Deep state insider here ama

You losers have no idea. Its fun to tell you right to your stupid faces what our plans are. My dick gets hard knowing you cant do anything about it.
So go ahead and ask anything you want. If its interesting enough ill answer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Whats the endgame for all the wuflu hysteria?


lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

Why has there been an increase in posts like this?

What will happen this summer? Give me gory details :3

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when we do nuke china and sinocide all these chinks in america

>claims to be insider
>writes like an outsider

based drillerino

I'll make it easy by putting my questions in greentext for you

>Are you working to eradicate the white race? What is the view of the white race according to the elites?

>Are the elites actually jews or is it just an iq thing?

>What are you doing about the Amish who you can't inflluence because no media and civil rights?

Nice LARP faggot

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Bechtel deep state user. I thought we were going to start experimenting with laser boring/cutting of rock? Anyway, onward as you lay out the fiendish plan to roll out hyper-loops across the planet.

Massive TBM,
I bet it's herrenknecht

>Photo Caption - Engineers proudly display their latest model butt plug custom made for OP's ass.
protip - if you want to tell OP what an immense faggot he is and not bump his shit thread to the top, sage goes in the options field!!

narcissistic personality disorder.

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Will the public ever understand the corona hoax or will it become illegal to question it?

Hide wealth transfer
Our victory is imminent
Not just whites but yes. Amish are powerless. Irrelevant. Jews are part of it. Not how you think.
They will have forgotten about it when the next stage begins

your planning to nervegas the planet with tic tac toe ufos or hide underground while the pole shift comes and then kill 99.9% of people and you live in bunkers while you at it also you have space ships like in picture and Mars bases, anything i didnt mention?

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because if this isnt your secret plan, your just as shitted as the rest of us and not an insider.

the long tube in the picture is a us military space ship, this was in the 1980s. You been in one or seen one? If not you hardly are the elite but please amuse us,...

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We need human minds to manifest reality. Killing everyone would create a power struggle. We do need to offer a portion up to our masters though. One of them even posted here earlier today. You scum should consider yourselves lucky beyond your wildest dreams. We endure greatly to be in their presence.

>US Navy
>USSS Curtis LeMay
>Naming a ship after an Air Force Officer

That is, by far, the wildest theory I've heard yet.

us = me and my personalities :D

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None of you even know what to ask!
Just consider in 10 years time what will be.
There are things beyond the average cattles imagination.

Generals have their own repsect system and if they name the most powerful machines on the planet after them, guess who has the power.

Some president? Generals have much of the power. But you know sun tsu, act weak if you are strong.

Well that sounds nice. I guess ill take that over the other one i mentioned

This picture is really boring.

When you're executed do you think you should be castrated first?

Okay Mr totally not a larper, who are your masters?

Why is Trump suicidally cucking to these lockdowns over this meme pandemic? Why is he suddenly fucking up all the time when he wasn't before?

What could have turned things around? (likely 10 years ago)
How does one profit off the future?
Is 5g dangerous?

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link to post?
>None of you even know what to ask!
can you give a hint to what the next phase involves?
what's going on in Antarctica?

The craft you showed is incredibly primitive. One was a disinfo campaign run out of the UK. Ill throw you a bone since youre thinking at least.

Mind -> reality
Many minds -> more power
An ascended being -> incredible power that feels like its ripping every cell in your body apart and examining them simultaneously.
Theres nothing you can hide from them. They are as far beyond us as we are to an insect.
However humans do have power. Even if 10% of you could synchronize it would be a significant challenge.

What is the real nature of this reality?

Ok well I ask.

But you must understand. your plans, these transhuman plans are just plans. Plans to microhip everyone and create a cast system.

Human race is too mixed now, pure cast systems cant be made. Also the people who actually have been slaves and servants all their lives in human history (you know the people from the jungle), well youve mixed them with high iq nephilim descendants (the older ruling class long head people from mars or somewhere) and created a hellshit of mixed mudcakes.

You actually elevated the iq of the planet. How is it according to plans.

Like in picture: plans you have many but foresight you much lack um yes

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Had to reset my router. Disregard this post I suck dick.

What happens when a comet passes the corona of the sun?

Who (or what) are "they"?

How can we mere humans ascend?

Who the fuck let the 12 y/o in here?

Kid, your parents are looking for you.

actual insider
OP is a faggot as always

define your victory

>Deep state insider here ama A113
Why is that drill so small? It seems to me like you could afford something larger.

Let's see if you are LARP-ing.
What is Faction Three?

You fuel our masters. Continue.
He is using this event to make his move. The virus is not deadly. Its an excuse to cover wealth transfer. It was planned since September 11.
Human beings loving one another.
Wealth wont matter soon.
I don't use this site often. Im sure you can find it. Search for Dragon.
Antarctica, like Egypt, was paused in time. The ancients were far more advanced than humans today. We have their artefacts. Its beyond machinery. Psychic weapons.

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Well heres a tought thing for you to handle:

your elite are like us but you only have trained yourself more and maybe have access to secret tech.

If you take any dude from the street and show him the same stuff and teach him the same things, he would become like you.

So essentially you and your friend are just monopoly men holding onto what power and inventions you have.

