Alright brothers, I think it is time that something is done about the criminal scam that is central banking. It is the root of economic inequality in the world, and is responsible for the decline in the standards of living for millions of people by redistributing purchasing power by inflation from the poor to the rich (the Cantillon effect). It is the reason why despite an apparent illusion of prosperity, things just don’t seem or feel right. Rent is going up, the quality of the goods and services that we consume are going down, and most young people are living a life far below the living standard that their parents lived.

It is through the hegemony and extraordinary reserve status of the dollar that work and manufacturing has been outsourced to third-world developing countries, hurting workers both in the West but also in the third-world, with wealthy and well-connected capitalists earning a profit. It is due to central banking that the rich get richer without needing to produce anything of real value, and it is the reason why society has degenerated to the point where young women prostitute themselves online in order to earn a quick buck, and where planning for a family is no longer part of the equation. It is the reason why people no longer save for a better future and instead spend it on binge drinking and drugs every weekend, because what’s the point?

Central banking relies SOLELY on the fact that people do not know how it actually operates and how it affects them. If people knew how they were being robbed in plain sight, the Federal Reserve would be raided tomorrow morning by patriots. Like it or not, Yas Forums has significant influence on internet culture, and it is through the power of information dissemination through memes that we have gained our influence. The BRRRR meme is a great example.

What do you think Yas Forums? Should we not organise and use our creative energies to inform people about this and wake them up from their daylight robbery?

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Dumping some content

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Ok, first what do you have in mind?
Second, doesnt POTUS now run the Fed?

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It's simple OP, you just make the rounds on social media to the millennials talking about student-debt jubilee.

I think a dedicated information campaign distilling the essentials of the monetary robbery into easily digestible and shareable memes would do the trick. We did it when electing Trump, it can be done again.

As for Trump controlling the Federal Reserve, I am not sure. He might for all I know, but I think he is more concerned about getting reelected than ending the system because ending it would usher in a readjustment period that would cause great economic hardship for a lot of people. It is far more convenient and beneficial for him to just maintain the status quo.

Besides, I don't even know if he is aware how this system works since he is surrounded by mainstream economists.

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Student-debt jubilee is a good tagline, but I don't know if it is enough. People need to realise that their money denominated in dollars is just pieces of paper that someone is printing out of thin air and handing to cronies.

This is an issue that can unite both the right and the left, as it is the root cause of both of their core issues.

>People need to realize that their money denominated in dollars is just pieces of paper
the problem is not with the dollar, but who is issuing it.
We need to replace Fed Reserve Notes with US Notes, it will still be called a dollar.

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To be fair almost every century has been a century of total war.

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You mean returning to a gold standard? I can support that, but it relies on the issuers being faithful. This faith was broken once before when Nixon unilaterally took the dollar off the gold standard in 1971 and screwing everyone else.

Maybe crypto/bitcoin would be a good alternative.

Fuck off glow nigger.

Even if this was a legit post, the normies are too stupid to understand how the Fed works.

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>Alright brothers, I think it is time that something is done about the criminal scam that is central banking
excellent thread, wish i didn't have to go work on my truck

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The dollar is the biggest pyramid scheme in the world.

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They are too stupid to understand the details, but a child can understand that access to the printing press is a privilege that harms those who do not have access to it.

The mechanics of inflation can be easily distilled I think, especially how it flows through an economy and how it enriches those closer to the central bank.

>You mean returning to a gold standard?
i would say a basket of like 5 or 6 commodities including gold

Attached: Fed Res corona bailout.png (1766x1248, 256.72K)

It really is, but the pound is not an exception Nigel. Most fiat currencies are pyramid schemes waiting to collapse.

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>Maybe crypto/bitcoin would be a good alternative
worst idea ever
having a currency that is reliant on electricity

MMMMMMMMM... Honey.. god do I FUCKING love honey.. mmmmMMMMMFF! Mmmmmmmmllll...........

This is correct, but most of these wars have almost always been financed by the debasement of currency, especially the two recent world wars. Imagine the human suffering that would have been avoided if governments were forced to keep a gold standard.

No and I'm not saying it isn't but the dollar is the bigger scheme out of them both.

why would you care if OP was? any sane person knows the Fed are counterfeiters destroying this country and every other country under the BIS

or more likely you are the shill and don't want intelligent discourse on the subject

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central banks under BIS

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This image is great, didn’t know that all central banks were colluding with each other.

the Fed's dollar liquidity swaps
how is this a free market?
how is this sovereign nations trading with each other?
it isn't, it is a league of counterfeiters manipulating our currencies to profit, period
central banking is the scourge of the planet

Attached: liquidity swaps.png (2068x1252, 344.82K)

if you only knew how bad things are

Attached: Death rattle US Fed.png (1332x374, 81.16K)

Thank you for your contribution user, this is such an important topic and I wish more people were aware of what is going on.

It is only through the abolition of institutionalised counterfeiting that we can regain our national and worldly prosperity.

this is a road we have been down many times

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>It is only through the abolition of institutionalised counterfeiting that we can regain our national and worldly prosperity.
pic related more Fed shell game strategies to make the financial sector look solvent

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