>18 y/o femanon
>texting bf
>bf replies “hey so today I think I can visit you, ain’t no lockdown gonna stop us from being together
>tell him he can’t come because my grandmother lives with me
>he comes anyway
>stop him outside the gate
>after like 30 minutes of arguing he leaves, calling me “unbased” before doing so
>3 days later
>bf tells me he’s texting his ex
>I end up blocking him on social media
>tfw no bf
So how did your day go anons?
So this just happened
your only hope is to get with asian boyfriend
They’re too feminine tho
Correct series of decisions, well done on being firm and standing up for yourself
What kind of thot doesn't accidentally give her grandmother covid so she can live happily with her bf on inheritance? It's like you want to be alone.
Wrong board
you have lots in common then
Why are you pretending to be a girl on the internet?
Then become even more feminine, so that they seem masculine in comparison.
It's ok he'll inject bleach soon
lockdown worked pretty well i see
Lmao but I’m not lesbian, I need a masculine right wing bf that doesn’t wanna give my grandmother covid
It has like a 0.4% death rate, you just broke up over the flu.
Fuck off chang
>"ain't no lockdown gonna stop us from being together"
show us those man titties.
tits or gtfo
Cute blog, faggot. No one cares about what ever dude you tricked into thinking you didn’t have a penis.
>tits or gtfo
Such a shame people aren't ONLY replying that anymore. Fucking simps.
Does your "grandmother" also tuck 'her' penis?
You don't need cock 24/7 you slut. Stfu and get a productive hobby.
Nobody wants to date a thot who posts on Yas Forums. And nobody will since you aren't a woman. Tits or begone.
Sage this thread until tits and timestamp
Sage this thread until tits and timestamp
Sage this thread until tits and timestamp
Sage this thread until tits and timestamp
Sage this thread until tits and timestamp
You're not a girl. Great b8 now fuck off
News studies out of Cali suggest as low as .1 I can’t believe I lost my job for this.
Tits timestamp or gtfo
I don’t, I need a dude tho. Just as much as guys on here need a gf
alright, luv? fancy coming to chippy then back to mine so you can nibble on me knob?
my day was good and all until some faggot pretended to be a girl for (you)s
show tits or gtfo
Choosing your grandmother over the sexual desires of your man shows just how selfish and childish you are.
You know the drill, tits or gtfo
You chose right. Family before fuckbois. Find someone who will respect granny.
tits or gtfo
Well ?
You are missing the point. titts or gtfo.
Tits or gtfo
If you actually possess a vagoo, just accept advances on Tinder. You could get fucked like within 20 minutes. Why the fuck would you ever complain on fucking Yas Forums about being lonely if you are actually a fucking girl?
Titts mean nothing in the Age of the Tranny.
why didnt you just go to his place
Show tits or GTFO
sage the thread, hide it
nothing else
congrats you just broke up over a fucking flu
18 year old girls have it, like, sooooo tough
Tits or GTFO. Wtf is wrong with you cucks? We have lost our way
>Virus transmission is a one way street
It must be nice to be this retarded.
I don’t wanna date some fratboy, no thanks
Tits of gtfo
That's why the Good Lawd invented Video Chat. Lock the bedroom door,air out your choice and have fun with mutual virtual masturbation.
Very 21st century.
Cause he lives with his parents
>a thot who posts on Yas Forums
seriously nigger? get the fuck out of here, people like you wont breed anyway so might as well shut the fuck up... thots on Yas Forums simply epic
an interesting twist to the Mutt's law
Not "choice",chooch. Damn autocorrect!
so youre dating someone poor and stupid
and now youre here to complain that you had to deal with someone thats poor and stupid
Give me your email, we can do cam stuff
Post feet, tits, and vagoo in that order with timestamp, or gtfo.
Nobody cares about you.
Post tits or gtfo.
Also kys while you are at it.
When did it become acceptable for femanons to come here and blog about their boring and meaningless life?
When did Yas Forums turn into tumblr?
When did the tits or gtfo rule get removed?
Yas Forums is not what it used to be.
OP, kys.
