Here's a thought: Maybe you don't deserve a trad wife.
Think about that.
Here's a thought: Maybe you don't deserve a trad wife.
Think about that.
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>tfw I will never rub my pp on her wooly worm eyebrows
*pauses vidya*
Post tits
Jews don't deserve to post here
Pretty sure there isn't a woman in the world worth giving up Vidya for. I mean really, if you get with a chick that expects you to some how take up wood working and yard maintenance as your new hobbies cause shes with you, you're probably not really part of her life, you're just filling a role in her little personal movie.
What the ruck does this fag know. Tar and feather all the same
I stopped playing video games at 21. Is it depression if I don't enjoy them anymore or is it a part of growing up? I got more and more into movies recently (good shit like goodfellas) and it seems like a much more mature, adult way to waste time.
Who cares what roastie wants
I'm married.
But you're probably right...
>seems like a much more mature, adult way to waste time.
Wasting time is wasting time
what women really want
Surrogacy then.
>implying women don't like videogames
>implying women don't like traps
What a dumb bitch.
Perhaps if she wants a real man, she should be a real woman, not a cock riding, debt riddled whore who can't do basic things like cook or care about her partner.
Here's a thought, stop posting on Yas Forums
Here's a thought: maybe trad wives don't exist.
All women run on the same shitty BIOS.
Women are useless in everything apart from giving birth, and some fail in that too
My wife who games beside me every day would probably enjoy it if I watched more trap porn since she likes yaoi.
What is this 'real man'?
And what lets roasties decide what they are?
Post hymen or your oppinion on what is and isn't trad is worthless.
slide thread
Stop JIDF!!!
You're both degenerates and there's nothing I can do about it
well that works out since these hoes are not capable of being trad wives. next question faggots.
I never said I did you fucking retard
Hello faggot. I see you made a collage. My eyes landed first on the familiar face of that jewess you like to play as white. Then I looked above her and saw a tranny lusting for niggers. Then I saw multiple photoshopped signs.
Where I’m trying to get at is, you should definitely kill yourself.
Damn right.
How fat are you 2? Combined weight over or under 600?
Part of growing up
> here's a thot
let's see... closer to 350-375(total).
on keto.
There’s nothing wrong with vidya, as long as you aren’t using it as a substitute for the rush of real accomplishment.
But why does she care? Sounds like something someone would only say after losing to vidya. The only cucked person here is her, cucked by vidya.
if you prefer vidya to yard work you're a child. the sense of satisfaction you get from a well maintained yard and garden is the true man's pleasure.
Ok boomer
Hot take: do both like I do. Saturday I'll do yard work and make my exterior look good, Sunday I play vidya.
It is laziness. You grow up so you can't spend many hours a day playing vidya, and if you don't play vidya regularly, it is a really shitty hobby since you will be spending most time in tutorials not understanding shit and never finishing a game since they require tens of hours usually. Instead you watch a 90-120 minute thing that requires 0 input from you before, during or after and are then completely done.
Real MEN play video games and spend their hard earned money on their hobbies instead of wasting it on greedy, materialistic whores pretending to be Trad. Ignore whores, Frens. Slap them if they persist in harassing you for being uncucked enough to ignore their attacks on your masculinity.
I am the 30 year old boomer. I love putting some headphones in and mowing my yard. I always plant some blueberries and black berries in addition to some decorative plants/flowers. I make my own compost too. Gardening and landscaping is truly the patrician endeavor.
I feel that there is nothing wrong with playing good video games when you have the time. It seems to be those neets with like 5k hours in cs go that gave you guys a bad name.
And she's supposed to be a tradwife, huh?
Video games are trash in the current year. FUCKING TRASH. They're still less expensive and more worthwhile than women.
There is not going to be too many traditional marriages. England screwed everyone over big time. There is just going to be lots of witness/testimonial children, spite children and late biological clock children. And massive child support payments. Courts should charge a brokerage percent month to month.
I'm a Wizard. Now, back to Call of Duty. Adieu.
P.S. Feminists, you're fired!