@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/27/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on F&F 4/27/20
>Jared on FoxNews 4/26/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>Trump 2020 App IS HERE! 4/23/20
>War Room Weekly w/Tim Murtaugh, Rand Paul, &more! 4/26/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 4/26/20
>WHSrAdviser Hassett on ThisWeekABC 4/26/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on SunMornFutures 4/26/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on MtP 4/26/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Jason Meister (Lara) 4/26/20
>StateDeptVideo: Chy-na Still Withholds All Corona-chan Samples 4/26/20
>StateDeptVideo: Iranian Regime's Corona-chan Failures 4/26/20
>StateDeptVideo: Bringing Americans Back Home Safely 4/26/20
>Team Trump Online w/Lara Trump &Brad Parscale! 4/25/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on FoxNews 4/25/20
>LabSec Scalia on FoxNews 4/25/20

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Nice. Can’t wait to be a consoomer again

Beaumont is filled with niggers and Baptists. Don't live there.

Most Trump supporters here are seething because Trump has left them in another undefendable position. First, he mentions insanely retarded treatments in order to cure COVID. Then when all the blind followers come up with papers from the 1950s which mention these retarded treatments, Trump abandons his followers by claiming it was all sarcasm.

KEK Trump supporters on suicide watch

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guys, I met a guy who said he likes me and would completely submit to me
I'm pretty nervous and not entirely sure about what to do...
should I invite him over to my house?

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As i said last time 5/10 pasta.


That haircut is fucking atrocious, please god make women wear correct hair. State mandated proper haircuts, pls

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No he will probably just murder you.

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you should show bobs or gitfo.


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>I was merely pretending to be retarded
4D Chess

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Don't accept welfare get a job. Don't be a jewnigger using a memeflag. Don't be an Ethiopian jew.

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>we’re keeping up the pressure on these drumpflets because some old white guy said to 100 years ago
>”pressure” resets at least every 300 posts

Why are the shills so weak today?

Don't forget your daily gulp of desinfectant, /ptg/.

Yours truly, /cvg/.

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the bannings are becoming more frequent now.
they're taking out prominent conservatives one by one each day

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Not a shill, but this is actually what happened and it's kind of funny.

user you’re giving the shill too much credit
It’s .2/10 at best

Is "transforming" the country polling well or something?

Attached: Biden1.png (734x588, 65.18K)

>guys, I met a guy who said he likes me and would completely submit to me
Dude, how the fuck did you meet someone? You're here more than I am, and I'm a nonessential NEET on coronapanic lockdown. I refuse to believe that you left your computer for long enough to meet someone, let alone a man who wants to submit to you. I think you've begun to imitate the Finnkike and to larp twisted romantic scenarios for the negative attention that you, as a faggot sodomite Mexican, would inevitably receive on Yas Forums.

It blows my mind how fucking stupid these trump supporters are. Yes sweetly, the whole world shut down just to stick to trump and the American economy.

Why are these supporters brain dead?

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Just two more weeks amirite?

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>not a shill, but
1/10 shillposf

Maybe sounds better than "push through the socialist agenda by the long march through the corridors instead fo popular revolution?"

Imagine having the power to control Youtube, Facebook and Twitter but then having dinner with them and then letting them actively fuck you up.

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I will be greatful to see AG xavier bacerra rolled up to the pokie

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You don't understand, they're all being sarcastic.

Like this. This is so weak. Is this all the shills have?

you know what transform means. king nigger invented it

I'm not being sarcastic. I thought we were really doing it!

Yet they won't ban glowies like David Duke or Spencer.

Is he taking his policy ideas from twitter or something?

It’s because Flynn is going to walk and the shills are seething

You are a shill because that's not what happened at all.

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>Why are these supporters brain dead?
Trump supporters consists of all the retards and rejects of America united under one banner.

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If this gigantic nothingburger had every dollar directed to buying dollar hamburgers then you could have 20 trillion somethingburgers, probably.

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They drank the bleach just in case.

