Hello, who gets the fluterino?

hello, who gets the fluterino?

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B. Anything else would be stealing. She starts with it, she should keep it.

also sage

Possession is 9/10ths of the law. The bitch that made it has every right to that flute.
If that bitch wants to donate/sell it. It's her choice.
If anyone says otherwise, they support theft.
>Bonus points for seeing this as an analogy for taxation.

to A or B, depends what cunny is cuter


C. The other 2 are girls.

If this is a rudimentary analogy for societal organization and economics then--

Ideally middle child and others in her group can reproduce more flutes. You want to be able to scale up that skill like a machine. It doesn't make sense if she can only make 1 flute in her lifetime.

Left child has good argument to have flute. Provide tools to skilled labor who can utilize tools for measurable output.

Right child shouldn't get free handouts. But socialism policies are important too. Train him to make flutes or something. Create incentive

B gets it under the condition that it gives it to C, who in turns sells it to A.

A has the flute so he can play it
B had the flute so possession laws were obliged
C sold the flute for money and doesn’t struggle as much anymore

Any objections?

none. OP steals the fulte and inserts it into his anus, because he does in fact enjoy hard objects inside his rectum

This. I wanted a guitar back when I was a kid. I mowed lawns, painted fences, washed cars, and other bullshit kid work. By the end of the summer I had a brand new C. F. Martin & Co. guitar in my room. If I did it so can those cunts A and C.

It's not for me to decide. Of course some commie would post something where it assumes you have the authority to tell others what to do with their property.

I break the flute over my knee now there's nothing to fight about

based anprim

C might kill everyone because he didn't get the flute

Rape the children in order from oldest to youngest, using the flute to prep their cavities. When finished, take the flute and pee on the children.

B. A can get her own damn flute. C should hang.


Those people who can perform need to be given the possibility to perform. Otherwise you indulge "WE WUZ FLUTE MAKERS N SHIET" mentality and stagnate the music creation industry.

I'd rather see people enslaved than people doomed to eternal mediocrity.

Yes, kill yourself kike

B should keep it
A could buy the flute from B if she really wants it.
And fuck C

>lazy peopleshould get money
>that flag
Yeah, I can see it.

Wrong commrade, government take flute. Redistribute flute amognst party. Small child is not metal smith. Is lieing dissenter. Child B get 30 years gulag for insulting glorious communist party. Drink Vdoka. 30 years gulag for this post.



Stick the flute up my ass. Then we'll see which one of the little whinging cunts want it.

I do. If they want it, they should pay up.

Whoever wins the fight

kek and almost had a

coom on the mouthpiece and give it to the hottest one

Child B has tranny haircut and color
It’s most likely a tranny
The flute is a metaphor for their penis

You two are exactly what is wrong with society. Do us all a favor and remove yourselves.

>It doesn't make sense if she can only make 1 flute in her lifetime
Maybe she just wanted to make one fucking flute for herself.

Been a while since we had this one up

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They left out option D
The feral nigger that appears out of nowhere and steals the flute, rapes the two girls and breaks the flute over the white boys head after he says "nigger"

I think B should have the rights to do with the flute almost whatever she wants in the end, however, B should be heavily encouraged to sell it to A.

Your picture only supports my theory:

Its B’s flute. The only question here is why do we have B’s stolen property.


So who's giving it away if it's child B's? I bet OP thinks this is some kind of mind blowing question that makes communism the obvious choice for anyone who hears is. KYS fag



You were certainly right about it being a metaphor, but just barely missed the mark

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Dude wtf
Why are somany of you NAZIS also pedos

What a fucking moron.

The only right answer is B and only B.
If B is smart, she'll sell it to A or make a deal with A, but ultimately it is her choice to do whatever she wants with it.
C is not entitled to other people's stuff because he's broke. It doesn't even make sense why he'd want the flute, he won't do anything with it.

Break the flute give the top part to the player. Give the middle part to the builder. Give the last part to the poor person. so they all have to work together to make the music play.

Depends on who wins the fight.
Survival of the fittest.

>child C gets the flute
>play with it for a couple minutes and never touch it again
A or B sounds good.

If A already knows how to play a flute, what the fuck happened to the flute she learned to play on?

Gibsmedats fo free

What are you on about? She's clearly 25 year old asian

It's my flute. I am larger and stronger than these 3 losers. I'm taking the flute and shoving it in sideways up OP's ass for posting this retired old meme.

She's called "Child B"

Break the flute.

The flute is a metaphor for penis
Child A metaphor is a whore
Child B is a tranny who’s ‘flute’ is taken away
Child C is a gay virgin

There are truly no exceptions, huh

obviously C the others should be in the kitchen wtf

One time at band camp I stuck a jew in my oven.

Do you know if the flute peeps when she queefs like that haha asking for a friend

Execute all 3 of them for fighting over a flute and not meeting the production quota.
Then take the flute and shove it up your ass

The racist who wrote the question misidentified her age because they think all asian women look alike

>I’m not a pedo, you’re just racist
You fucking sicko

I don't get to decide; it's not my flute.

I’d give Billy $20 and tell him to go buy toys or candy or something then share my flute with the two girls

In an ideal world the flute would be made by all three of them and the flute would be equally theres