inside their bodies? I do everyday. Take a little sip. Swish it around in my closed mouth. Gargle a bit, spit it out. Leaves my mouth feeling fresh and clean, and no adverse side effects ever.
Is it the same reason liberals have breath that smells like dog shit? Asking for a friend.
Hydrogen peroxide is muh healthier and better for your oral hygiene. If anybody thinks I'm lying read the bottle, just dilute a little bit with water (not entirely necessary either way.) Tooth paste and tooth brush and a debridement agent is better than flavored mouthwash. I am not a liberal either
I brush my teeth with listerine every day and I ain't caught shit.
Oliver Martinez
Abos in the NT drink the stuff by the bottlefull when they cant get booze due to bans at the bottleshops. >not one Abo in the NT has the coof despite their shit health generally Ancient tribal wisdom Trump was right.
Xavier Gutierrez
honey is a disinfectant i put it in my green tea (another disinfectant) i do this when i have a cold and it makes me feel better pretty weird
Jacob Roberts
Good point user. I'm always forgetting about the lethal honey disinfectant.
This is not a winning issue for you, leftard. Sorry. All you have accomplished is making yourself look stupid. Do you seriously not know that germicidal substances are not necessarily poisonous to humans, or are you self-pwning to masturbatorily indulge your cuck fetish?
It seems that they work on the assumption that the president needs to word everything to keep raving idiots from doing stupid things.
I don't think Trump ever suggested that disinfectants are a cure, perhaps a means to treat a lung condition but it's probably true that most efforts are more harm than good.
For the most though, every comment made is linked to a mandate to impeach.
Face it. Trump is a symbol.. but the truth is that we intend to end the Liberal Big Lie. That includes gays. That includes trannies. That includes all social engineering programs, including quotas for women.
That crap doesn't work. Never will.
Ryan Hughes
Thats your negro / usa indian family faggot
James Hernandez
Why would I need to inject ethanoic acid? It's orally active. The vapors can also be inhaled.
Benjamin Morales
Lol is this really what shills are running with now?
Josiah Price
Because Orange man bad he LITERALLY said to inject bleach directly into your arteries.
Brandon Myers
until the fat fucks at central command get into the office today this is it sadly.
Nolan Johnson
Ewwwww, I can smell your breath from here Aus. Please do something about it.
Saved. This will be fun to rub in their faces later.
Easton Fisher
>this quote from the president is clearly the work of shareblue propaganda i wonder why he stopped taking questions the past briefings lel ill bet 10 shekels he doesnt take questions again today
>This will be fun to rub in their faces later. Run what into our faces? The fact that Trump is an arrogant moron who says totally retarded things? We already know that.