Looks like søyboys get the last laugh

looks like søyboys get the last laugh

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>american health care

Plz drench me in estrogen

OR you could just be lift and eat healthy. Then drown in the pussy of our new majority female world.

i'd rather live a day as a man than a lifetime as a soiboi

Man flu is real not just an insult from women. Men get illnesses like that worse than women.

Why americans love alternative and pseudo medicine so much? This is even worse than what Trump said.

Good thing I'm already a trap. :3

Not even close. Trump is literally going to get people killed. This will just turn right wing incels into qt traps that will actually get laid and subsequently realize being a nazi is retarded.

>80 year old men jacked with testosterone
Why do we allow the establishment media to exist?

Surprise surprise the writer is a jew

>discord tranny having wet thoughs about gay nazis
That explains why you keep coming here. You want to be dominated by Hans in a hugo boss uniform.

Trans immune n shit. yah sure.

>kills a higher percentage of nigs
>nigs (males included) shown to have a higher % of the hysteria hormone, estrogen
Such stupid people, including all 'larpers'. I'm personally glad that this virus came along. It will remove the chaff and leave the strong .... as it should be.

>Rely on government
>Permanent fear
>Vaccine and chip
>Rights trampled
>No meat, eat bugs
>Turn into an estrogen tranny
>Ruin economy
Oh look all their agenda's at once.


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They're afraid of what high testosterone males will do. A couple of summers ago I was lifeguarding around 40-50 hours a week. I also did several months of NoFap, and I was surrounded by scantily dressed college women all day while I soaked up copious amounts of sunlight and Vitamin D. I had blood testing done before I started that job. My natural testosterone level is in the upper 800's, and my free testosterone is close to the upper natty limit. The test boost from those job conditions is significant.

My point in saying this is that above all, I was angry. Very, very angry whenever I read politics or saw anything related about politics. Imagine our ancestors, whose testosterone levels were MULTIPLES of ours. There would have been extreme bloodshed by now. This is what I realized. And this is why your diet and your hormones are being targeted. It is an attempt to chemically neuter you and render you ineffective. If you're going to take any pill make sure you take the test pill user, never the soi pill.

Nah, it's smokers who get the last laugh. Soi fags can't smoke because it makes them coof and turn green.

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>men with totally average test levels sperging out about muh test

>Roni Caryn Rabin
guys you won't believe what her ethnicity is.

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Eating meat raises estrogen at the cellular level. Bodybuilders who eat meat heavy diets have abnormally high levels of estrogen. Vegetarians and vegans (who don't eat impossible trash) have been shown to have much lower estrogen levels.


transition over a fake flu just to kill myself two months later after beating animal crossing on my newly acquired nintendo switch.

My fetish is to be force-fed estrogen and slowly be turned into a grill. But it's only a fantasy. Is this normal?

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Jews are afraid of men going nazi like in Germany. That's why they 'empower' women and neuter men. They know women and fags aren't going to turn against jews, only potent males will.

tbf i bet we could convert the traps to suit our nonsexual needs and then discard afterwards. Its already how they are being used anyways.


This. I want to be showered in pussy juice as well.

Not quite. CDC specifically states that estrogen may reduce inflammatory response to covid19 viral infection in "biological women" only. Tranny women btfo.

let me guess, the author is jewish?

yes, check her linkedin Roni Caryn Rabin

It’s more likely to be related to having to X chromosomes and the health advantages women naturally enjoy. Not fucking estrogen


If that were the case, wouldn’t women be markedly more immune than men? I bet the numbers don’t show that.