledge to teach your children, and had them teach a bunch of your neighborhood's children at once in the subjects they have expertise in
Then we can set up a community center for a bunch of these professionals to teach, I don't know, maybe 20-30 at a time for efficiency
This is why people should do community home schooling.
I've only ever known one kid who was homeschooled on a boat as he sailed around the world. Top of the class in most regards for the time he was at school and I think he went on to a good uni.
It's so dependent on so many factors that it either works great or has the potential for failure; but as long as you aren't locking them in a fucking barn I'm sure they'll be fine
>homeschooling usually leads to weird ass kids with little or no social experience
homeschooled kids historically were morel likely to be religious parents who thought the media and hollywood were satanists out to corrupt your kids, and controlled the media and information available to their kids; not only are their children not socially normalized, they lack ability to relate to a worldview shaped by pop culture and secularism.
>It's so dependent on so many factors that it either works great or has the potential for failure
Here's a good way to simplify whether or not it will work - will they have introverted or extroverted personalities? If they have an introverted career that is mostly judged by their solitary work, then they will likely succeed immensely. If they are required to work within a team without being exposed to teamwork, it is going to be rough
"Homeschooled children received higher scores on the communication, daily living skills, socialization, and social maturity subscales of the test."
Any to counter? Genuinely looking for some tug in this sphere since I haven't dived into it much before.
>Any to counter?
I was expressing that religious homeschooled kids were the only ones kept away from the worst of kike influence during formative years.
I suppose that's a logical way of looking at it, though it doesn't really take into account that this happens at schools anyway. I went right up to uni and I fucking hate working in teams. Indeed it is almost an inherent thing. As the PDF I shared says, the social scores can be fine if the parent is dedicated to putting them in team-based environments
Gotcha, my bad.
>the social scores can be fine if the parent is dedicated to putting them in team-based environments
Honestly, if the parent is dedicated to raising their child, they can choose to live in a place where the public school system is more successful and supplement them with at-home reinforcement as well, and give them attention and constructive playtime
>t. Literally me
A child without attentive parents won't succeed in public school or in homeschool, it feels as if they're the biggest determining factor
you see that depends on the parent yeah theyll lack most social skils but theyll be much better academicaly and be smarter,stronger and overall more critical of modern media and state so if you want to raise an ubermensch thats the way to go this way your children wont be whores,nigger lovers and communists, you see i was homeschooled kinda,i went to school a few times a week and mostly studied at home beeing self taught and taught by my grandfather,he taught me how to shoot an bow and arrow, shoot with a shootgun,hunt,fish,encouraged me to fight in gyms and weight lift,he also taught me morality phylosophy,geography,cartography,history,writting and reading,poetry,play the guitar and the flute,my grandfather also taught me advanced mathematics an physics,aerodynamics and civil construction (he was a military engeneer of rank major)he also made me train in the barracs with the recruits ever since i was 7 ,he was lacking in chemstry and i wasnt very good at math but i knew enough an so im currently in my state best law school and im first in class,im a sportsman and a martial fighter,my grandfather wasnnt natsoc i became that after years of study and meditation,decided that natsoc was the best ideology if analyzed in a cold manner,but i sympathize with most right winged views and can live under their goverments,as a critical thinker,productive member of society so id say that homeschooling worked out for me
I'm not reading this rambling but essentially what you said is that you have "good people" for parents, whereas most people aren't "good people", which you can then conclude that most people don't have "good people" for parents
This won't work if you don't have good people for parents, so it won't work for the majority
>Honestly, if the parent is dedicated to raising their child
They would only leave their children
under the supervision of someone they personally know and trust, that won't try to "educate" them about sex.
home schooling is a solid way of hiding childeren from police enforcing anti-pedo laws pushed by the goverment prove me wrong
Fix'd for you. Homeschooling parents are child fuckers, most of them. Or abusers. Either way, gas them and save the kids
I assume you're talking about the worst cases of public school, which I addressed. Just avoid them
actually no i know my gasp in written english is not that great but please bear it and read my little report if youre not feeling like reading:
>TL;DR: my grandfather homeschooled me and im first in my class and have several skils
Yeah, so what would you be if you had a shitty grandfather? What skills would you have if you were homeschooled but your parents and grandparents were, for simplicity, dumb?
More expressing that trusting people you don't really know with your children is a bizarre and unnatural thing that is accepted as normal. Just because someone is higher class doesn't mean you should trust them with your children.
Joseph Fritzl homeschooled his grandkids, and look how they turned out. Grunting and unhealthy when they emerged from that dungeon.