Is enlisting worth the free collage?

Is enlisting worth the free collage?

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No, but it is worth enlisting for the government paid transition surgery

>ND into the foot

I love collages!

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They give free collages now? Sweet

I’ll nd on her foot nawutimsayin

oh neat, now do an electrical collage.

>government paid transition surgery
What the actual fuck

there's no way she did any real work, so are you arguing that women taking resources they didn't earn is amoral?
in that case we'll need some time to go over the laundry list of things women do that are amoral but society has let them get away with because truly society is bigoted toward hard working, normal men.
this thot's easy mode play was never interrupted, people probably died because of her in fact.

why do all trannies have broader shoulders than me?

for you

I wouldn't mind a Historically Black Collage.

Le virgin post

In the Navy like your pic, yes.
In the Army, no.

Article was made 2 or 3 years ago. But yeah, they were doing it. Not sure if they still are.


No way. Hell even the not free college that I paid for wasn’t worth it. I mean yeah I have an easy as piss high paying job, but I work with women and fags in a soulless office doing menial women’s work. It blows. I can’t wait to retire. Should’ve learned a trade. Hard work is good for the soul.

I might be if it helped you to spell college correctly.

Fuck that
If I'm joining I'll wait till after college and try to become an officer if it means I can get a chance to fly or the AF/Navy

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This. I would only consider service if I got to be a cute woman out of it.

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> is enlisting for something that isn't worth anything anymore worth it?


afaik trump ended the practice. Trannies no longer allowed in the military.

college would do nothing for you

Why not?

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In America you do basic combat training for 10 weeks then you get advanced individual training in just about any field. I decided to enlist after I received my (meme) degree. Im getting an MOS related to my degree (broadcasting)


Can't you use miltary gibs to go to a trade school?

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Should’ve learned a trade. Hard work is good for the soul

It's great up until about the age of 40. Then your knees blow out and you wish you were dead.

Employers have to be paid money to hire vets, why not just go to college to become one of the people who pay back college debt with money from hiring vets?

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That’s not Army either. Familiarize yourself with American military uniforms.
OP pic is Navy Working Uniform (NWU), that pic is Airman Battle Uniform (ABU), pic related is Army uniform, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP).

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I see a lot of self esteem issues and narcissism in your picture


looks faggy

Why not the Army, though?

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