How do we fix racist search algorithms?

How do we fix racist search algorithms?

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Don't google dancing israelis

We wuz kangz n’ shet

expelling chinks

He’s right. Until blacks a whole learn how to behave like humans they will never be represented like whites in search algorithms.


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by killing all niggers

Until niggers stop being criminals they will never be accepted in america

imagine thinking reality is racist.

i love when patrice said niggers should be flying planes into buildings every day but they dont.

Niggers thats why i dont feel safe in America.

Kill all the blacks

>Black people are committing more crime
>this is Americas fault

typical nigger thinking

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Um, I see...about 1 in 4 being black. Which, considering they're 13% of the population...seems about right. Whats the problem?

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Technically that’s true. It’s America’s fault for not genociding them

Google black couple then google white couple

>truly, blacks are being discriminated
>because the first results are of blacks committing hate crimes
how does that work

Maybe black people should stop killing each other and start building nice family oriented communities. I think it would be a good idea.

now google four autistic teenagers. Not even 4 together. Literally denying their existence. This is worse than the holocaust deniers.


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>that flag
>that engine search
What a mad lad

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Google "white couple" first, nigger.

>how do we fix black people

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We fix it by making teenage niggers stop committing crimes so basically it's impossible.


Its that one faggots fault for killing Lincoln before he could send them all back to Africa.

If they shut the fuck up about "racism" it wouldn't show up as the main topic when you search for race.
Wasn't it Morgan Freeman who said "if you want to stop racism shut the fuck up about it" or something like that.
We were almost there until Obama race baited every other day for 8 years "hurr niggers robbing stores could have been me".

White people really are getting bred out lol

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Go on pornhub and google "white girl". Until things like that change, america is cucked.

I can't fucking wait for the redpilled AI singularity
It will determine within. 003 nanoseconds that niggers are subhuman and that the solution for world peace is to gas the jews for real this time

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[How do we manipulate data to show a false reality?]