Genetically speaking, what in the fuck is wrong with Slavs?

Genetically speaking, what in the fuck is wrong with Slavs?

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a lot

They were freed around the same time as niggers so they don't have the long European tradition of being critical thinkers. Even after they were freed, the paternalistic Czar treated them like shit and then the paternalistic Lolsheviks didn't allow them to do a god damm thing except die for the motherland, inhibiting creativity and suppressing wages and stunting inititative. Then the 90s fucked them in the ass. The result is a nation of alcohlics and prostitutes who are even more fucking degenerate than the US but are still patriotic because their grandfather was gunned down my a German MG.

post wrist with timestamp chocco

Ignorance is the answer.

>They were freed around the same time as niggers
What are you talking about?

south slavs seem less degenerate

He thinks that serfdom and slavery is a same thing.

>doesn't know about serfdom
Take the flag off you uneducated nigger

Constant rading/raping from horsemen tribes from the great Eurasian plain throughout human history.


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pic related.

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low iq and undesirable behavior

>doesn't ACTUALLY know about Serfdom
Fuck off burger

Really? Wtf Is Wrong with USA Is the correct question. Genetically speaking oc.

Asian admixture

Oh, fuck off Ivan!
The differences between kholop and slaves are almost entirely semantics.

Small Heda

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Slavs are basically kikes + mudslimes + eastern europeans.

What about Poles? What's the honest opinion about them?

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They are too based to live in this fake plastic society

If Slavs are so bad then why is Polish school education better than in the US or Germany?? According to PISA ranking.

Piss off, tinfoil!

Says literal mutt

Lmao nigger


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Universities are more important.

Poles are the best Slavs but that's like being the brightest kid in retard class, so nothing really to brag about.

Same as all germanised slavs, way above all other slavs in all metrics just much more superior.

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I wanna rub her pregnant tummy.

I disagree. Making everything dependent on some university is too risky. You should produce high IQ people in general.

Only had an effect on 30% of the population faggot
>European critical thinking
Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky, Solzhenitsyn, Tolstoy, Kafka,
>Paternalistic Tsar treated them like shit
How? war was not his problem
Won the space race dipshit don't believe american lies
>Nations of alchoholics and prostitutes
you fear us, don't deny it
>gunned down by a german MG
pic related

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I can give you mine.
I find poles to be hard working, but a little bit too much on the pessimistic side.
Would be totally a-okay with having poles as next door neighbors.

Fuck off Facundo. All you shits talk shit about the US all the time as if you know anything. Its all fair.

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It's an entire region of people with nothing to do but sit at home and get drunk.

Americans are basically kikes + mudslimes + mexicans + niggers

youre worse


Damn she’s fucking hot , kid is gonna be fucked up though probably , no different than all the bitches here who smoke pot while pregnant

Russians drink less alcohol on average than Western Europeans you 4th world Merican.

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Seems like lowering our standards because shitskins can't even handle basic education was not the smartest move after all. :)

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Every fucking time.