The Radicalization of Young Men

A key component to the Radicalization of Young men comes from taking the "redpill", which can best be summed up as the realization that life is intentionally full of Noble lies which are used to keep the large proletarian mass of men sedated. This is mostly done do that our neoliberal rulers can manufacture a "global citizen". A mindless mass of indistinct hukanity. What initially redpilled you and broke your liberal programming? For me, it was the female question and my bad experience with my girlfriends. I quickly realized that picture society painted of women was fundamentally a lie and that there was a darker, narcissistic, cruel underbelly of female sexuality. The id that they purposefully hid from the world behind a veneer of lipgloss and the whisper of sweet nothings.
What was it for you? Race? Economics?

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the chinks taking over. we need to get rid of them

Literally just diving deeper than surface level into any controversial issue and discovering what progressives actually believe

We need some oomph. Get rid of SJWs and back to breeding and it sort itself you see. Corona may just be the nudge needed.

>Noble lies


Lmao, no it won't.

Probably not but hey, I can dream right...

Did I miss the joke?

jews aren't noble.

neither are their lies.

What issue was it that first red pilled you?

>The Radicalization of Young Men
>to keep the large proletarian mass of men sedated.
>there was a darker, narcissistic, cruel underbelly of female sexuality.

OP is using leftist chan lingo. You are currently being demoralized by a leftist psy-op, with the Intention of divide and conquer based on race, gender, sexuality and class. Plebbit and bunkerchan have organized a raid. This morning they targeted /his/ and /lit/. Now they will spend the afternoon infiltrating Yas Forums.

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The NQ

You live in a world of competing truths. The real red pill is that they’re all operating simultaneously and being meticulously managed in order to keep you locked in and controlled. You think you’re the first person to realize women are vapid whores? That blacks commit more crime? That bankers have transnational globalist interests? There’s no “hidden” truths. You’re moving from one content management program to another.

I grew up in molenbeek. It was a bad neighbourhood even before it became the terror capital of Europe. My first redpill was how white rapists (I'm counting slavs as white) got longer jailtime than brown rapists. In my younger years I'd see a cop car from time to time driving through, haven't seen a cop car in years now. Got out of there once I was 18, 9 years ago.

This activates my almonds

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Based. Imagine eating unactivated almonds in 2020

I just hated niggers and jews really young. Eventually I realised the hate was completely justified and that I wasn't a bad person.

secret societys, Federal Reserve, High rate of jews in power positions, proaganda


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The fact that my race is going to go extinct in 100-300 years, and I'm a racist/conspiracy theorist for point it out.

It's when i found out about Muslim invaders in Europe

Did you know that Ashkenazis share more DNA with the Neanderthal than the typical western person.

Here's a heavy red pill, this shit has been going on since the cromagnon man came about.

A nigger spit on me (landed on my hair) for crossing the street to avoid his niglets. He misjudged me so I got in his face, stronger and taller than him, called him a piece of shit. Told the niglets, your daddy is a piece of shit. His sheboon wanted him to chimp out but he realized he fucked up, and went into dindu mode. The look on his face said "IQ below 80", and that's when I realized something about the world. Took me just a couple weeks to go from small donations to Bernie to realizing that Hitler had a lot of good ideas.

Your state is so infiltrated by maggots it’s in-functional. The politicians who are the very worst people to allow into positions of responsibility are crooks out to steal money and spend all day telling you how great they are as they fuck everything up.
Now all your state does is attack you.
Guess who’s advising your government, Gates, other owners of the WHO too. The main suspects.
It’s no wonder this virus is happening.
Because they know we will do nothing they are totally safe to take over.

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When we were in fourth grade our class got to talk with some "Holocaust survivors". They came to speak but our class got to ask them questions and stuff. One of the gentlemen told us he had been to every camp you can name, naturally I wanted to find out which was the worst one. When I asked that question they told me they were all awful, all just as bad as another. Even worse is that he couldn't even go off script and tell me place by place what made every camp so terrible. This was contrary to what I heard in the mandatory Holocaust reading and ironically because of all the information that was blasted at me I came out doubting this supposed tragedy.

I had the opportunity to speak with first hand witnesses and both of their stories fell apart under a fourth grader's scrutiny.

How do you believe anything about the holocaust after that.

Well it was a few major waves.
First was unironicly Metallica on a pop music channel. Sandman was played. It was my first step away from popular culture.
First major was seing Prague. A city in which european culture was acctually still alive. At least in the architecture. This has allready shaken my young self.
Then I started asking myself wether the persuit of girls and "fun" was worth anything and my answer was no.
A visit to St. Petersburg. A city even more beautiful then Prague has landed another major blow on my retarded leftist "fun=good" worldview.
I proceeded to listen to Korpiklaani which is a finish nature/folk metal band. They also have a nationalistic tendency. Then I red the satanic bible (which was a step in the wrong direction)
Then black metal.
At that point I was legitimatly confused and I am not shitting you, I was visited my some spirit. At that point I really started to disconect from any form of guidence (be it school, older people etc.) and started reading on Satanism. The satanic cult website had a forum on which people were advised to perform rituals against the jews and for our race. I acctually did once or twice (lol). But I prefered the meditation instructions they offered.
Everyone on that forum ended their posts with
which I also started doing but it felt very strange.
So I clicked on the link to TGSNT which was provided by mods on that forum. After that Hitler became a positive figure.
Then I read Mein Kampf to get a better understanding on Hitler.
That laid the foundation for being a truly redpilled men. What followed were several books by Nietzsche and countless daydreams of discussion with myself (Yas Forums and the military played a role to get expirience with people and how they behave).
After now 5 years I consider myself truly redpilled and try to figure out who to fix this mess we call our world.

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>Academic analysis faggorty

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lol what?
but I agree that OP is a fag.

god I am glad that some oldfags cared to post the origins of activated almonds and MR BONES WILD RIDE.
those are legit funny af.
I still would love to know about rustling jimmies.

devide those numbers by 10 or by 5 if you are optimistic.

the jewish holocaust historian admited that he lied himself

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only retards take the red pill because submitting to nihilism is the retard's work

Our leaders are too selfish and uncapable of ruling. Capitalism and communism are ultimately the same materialist bullshit ideology holding us back.

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