Are Republican states lying?

Just all seems suspicious.

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A red state could be Montana. Look at the population and infection rates for Montana Vs New York

because there's no way that Dem states could be inflating numbers, right?

They have different population density and different demographics.

No. They are not lying.
Democrats like to live on top of each other, and generally live more unhealthy lives than republicans. Plus liberal policies spread diseases better than conservative policies do.


Now delete this shitty bait thread

Lol, just wait until october. A sudden catastrophic reemergence will occur accompanied by a vote by mail bill.

The homeless policies alone in those areas would likely affect infection rates quite prominently. Population density also matters a great deal.

It's actually the opposite republican governors are juking there numbers more than China in order to appease king Clorox

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I understand different population densities but you think it would make that vast of a difference?

>and different demographics.
Yeah way more niggers and spics which are the people most likely to catch Corona

>what is density
>what is demographics

>king Clorox



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One of them inflates the numbers, another doesn't test.

Pick your poison

Dems are inflating numbers, plus they live cramped together like rats in kike owned warrens, not spaced out own their own property as God intended.


In TN I can go outside all day and never be within 12 ft of others I doubt that’s the case in NYC or LA unless you have a 8 million dollar home

Cities have always been cesspits of disease, and cities are generally blue.

Yes. Dem states only tell the truth.

Fuck off kike

Population density

And here is the beginning of when we see the goalposts getting moved boys! Watch closely


is catalonia a pathetic state of faggots full of democrat shills?

fuck off and mind your business, sub human, democrats fester in shit hole cities where they live like the scum bag garbage they are, smelling each others assholes like the animals they are. they think crowding makes them intelligent, they deserve 100x more deaths.

You mean are states that haven't decriminalized things like knowingly infecting people with HIV handling disease response better? Maybe.

Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Illinois and Michigan are large states with mostly rural and suburban populations

>how to lie with statistics

No. Most of those cases are concentrated in NYC yeah? The densest and most heavily populated city in the nation, beating the second most populated by what? 5 million people? You stick a lot of people in close quarters with a couple being sick, itll spread like wildfire.

>blue shit holes are shitty
Imagine my shock

>King Clorox

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Ohio is the definition of a swing state. Though the areas hit the hardest are the cities, which are obviously blue.

Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.

Shit man you mean viruses transmit more effectively in urban environments???

>cosmopolitan degenerates getting [] to death before the 2020 election cycle in vastly disproportionate numbers.
>also see nojob unessential protestors and "just the flu bro" wagies crying that they can't go to work.
I love this timeline.

>You really think it would take longer for the virus to spread to Cletus living in his shack at the end of nowhere road in the middle of the desert - than it takes for it to spread amongst the niggers in the most densely populated city, which sees the most international travel, and where the mayor said to just keep going out and spreading it because that seems like a cool thing to do.... You really think that's possible?

Yeah that seems about right mate.

Same population, yes. But much different population density. That 103 million people in those red states is spread out over a much larger land area than the 104 million people in those blue states. Lower population density = less contact = lower transmission rates.

>swing state
Just means a bunch of old white boomers right?

Dems are purging old deceased voter records from its records. They cant be used to vote dem in 2020 so they are tossed on the Covid bonfire.

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Population density increases infection chance. Look at the total area of those states.

You mean filling.

Right. There are no cities in Texas or Florida.

Florida is definitely fudging its numbers.

Nursing home deaths are not considered coronavirus deaths. To be a coronavirus death in Florida you must test positive for the virus and they aren't testing old people.

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Bye Democrats!

Blue states have more niggers and spics. Niggers and spics are more likely ignore the quarantine and engage in riskier behaviour.

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Democrat states have populations and politicians that are totally DENSE, due to their inbred mutt DEMOGRAPHICS.

This. Look at this ape gathering... look at the date.... facebook com/terrica.ItsTheRespectLevel/videos/3108523795864635/

>nb4 goybook

Cities in those states built out more than they built up.
Also, neither of those states invited people to a chinatown to hug chinese people in order to "not be racist."

It's actually mostly old dumb Trump supporters getting it

How is that shifting the goalposts when it’s a true statement?


Oh yes. All those Trump supporters in *checks notes* New York City and New Jersey.

No. The dems are lying. They give checks for every corona case. Therefore, even if you die while skydiving you will be put down as a corona victim.
Nothing is happening at all. Time to go back to normal.