Yeah but you voted for Gary Johnson

>Is he taking his policy ideas from twitter or something?
Biden has policy ideas?

federal reserve asset balance is partially given back to the treasury for part of federal revenue. the more they earn, the more is given
assets being held right now are loans to companies, loans on forbearance or at risk of default being purchased, so that the companies and banks holding them won't have a cascading collapse when people can't pay their bills. but it also means these assets are high risk and probably going to be spent money, which ends up being that there will be decreased revenue and increased deficits for the government in the future

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This one is just making a living. Being a black Trump "supporter" is a lucrative business.

I met him playing video games
found out he was into the same kinks I am
he has shown interest into meeting with me

free gibs to the illegals and end oil yeah

That was in 2012!

I suggest warming up your bleach first to get a good disinfect feel from wu-flu, Migatard.

it's easier to weave a giant conspiracy than to just accept facts like trump handled this badly.

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That's fucking gay

Still counts

but how many fries?

Insane how we won 2016 then.

Dutch flagged mudslime baiting you tards again.
And of course you rely.
Why don't you fags just suck his dick?

Good morning, Yas Forums

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Time to start ridden with Biden!

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Seriously, how can Biden win?

He has no general on Yas Forums
He has no support at reddit
Twitter had #DropOutBiden trending yesterday
He's beyond fucked

>How can he win in 2020 bros? It's over. Democrats are too strong. You backed the wrong horse. Everyone is turning on him. Biden is +6 everywhere. He's not going to escape this onslaught of negative media coverage.


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Another tweet unrelated to trump.


Good morning based melaniaposter

where is the Biden general thread?

After the retarded media narrative that became dangerous, it was best for Trump to disavow entirely. Washed his hands of it and put the blame on the media. Check out how the Left/media attacked the Healight because it showed Trump wasn't far off in fantasyland.

There is none because nobody here unironically likes Biden

figure it out, tard boy

Nah Biden got this in the bag man.

Why didn't you post what he actually said?

a large order of fries

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Was there a /hcg/?


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>tard boy


Trump is so fucked.

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>I met him playing video games
Yeah, right. Either you made him up, or, when you meet him, he'll turn out to be an Amazon woman (female) who will tie you up and force you to enjoy heterosexual pleasure against your will. Eventually you'll break and want to be her little spoon, user. That's what the future holds for you.

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>>riding with AlzHeimer
You know he's been hanging out with toonces the driving cat. They are out checking the cliff roads for strength along the edges. They'll be off on another adventure as soon as Joe jumps out of the Hospital Garbage with the popcorn needed for the trip.

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because it's report bombing by bots to hit algos and they are nobodies.


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I just want trump to at least take pride in his job and admit that he fucks up a lot of the times. All he does is just whine and project when someone calls him out on his bullshit.


Shills are out in full force

Trump didn't handle this the best but all these zog/chink shill fucks are trying pretty hard to make you forget this was China's fuck up and China should be nuked

If Flynn really does walk, Trump should make him acting DNI immediately. They won't be able to say a former DIA head is unqualified.

Biden ain't the one to fix it, he's a senile pedophile

>says increasingly nervous man for the x'th time this century

>if biden is going to be president, where is his Yas Forums-reddit-twitter
>thinking politics works this way
i hope you guys enjoyed your term

>Shills are out in full force

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If every dollar fried potater strips order had approximately 40 fried tater strips then we could have perhaps 120 trillion fried tater strips. A mcd's small fried tater strip order is 230 calories so that would be 2.75 quintillion calories, or enough calories to feed almost every person on earth 2000 calorie diets for 172 days.

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neither of them can fix this, and they're both senile pedophiles.

Stop bein smug about it you big dum

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>I just want trump to at least take pride in his job and admit that he fucks up a lot of the times. All he does is just whine and project when someone calls him out on his bullshit.
Impossible, Donald Trump does not fuck up a lot. He chooses the best people for the jobs and endorses the best people. Despite them fucking it up for him or backstab him, it's not his fault.

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>no unironic Biden support to be found on the internet
>guys Biden totally wins

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