Americans, do you ever take time to reflect on your countrys past?

Americans, do you ever take time to reflect on your countrys past?

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this is missing the chinese slaves that the north had while supposedly fighting against slavery



Anyone replying to this shitty bait thread without saging is in on the forum slide.



Yes, I often wonder what life could have been like if we had just killed all the niggers instead of freeing them.


If you aren't proud of your forefathers for exterminating savage redskins and enslaving retarded niggers, you are the definition of a cuck.

Are you fucking kidding? Americans cannot go a single day without being reminded of our father’s sins.

Yeah, every July while celebrating.
If they didn't want to be genocided or enslaved, they should've developed the technology and weaponry to combat us. They didn't, they lost, and they paid the price for failure.
Might makes right, bitch.




It's easy to push a (((narrative))) if most people are absolutely ignorant of history and have only a few reference points created by (((the education system))) and guilt nurtured by (((the media)))

Slavery is a marxist myth. You mean Christian reformation of savages.

4channer wants to give credit for slavery to Jews = 4channer is marxist

Thats all you guys are

No. I don't believe in looking in the past, since I have my eyes on the future.

Name a country that ISN'T founded on slavery and genocide. It's generally how you found a country: Kick out and/or subjugate the people who were there before.

America is minority white right now their 250 year white civilisation is over. Their countries past is literally it's white past. the future is brown

Attached: america.jpg (732x674, 94.73K)

Let's fuck.

Not really. I mean, the Indians were living in the stone age and just couldn't compete. They weren't doing anything with this continent, so fuck em and niggers aren't even human. We should've never brought them here in the first place. As far as "building" the country goes, the mule deserves more credit than the negro

most muslim countries

It's important to leave informative posts even in bait threads which can still host fruitful discussions

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Every country except Japan?

Attached: IMG_4126.jpg (320x320, 54.7K)

Should've been two genocides desu

Fuck off with your commie propaganda.

Most of Native tribes


Nah shit skins worthless.

The Chinese who occupied America did so by murdering the white Nordic population who were already there, so that one's karma.
The negros, as evidenced by their descendants, were not very good workers and were quickly replaced by machines. They built nothing and have since contributed only to the crime statistics. Neither the Chinese, nor the negros have been good for America.

>except Japan?
Lmao, read about Japan during WWII.

We won.
They're dead.
What's to think about?

Meme flag detected

Fake History
Who hasn't?

White people are done being guilty moishe.

I reminisce regularly about the time we stole the natives’ land in exchange for a few beaver belts and a box of tobacco


lmao America wasn't built by niggers at all. They worked a quarter as hard as the white man in the cotton field and when they got freed they fled North and turned it into the famous, crime ridden shithole it is today.

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>that picture
Brazil? Haiti? Barbados? Pretty much all of South America? Egypt? Liberia? China? I dunno user, which one of these genocidal slave nations was it?

show flag so i can tell you about how your people are monsters

They should have been more hospitable. The Indians were disgusting, brute beasts who cut off people’s scalps and also roasted and ate their enemies, after bashing in their skulls with tomahawks. The Indians were far more brutal than the Europeans were. The Europeans were quite merciful by those standards,

You are an national hero.

Look up the Ainu

India (not colonial india).

All of them.
> It's literally fucking all of them

at the time, slavery of blacks was regarded as domestication.
Many native tribes were cruel and routinely tortured others captured in raids. Their way of life had to be destroyed.