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now we can shapeshift the gender and race of the president

nothing like violating the espionage act huh? will trump haters ever learn?

Check. Source?
Also wtf does this even mean nigger?

It means you can have campaign ads of anything and not know the truth.

> trump is retarded
> trump is capable of producing deep fakes

liberals have no consistency of fake news

They've been putting down primer for Deepfakes for like years. What gives? What does he have that will make them claim it's fake?

Attached: 1585180756324.webm (854x480, 2.53M)

Thanks Trump.

Literally anything at this point.

Fizzledrip comes to mind.

Joe Biden rape video made by Epstein will leak soon and they'll try to dismiss it as a "deep fake".
Screencap this.

David Fucking Frum! what a piece of shit. This article is nothing more than political fan fiction written by a Fucking Traitor.

Question: What is David Frum source for this article beside his ass?

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That's such a disgusting concept I regret asking the question.

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LOL wut. Are they trying to say that ad where Obama is watching Biden on TV is a deepfake?

Funny how they’re accusing trump of faking videos at the exact time they have a dementia patient as the dem nominee and desperately need to use deep fakes all campaign

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How can Frum be a traitor when he was never on the side of white people to begin with? He was always on the side of his people.

He retweeted a vid posted by an account named "Trump and Biden are Rapey"

Can't tell if based or retarded.

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jews are constantly lying

This is what he's referring to.

Attached: trump_retweet.jpg (600x864, 109.79K)

How can someone still think this is about an election? What world do you live in?

Frum is an extremely butthurt jew. He's still super mad about 2016.

lol look at that is the whole publication simply devoted to slandering non-dems? why yes it appears so.

The Left
>Posts one funny video of Joe Biden
The Left:

Otherwise, "It's OKAY WHEN WE DO IT"

>make cryptic fearmongering for years around deepfakes knowing it would be used when evidence of Biden comes out
>it is the perfect alibi to ignore actual video evidence of him being scum
>the thing that comes out to ruin his campaign is audio focused

Oi Vey! NBC had a right to edit those Zimmerman 911 tapes to make is seem like he was racist and said nigger! NBC dindunuffin!


Oi Vey Its like anoda shoah how dare people edit videos oi vey its like being put into a fake oven after a fake gas chamber!
liberal logic

if AI can track photoshop it can track deepfake

Attached: 1580206986615.png (1400x933, 1.58M)

>tfw /pol is too retarded to see the hilarity of Trump retweeting Trump and Biden are Rapey

>/pol is retarded
>still on here, confirming it is a shill.

>want anons to lol at my lols
>get replied to by a literal drooling retard

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Omg wtf, is this real?

They any deep fakes of big tittied Pelosi getting blacked?

F-for a friend.