Will you vote for trump?

Will you vote for trump?

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>kiddy diddler Biden
>functional retard Trump

boy you americans have it rough

yes because he is the lessor of 2 evils

yes all this money and wide open space is awful stay away never come here

Will no one compete for the Republican spot like the democrat spot is going to biden? I am a bit slow.

im voting tulsi

It's funny Yas Forums can't even find a legit reason to shit on Biden.

He's not a "kid diddler", you fucks love to make shit up, unless you fucks have a legit source about him raping or diddling kids

yeah id never go to a country without a public healthcare system don't worry

at least twice, perhaps more

>literally whos still whining about orange man bad
One of you fix your insect problem, the other stop being a third world shithole and get back to us.



Of course

Hes senile

Can someone explain this?

Yes you dumb nigger

>third world shithole

are you upset your country has a shitty healthcare and education system? sounds like it


Traditionally, people don't run against a sitting president in their own party. Bill Weld is running against trump but nobody gives a shit about him.

I’m not sure. Trump reminds me a lot of Obama, big promises that didn’t come through at all but his base still loves him and his detractors hate him for all the wrong reasons.

>Signs law stifling 1st amendment does Israel
>Signs exec order violating 2nd amendment
>not helping assange

There are legit complaints about him, but they aren’t the ground shattering, world ending retarded things the left comes after him for

>Russia Russia RUSSIA!!!!

I think between Biden or trump, at least trump could potentially stand up to China and go after them after this whole virus thing is over, even encourage American companies to bring our manufacturing back here. Or he might not, but Biden definitely won’t. Oh, and the economy will return to normal much faster under trump than Biden.

So I’ll probably vote for him.

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Thank you, why? Not all republicans agree surely more would want to run?

So is Trump though

are you upset your country is buckling under the pinko pox? I think you are

your country has 4 times more infected than mine. Also we have a public healthcare system so I won't
have to pay for anything in case I get infected. All and all preatty confy desu

damn sure aint voting for kiddie sniffin joe. at this point dems are so repugnant the only reason to vote at all is to vote against them, voting for their opponent is the only legal way to keep power out of their hands at the moment.

hes a dem a commie and a white hating globalist faggot and thats plenty

fuck no

Trump has a 90% favorable rating with Republicans. Anyone who runs against him from his own party is committing political suicide.

>Will you vote for trump?
Absolutely not.

Yes, I like Trump

>Legit source

Are you trolling? There have been videos of him groping preteen and teenage girls on Cspan for the world to see for many years now. It's in plain sight. Not my fault you don't want to see what's right in front of your face.


Vooted for him since the primary. He's done everything I wanted him to do, pissed off all the stuck up (pedo) people I wanted to piss off, better leader than expected despite MSM constantly trying to knock him down but only making him and his vooter base stronger.

He's undone all of Obama's lame screwups. He's Put much needed focus on our boarders instead of kicking the can down the road. He's been a strong leader through multiple crises, and the democrats have done nothing but act like cynical and spiteful babies.

Never forget Clintons.
Never forget Kavanaugh.
Never forget Epstein.

and this is the problem. it's suicide to not support him and that makes criticizing him when he does something stupid (which happens a LOT) dangerous

>stupidity makes you do dumb things

But I thought liberals said everyone was equal?

>all this money

Checks debt clock: -25 trillion

Trump is easily the best option.

You really think, on a board full of people concerned with racial identity and white unity, we're all going to NOT support Trump when a big majority of white guys will be?

Maybe who the President of the US is doesn't really matter, but whites are going to stick together and be on the same team in this. So just give up trying to get us to vote Democrat with the blacks and latinos. Why would we ally with them and not with our brothers?

No, I'm voting for the party of Marxist Jews
Democrat all the way

I'm a leftlib, obama and trump both suck.

yeah I don't really care if he's shit or not I'll do it out of spite since all you faggots do is bitch and moan 24/7 about a country that shouldn't concern you
drink bleach this, covfefe that, so when he does something stupid again like cuts funding or puts tariffs on your ass just remember that Trump being my shitpost > your shitpost

Yep. Cause fuck Biden.

1. his court appointments
2. entertainment value; I have to know what happens in the sequel

What's your favorite reason to vote for Biden?

Attached: BidenYourTime.jpg (634x742, 97.39K)

Or would you rather we talk about the kids?

Attached: bidennip.webm (468x512, 1.34M)