Drop short and sweet red pills with sources. Let's cram as many red pills as we can in to this thread (pic related).
I'll start:
> Despite making up only two percent of the American population, homosexuals are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. (afa.net
> Despite making up only 2.14% percent of the American population, Jews make up 48% of billionaires in America (jbuff.com
Short and sweet
Other urls found in this thread:
Mmm red hots.
Patrician OP
I'm going to blackpill you
The guy who did mkultra mind control experiments in the USA was also a torturer during the Nuremberg trials
piss is stored in the balls
Trump is a kike
Lord Rothschild setup the first honeypot organization during ww2, the British couldn’t find any fascist movement giving info to the Germans so they set it up themselves.
All blackpills are psyops
(((Parenthesis))) isn't for you to point out Jews, its purpose is to make YOU come forward to be identified as antisemites. It's a psy-op.
Nazi germany had the haavara agreement with Zionist Jews to relocate German Jews to move to Palestine.
what I posted is real
here is something about gayfags
Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population. Source: fbi.gov
Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: fbi.gov
Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes.
Source: fbi.gov
Young black men kill 14X more than young white men. Source: ideas.time.com
Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims. Source: fbi.gov
42% of all cop killers are black. Source: fbi.gov
Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks. Source: fbi.gov
In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population. bjs.gov
Some facts on the family dynamic and education achievement of blacks in America:
73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source: cdc.gov
67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source: datacenter.kidscount.org
Look up golf rumors
Jews push porn to destroy white morals and masculinity, also big peak nose kike demons love fucking young underage looking catholic women
Jews do the same thing with lgbtp and shitskins flooding into our countries. All in the goal to destroy Christianity and white people
I've said it all along and no one believed me the chinks are substantially worse and pose a greater threat then the Jews
I think they are located in the UK
Funny how it works so well to troll Jews tho
and yet there are more (((beastly))) people among us
>13% commit 56%
In reality it's worse since it's mostly the men. So the real stat is probably closer to 5% commit 54%.
rolling for death of all the major illuminati players
You actual unironic nigger, don't you see the fucking narrative being pushed with coincidentally a white woman?
This is demoralization propaganda. The poster tries to get you to hate your own women, and it looks like it's working. Let me show you how it works.
The poster in pic related tries to paint the picture that the behavior of women in the last five years is somehow inherent to them. He's taking some undesirable behavioral patterns, mashes it together into an archetype, then acts like it's the average.
The post was designed to induce negative feelings toward all females. You get it now, or am i too autistic for your taste?
Great stuff. More of these please.
Bumping for based thread
This one is "short" in that it fits in 1 image.
I hate women but I understand the need to have one in my life to have a child or 3. I’m not demoralized, I only understand the truth as it’s been presented to me
Your liberal friend, out of ideas:
>Why don't you just go ... watch your Fox news!
You: Fox news isn't conservative. It's MSM.
the poster was hyperbolic but the core is still true. The real question is how do we save women from fucking themselves. Only a few percentage of women are whores but they are lost forever so please come up with an idea how to spread the truth to stupid young girls so they dont throw away their lives.
(the "white knight" part is still 100% true)
Police are the true enemy of citizens. Nothing more than enforcers for corrupt politicians. Anyone who argues with this can be shut down immediately with the simple phrase "red flag laws".
here is how the media is connected
>At each poverty concentration level, the violent crime rate is substantially higher in black than in white census tracts.
Source archive.is
>Melanin concentration may directly correlate with aggression.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>Race is a better predictor of crime than poverty.
Source: colorofcrime.com
>The Black-White IQ gap in America is equal to the gap in South Africa, even though SA is ruled by Blacks.
Source: psychology.uwo.ca
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>93% of Black men who are murdered are killed by other Black men.
Source: bjs.gov
>The Black-White IQ gap exists even when both races are raised in identical environments.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>The percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in an area, not poverty, is the best predictor of crime.
Source: colorofcrime.com
>The children of Hispanic immigrants have a higher crime rate than the immigrants themselves.
Source: " class="external" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">theamericanconservative.com
>On any given day, there are between 30,000 and 45,000 illegal aliens in the nation’s prisons and jails.
Source: cis.org
>Non-citizen Hispanics are 29% of the federal prison population, despite only being 5% of the population.
Source: cis.org
>25-50% of gang members are illegal aliens.
Source: cis.org
>Immigrants are four times more likely than native-born Americans to fail to graduate high school.
Source: cis.org
>Hispanic illegal aliens are only 5% of America’s population but 25% of drug offenders.
Source: cis.org
>Hispanics are 19 times more likely than Whites to be a gang member.
Source: colorofcrime.com
>Hispanics are three times as likely as Whites to commit violent crime.
Source: colorofcrime.com
>1 in four inmates in American federal prison is a non-citizen.
Source: cis.org
>Hispanics are 60% more likely than Whites to neglect their children.
Source: sciencedirect.com
>In New York City, 45% of people arrested for rape were Hispanic.
Source: nyc.gov
>The Hispanic high school drop out rate of 50% is unchanged across generations.
Source: city-journal.org
>Look it up
>Notice many articles talking about cops unwilling to obey that law
You played yourself
>White men are pound-for-pound stronger than Black or Hispanic men.
Source: biomedcentral.com
>Germanic/Nordic people have lower time preference than any other group.
Source: papers.ssrn.com
>Asians, Hispanics and Blacks would rather live among White people than among other minorities.
Source: sf.oxfordjournals.org
>90% of gang members are non-White.
Source: colorofcrime.com
>Non-Jewish Whites are the most underrepresented group in top colleges.
Source: theamericanconservative.com
>The Western aesthetic of big eyes and pale skin is universally considered appealing.
Source: newyorker.com
Interracial couples elicit a neural disgust response among observers – as indicated by increased insula activation.
Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems
Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.
A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.
One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”
A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.
Often race-deniers and cultural Marxists will bring up Haldane’s rule, arguing that since races can mix and create fertile offspring, the genetic distance is not too great. Haldane’s rule is “when in the offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic [XY] sex.”
Indeed, although Black-White mixes are not sterile and males are not absent, males (the heterogametic sex) are more rare than females.
Ted Kaczynski was/is right and his book is nothing but hard to swallow red pills.
>Auschwitz inmates speak up
>Debunking Treblinka
>Archive of evidence debunking the holohoax
>Zyklon B tested on humans
>Soviet reconstructions and other lies exposed
not everyone in the police is bad but sadly the police job attracts a lot of power hungry psychos. I know a fucked up cop you beat is kids but I also know a female cop who is always willing to share some good weed
Cops SAY they wont. But when it comes down to it they do. Happened in my state. If it hasn't in yours yet, it will. Cops have to do what they're told otherwise they dont get a paycheck. You think your constitutional rights are more important than their kids dinner? Na guy. You're lying to yourself.
Stop spamming, dumb nigger. It takes time for people to read all that stuff. Flooding the thread until it hits the bump limit is retarded
Aim for posts that takes 3-5 minutes to read