Do Americans feel weird for living in a stolen land? It's not their native land

Do Americans feel weird for living in a stolen land? It's not their native land

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Fuck you, we tamed this land. It's our rightful clay.


Hur dur everyone has killed everyone for literally since the beginning of time

when it comes to land, if you can't defend it then you don't own it

Its not stolen land.

Do Europeans feel weird about being eclipsed by the radicals and misfits they didn't want?

its not our fault the natives got the sniffles and died

>t. Australian

I was born here faggot

Yes, not because it is stolen but it is foreign. Europe will always be our home. America is a Masonic shopping mall.

Why should they? That's how history worked.

What a stupid question.
I was born here, it's MY land.

See how that works schlomo?

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Surely (((You))) can do better than this. I'm disapointed in (((You))).

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>they couldn't figure out the wheel
>they had horses, but instead of taming them they ate them
Yep, seen enough here, time to conquer the savages

>1 post by this ID
slide thread

>I was born here, it's MY land.
>supporting anchor babies

>t. John

Oh fuck off

Manifest destiny you absolute mongoloid. Indian savages eternally btfo

Fuck off Varg.

not one bit

What I don't get is. Why didn't the White man in the U.S. adopt much of the culture of the Native American man?

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When the immigrant com, the american have to face this paradox haha

it is now
what, kick out the brits because the celtic bretons inhabited it before them?
kick out the russians cause tartars lived there before them?
kick out the turks because the greeks lived there before them?

the us is european now and will be so forever more, and yes the latin world is also European albeit a far less homogenized one.

we took it from others but the takings were not criminal acts. The ways we took control were consistent with international law and norms back in the day. Sorry you live in a shithole without glorious wilderness

This American land owner only feels great about it.

You suggest the past matters? I say its already gone.

You didn't tame it lmfao. You shipped in niggers and paddies to do a little bit, then you did nothing until the 50s and all you did after that all you did was build roads leading nowhere and scattered MacDonalds over the country

>Do French feel weird for living in a stolen land? It's not their native land.

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Choke on a dick OP

Stolen. Haha haha. Won. By combat and will. Settled in the name of Europe. Get fucked spic beans.