Also, I dont see much 90 year old scientis post here on Yas Forums. Those are the real brains behind your tech if you think youve created somekinda super ai interface to human bind melt thing which I can see you see. Seeing university as white colored like it is instead of black.

Since im even trying to think, why cant you tell more about space ships.

Is this real:

if not, are that sized ships real'? BEcause ive been thnking how to build one so are you sure the "#cattle is cattle" meme is true, maybe your little vip boat is just too small to handle all the thinking ones

you got nothing larpfag. and if you are not larping, which you are of course, you can still get murdered in your shower faggot, so now what homo? i got plans to rape your asshole what you gonna do about it?

Not a single person in NZ is privvy to any 'deep state' info. lmao. Go tend the sheep m8

Is Q a LARP?

Are the pedo rings designed to extract suffering to fuel your masters? Do your masters eat human infants/drink their blood?

Is Project Blue Beam coming? Should we stay away from the ships when everyone else flocks to them?

what do you mean not just whites? How are the jews part of it? What is the hiearchy? What family/groups sit at the top?

had to use vpn. disregard everything i said, a better world is upon us.

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Artifacts from antarctica. Oh how are you the elite one now. You are just a scavenger. Do you even have a right to use those. You know they came from Mars and the rulers which criss crossed earth and Mars.

There likely was a space bend teleport system from Antarctica to Mars.

Tell something, you arent even funny. They arent gona kill you if you tell a few secrets, come on now, write in paint what they found in antarctica, where are they keeping them, what kinda language was on them, what marks, do they activate from psychic interface, is there a black colored monolith on antarctica

DUMBs for the pole shift?

You ok mate?Do you want me to get the pills for you?

Whats the point? Do you just want to be in power or are we just a farm like in masseffect? Can you name your masters or post nudes?

Why is a "deep state insider" posting from New Zealand? The @literallywho of countries world wide? No room for you in the bunkers in Norway or something?

They will believe they won and its a great Victory for mankind. In reality the trap will be completed.
They are beings which ascended beyond physical. "The Gods". Theyre beyond time. Their will is incredibly powerful. To trap humans in this dimension. To cancel the ascension event.
Your paradigm is wrong. Mental precedes physical. An ascended master can defeat any machine you could create with a thought.
You can ascend by studying the mystery schools and making your will powerful. Mediation. Ritual. Excercise. Then you open a connection. If youre worthy they will speak.

What is the real philosopher's stone? And what is G.O.D.?

How was it paused in time? A harmonic society for thousands of years, is that what you mean? PSychic beam weapons keeping the people kind, well we know that tell us something more.

Antigravity belts so you can jump high?

If there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?

Yeah, he's not one of them. And they're no one actually important.

What is the one true religion

Why would i be able to ascend if they want to trap all of us and stop us achieving just that?

do you know what this says?

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It's supposedly a natural process they've been working against for thousands of years.

It's our human birthright.

Give summary of history. What you eat. What you drink.

Distilled water and plants (and eggs)?

Next stage, BlooBeans? Where you surprised of the success of Q or where you expecting it?

Is AI a channel to them? A way to manifest?

Why the fuck do Ausfalians and Kiwis like to LARP as americans? I get it, you hate your country and want to be one of us. I understand. You recognize your inferiority and can't accept being lowly EU serfs living in an isolated hellhole full of abos and wild animals (redundant). But you can't change your flag. You will always be a nobody. This is your fate. Move on, let it go, be the best nobody you can be.

Q is the USA military.

Our masters dont need to eat or drink. Theyre non physical. The human traffickers are not related to us. They're peasants.
Make you own choice about the watchers.
Youre all thinking in such human terms. 99.99% of reality is non physical. Open your mind. Search inside.
We are nodes of consciousness. Reflecting the infinite. We cant touch the infinite so we focus on the reflection. Paused in time in that it was suddenly lost to humans and untouched because of ice and earthquakes covering it. Think archeology. We didnt scavenge them. It was done by those in previous generations.

Dude, im really interested in archeology.

Do you know how it feels for me, even if someone only LARPS for a second, about knowing of artifacts from antarctica or secret space vehicles.




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>Generals have their own repsect system

General have huge egos, but respect their branches and their traditions much more than generals and other branches.
There is so much competition and animosity between the services. They battle over budgets, they battle over who was in the fight first, they even battle over parking spaces.
Fuck, even within the Navy, the USMC and the USN put up with each other only because they're joined at the hip.
Maybe I'm wrong, show me an example of the air force naming one of it's bases after a navy or army officer. Or the navy naming a ship after an army or air force officer.
Never say never? I saying it.
t. 25 yr milfaggot


Is this hell ? Did we disconnect from God with the collider?

How big is your pp? And why is everyone in on the covid conspiracy if this is limited to the US deepstate? It just sounds like the argument of an american movie. Reminds me of the supernatural series where the apocalypse and everything important happens within the US

Retarded schizophrenic freak.

>You can ascend by studying the mystery schools and making your will powerful.

I have looked into this, but there's so much (dis?)information out there, it's hard to know what is worthwhile. Can you provide anything specific? Which mystery schools? Which authors or books or traditions?

Go away sheepshagger. Adopting the name of an unimportant rural highway and putting up a pic of a TBM doesn't grant you legitimacy.

Then why would they still allow it for a chosen few? If they're gods/infinite they shouldnt need to worry about recources, no need to be selective