Tendie shortage incoming!!!
>In a direct appeal to consumers, Tyson Foods (NYSE:TSN) warns in a full-page ad in The New York Times that the food supply chain is breaking.

>"As pork, beef and chicken plants are being forced to close, even for short periods of time, millions of pounds of meat will disappear from the supply chain," writes Tyson Chairman John Tyson.

>"As a result, there will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed."

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Other urls found in this thread:

All according to plan.


Why are they closing? They are an essential service. Or do they only service fast food restraurants with processed meat? In that case, who cares.

>Two million chickens at several farms in Delaware and Maryland are set to be killed, thanks to COVID-related shutdowns/slowdowns at poultry processing plants.

>It brings to mind the government's tragic Great Depression policy of slaughtering cattle herds when so many couldn't put food on the table
they are killing chickens and not even tendifying them
I tried to get some to keep in the back yard but they won't let you have them some bullshit regulations.
I suspect fowl play, of course.

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Yas Forums predicted this three months ago, btw, second wave incoming starting in late May.


Beef and chicken dont grow on plants you idioit.
It's fake. Just liberal media trying to scare us

I should have got the one year supply of freeze dried food instead of the one month. not that I'm into the emergency stashes yet but I'd feel a lot better with MORE.
Utilities are probably next

NIgger I saw 15 turkeys in a wild turkey tree this spring I'm getting ready to go back and pick them soon as they're ripe

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>Utilities are probably next
Oil prices are kill

A pig just flew over my house!

>As a result, there will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores
Fuck off Tyson shill. They are like 3-5% of the market. There is no shortage and these threads are not organic. You hire illegals anyway and probably work for China.

>t. should have listened

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Yeah and with fuel so cheap, they can fucking transport this shit for free. Plenty of people everywhere who will take free or low cost livestock. But muh shekelnomics. Just watch some fucking jew reply and explain how it's not possible because muh shekels. Short term it's absolutely possible and it buys time to get things up and running like normal again. But they're going to push veganism, insect diets, sœylent, and blame the racist transphobic famine on Trump

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Oh no bros Tyson tendies are best tendies. How can we help get our Tyson's tendies back?

it'll really be fun when the virus gets into the electrical grid and then even more joyous as the water and sewer shut it downs.

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Eat the bugs, they're good for you.


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well the fuel thing is about to come to a head.
they don't pump that shit for the good of industry.

Excellent point goy. The shortages will be artificial just like the toilet paper shortages. This is the media fucking peddling panic. I fucking hate the media, they're truly the enemy of the people. I wish journalism self regulated and had some fucking ethics and code of professional standards. I'm 100% for a free press with no government interference but these fuckers aren't journalists. They're all long gone. It's just corporations like fox and cnn and gay magazines like buzzfeed and now this.

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General Mills did things right, handed out masks, checked on its workers, social distancing, partitioned plants, etc. and doesn't have a problem.

Tyson and Smithfield just ran sloppy operations and are now paying the price.

I dont know what you niggers are bitching about. I'm just cutting back. My food reserves can last a year or more.

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>Smithfield Foods, Inc., is a meat-processing company based in Smithfield, Virginia, in the United States, and a wholly owned subsidiary of WH Group of China.

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Becase the federal government decided to give their workers more in unemployment benefits than they make by working. People are being paid not to come in to work.


Damage limitation attempts with tide pods are cringe.

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Next phase, obv

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It's funny you say that; we have several flocks of Canada geese in the area (due to large lake nearby).

If there's a meat shortage, I don't see those geese lasting long.

Same here. Just blame came the gators

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>fowl play
I see what you did there.

This is intentional. We are the enemies of our government. They can sanitize the plants in a couple of hours. They also have no problem replacing the illegals when they get raided by ICE the same day and losing a couple of hours production.

>Why are they closing? They are an essential service. Or do they only service fast food restraurants with processed meat? In that case, who cares.

I'll bet you that Corona-chan has infected the livestock just like she's infected the animals in the zoos and entire mink farms. I'm sure this would explain how virtually every employee suddenly came down with the Wu-flu. There are a lot of things the government is currently keeping from us in an effort not to cause mas panic that'll make panic horders stripping the shelves bare of shit paper look like nothing.

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You laughed at us vegans
Who’s laughing now, retards
>eats “beef” patty made entirely out of spice and is disgusting if not consumed immediately

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I guess they'll have to raise the wage so that people work there instead of illegal spics.

Global warming is going to change over night thanks to this.
The governments will enforce veganism on the middle class. Only the wealthy elite will have access to meats. The poor class still has access to vermin, lost pets and garbage fires

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The only reason people would be upsetby this is because eating meat is a form of oppression and white people hate losing oppression privileges

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It will be back and running again soon, it'll be a small decrease. Stop trying to scare people with bullshit

Fuel and chicken are negative prices now, so drive a truck full of chicken to my house and pay me.