Amazing drone footage of new Orthodox Russian Cathedral

when the last time even a small church was build in Europe? daily reminder Russian Orthodox Christianity is the only white men's religion

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Looks like a mosque

this will be the main Russian Army Cathedral dedicated to the Russia's military forces

very nice

Looks like a mosque. Judaism is the only faith of the superior kings of the world.

Looks Byzantine to me...


don't forget your suits

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Gods and other magic do not exist

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Get on our level Ruskie nigger.Pic related
Also churches are built daily in Europe.

One of the biggest Churches in Germany being built is Orthodox.

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communism is utterly retarded ideology for jewish golems, didn't you know that?

I find those minor details so endearing... And I do understand that most of them have some kind of symbology.
Here in Brazil we have a few older churches that are very beautiful, speacially the altars.
But, nowadays, it's not uncommon to have commie scum designed churches (look up Niterói's New Cathedral).

Economy in the gutter, pensions non existant but sure lets build some stupid church.

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>orthobros build beautiful gigantic church with classical architecture, not (((modernist))) shit
Jews seething right now.

>Niterói's New Cathedral
Jesus Christ

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Why put a hammer and sickle in the church?

It's not a hammer and sickle.

>but sure lets build some stupid church.
if you're not building churches they will build you mosques and force you to go there. there is no vacuum in spiritual, hans
read and study about Byzantine tradition

oh shit he's going full blyatamir

Did the architect design this church in Google SketchUp or one of those tablet drawing apps?

>Communism is kike ideology
>Lets worship dead kike on a steak instead.
Communism is the most antisemitic idea ever cause it destroys all types of usury

Based Orthodoxbro.

>tfw every holy building reminds mosque to a leaf

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Yeah, this shit was made by Oscar Niemayer, a known commie. He designed Brasília, by the way.
That futuristic aspect is his stuff.
I like one building he has designed, which is the Museu de Arte Contemporânea (Contemporary Art Museum), also in Niterói. It looks nice, but someone I know, who studied museums told me that that building looks nice, but it's terrible to have a museum. It has no space for the archive or collection.
It's more a touristic spot, than a museum per se.

Attached: MAC-Niterói-Fachada.jpg (720x450, 51.19K)

byzantine churches didn't have Abbasid and Mongol-influenced onion domes

more like a mix between a pagoda and a mosque, which makes sense for a civilization that was heavily influenced by Volga Tatars and steppe cultures

>Communism is the most antisemitic idea ever
sure you can easily back up your statement

I'm not a Christian, but I still have to say, thumbs up, Russia!
Very beautiful and inspiring.
Just don't let Muds burn it down, like France does.

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>onion domes
those aren't "onions", but candles. learn about your own religion a little bit more and better leave this board, genatsvali, black arse shitskins are not allowed here

Orthodoxy is a conquered religion. It's hard to want to join a religion when its capital has already been captured by the Islamic Bull.

>Looks like a mosque
What, are you an idiot?
It looks like a Russian Orthodox church, we have a lot of them, all over the U.S., that is their style of architecture.

>It's not a hammer and sickle.
>read and study about Byzantine tradition
Did you fags even watch the video?

the muzzies stole roman byzantine architecture

You vodka niggers are like that annoying person that suddenly can't stop talking about being a born again christian after being a piece of shit for their enure life