Is anybody else constantly amazed by Donald Trumps ability to withstand the attacks from the media...

Is anybody else constantly amazed by Donald Trumps ability to withstand the attacks from the media? No other president in history has been attacked so much and so often, probably even no other person in history, and yet it all just rolls off him like water off a ducks back. I often say to my friends that Donald Trump, whatever you think of this politics, is an amazing man for being able to single handly repel such a vicious onslaught of lies. There are literally thousands of people across the world working 24/7 against him, yet this one man stands strong against it all, against all odds.

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he good man
he need to nuke china

Its extra funny because so many “journalists” are on the narrative direction journolist email group Trump gets a copy and is able to craft his talking points to counter them.

I heard he has bleach injections to increase his mental fortitude. I highly suggest you try it out.

I was impressed when he stood by Kavanaugh. No other politician who has ever lived would have done that.

Trump made it illegal to criticize the holocaust and Israel in public schools. I don't understand why msm hates him.

4d chess

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Epic levels of self confidence.

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This, and the fact that the attacks have been going on for so long now (about 5 years now) that no one besides the indoctrinated are listening anymore.

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Its crazy how the media thinks its the end for drumpf for real this time only to always forget they even said those things a week later.

Hes a kike puppet acting a part and he knows the kike media attacking him is all part of the play.

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Fuck off chink

Trump prolly cries himself to sleep every night faggot

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Being this dumb is how you ended up with Trudeau.

Fuck off chink

They just hate him because they he’s not warmongering neocon.

Not anymore, it's become expected.
It's why their attacks are laughable, he's literally untouchable since no other politician wants to represent basic principles of the average citizen.
He's in a lane of his own, he holds a monopoly, he can say and do anything he wants, and the only people that take a hit is the media.
Another 4 years of seething.

hahahaha this is facebook tier cringe

literal “teleports behind you” grade

what a fucking faggot

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he gives people what they deserve, for better or worse, all these years he's been cracking down on human trafficking more than any other president and these cunts smear his name daily, they deserve to be fucked with like the little pea brained twats they are. all they had to do was be fair and they still have to try to connect dots incorrectly on purpose.

Oh look you screencapped your own retarded post. I'm gonna vote for Biden now thanks user.

kys faggot

Is planning to impeach him from day 1 a part of the plan?