Stop larping
I think getting a gf is a mistake until society changes. It just isn't worth it
I kiss your vagene for 1 hour then you like my 2 feet penis. I rape you later.
YOU ARE AN 18 YEAR OLD ROASTIE THAT HAS SEX WITH NIGGERS! ALL 18 YEAR OLD GIRLS ARE HAGS!!! There might be a 14 Year old lurking on this board. If a 14 Year old Girls shows her Tits and Timestamp, FBI Niggers and CIA Niggers would have a Chimpout much larger than Niggers.
you know the rules
the fucking simps in this fucking thread
Does the idea of getting pounded by a beta really tickle your special parts?
Best you can get here desu
Tits or gtfo
This literally happened to me
>pregnant gf birthday
>surprise visit (2hr drive)
>she gets mad that I came because we are on lockdown
>wont even hug or kiss me
>couple days later she texts me shes mad I came because her immune system is comprised due to the baby and her parents are old af
>made up
Shes so lucky I'm a good guy. Cause that's the type of shit that makes a weak man cheat
i live with my 93 year old grandmother with traveling nurses who come every day and so do our relatives. kill yourself for being a stupid bitch
no, people tell themselves this kind of thing to excuse their own behavior. you just dont want to settle.
Lol it was worth a try
You sound like a giant pussy
You fucking loser. Why are you having a kid and you aren't even able to afford a place for your baby momma or are you taking over Tyrone's responsibility?
you are retarded baka, my gf's dad has terminal cancer and basically forces me to come over so we can cuddle and paint her room
Ok Ok.
I'll take one for the team...
You're not a minor are you?
What is your onlyfans site?
This is not the larp board you faggot
>70+ responses
>not deleted by mods
Wish your grandmother all the best!!
Based as hell bro.
Need a better resolution of that tho, that's some THOT-repellent
>he leaves, calling me “unbased”
this never happened.
tits or gtfo
>So this just happened
You made your choice.
Hopefully you can fuck gran now.
>traveling nurses
They gonna give your granny the corona.
1. not EVERY female deserves to be bashed by default, if so then might as well just not reproduce at all because all women are trash whores
2. asking for a girl to be a degenerate whore by posting tits so she can prove that shes a girl is quite contradictory with Yas Forums standards
THATS WHY MOST OF YOU NIGGERS WILL NEVER GET A GIRL, you dont know what the fuck you even want, im not whitheknighting, im talking to the guys itt, i just saw this happen over and over, its the equivalent of guys in front of the store whistling to any girls that passes by praying to get pussy, same as you want to meet a based girl but first you wanna see the tits, what based girl shows her tits to anyone except her bf/husband? /OUR/ relationship with women is fucked in its root and you know it
only works when an American says it
You really think the jannies care that much?
What does it have to do with politics? Go back to pajeetistan.
lmao shut up i don't need your fake bullshit. fucking clams
Because me and him are both right wing
Nice try hiveman.
thanks negro but they wont because we understand microbiology and having the same nurses for years meaning everyone is on the same page but im sure you didnt know the common cold is a "corona virus" too fucking shit skins
The jannies are compromised. Their job is to destroy this board and they are doing very well.
You are fucking retarted.
Read this and hopefully grow some brain cells.
Dont make assumptions, I have my own place. She was on tour for a concert before covid and her show got shut down because of it sending her home early. She was supposed to move in after her tour, but due to covid she didnt feel comfortable moving. Which was fine with me, her parents are there to take care of her.
But not even being able to visit is way out of line. Girls dont realize that guys need physical connection. If I cant touch you, you cant get mad if I go looking elsewhere
Shut up Muhammad.
In civilized society you don't raid villages for women, you shame them into lowering their expectations.
>Poor and stupid
I think poor people are generally smarter than middle earners. Poor people do a nice easy amount of work to provide them with the small amount of money they actually need.
The 50k-100k hard working educated people are the dumbest cunts I know. They waste their lifes earning money to buy crap they don't need. The amount of people I know who build ridiculous 5 bedroom houses and only have one child is crazy.
This. Just came to express my disgust.
Secure the future. Your momma's ship was sailed long ago, its your turn to be a mother and wife. Assuming your bf is worthy.