European history is full of bloodshed and hate

>World war 1
>World war 2

>Protestants Vs Catholics
>Let us look for a moment at the number of victims sacrificed on the altars of the Christian Moloch: -- 1,000,000 perished during the early Arian schism; 1,000,000 during the Carthaginian struggle; 7,000,000 during the Saracen slaughters. In Spain 5,000,000 perished during the eight Crusades; 2,000,000 of Saxons and Scandinavians lost their lives in opposing the introduction of the blessings of Christianity. 1,000,000 were destroyed in the Holy Wars against the Netherlands, Albigenses, Waldenses, and Huguenots. 30,000,000 Mexicans and Peruvians were slaughtered ere they could be convinced of the beauties of the Christian creed. 9,000,000 were burned for witchcraft. Total, 56,000,000.

What makes us better than niggers? No other race killed their own more than white people.

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>What makes us better than niggers? No other race killed their own more than white people.
see that's where you're so wrong you don't even know it.
europeans are niggers.
europeans have not been white since before 1000 ad.

Based. europeans are just niggers with higher IQ. some might argue that europeans are even more violent than black people due to their history. jews view white people the same way white people view black people - dumb niggers.

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>56 million
That's literally nothing.

It made us stronger and more technologically advanced.
If we lived like hippies we would have been steamrolled by the muslims or the Huns (notice that those two were stopped in France because France is the greatest European country and the forever the heart of Europe)

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> No other race killed their own more than white people.
Good to know Iberians are literally fucking retarded

I like how some people think they are their 'race' (race means nothing as we are all mixed) so if their race accomplished many things but they never even had a job they think they are better than everyone else INCLUDING someone of a different race who is successful. This race nonsense is ridiculous.

europe is essentially one gigantic battlefield
thats why europeans escaped europe
and then killed everyone in the places where they went

>No other race killed their own more than white people.
Do you are have stupid

All the people of the world have comited these crimes, and of all of them, European are the ones who did it the least.
The sole reason you don't like slavery is because you adopted our values.
The sole reason why Africa is not in the stone age is us.
I could go on for an hour.

europe WAS steamrolled by the Mongols you idiot
which is why some Burgundians have the Mongolian blue spot at birth

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OK sure Kikes.

>Based. europeans are just niggers with higher IQ. some might argue that europeans are even more violent than black people due to their history. jews view white people the same way white people view black people - dumb niggers.

I hear jews burn nicely

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>what makes us better
we did all that over deep philosophical differences which both sides (not just the christcucks) thought were enough reason to justify warfare; they do it because their low nature allows them to do nothing else.

What period time did this 56 million get killed over?

Because the chicoms killed 60 million of their own in half a century.

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Failed at stopping socialism.
France is officially muslim clay now.

Humans are just more evolved animals, we still share the same base characteristics with animals.

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>do you are have stupid
no he be not have

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And its fucking brilliant, pussies BTFO

>In Spain 5,000,000 perished during the eight Crusades
lets not pretend that muslims dying in the crusades was bad in any way, it should have been millions more so they never came back

Ha, yes, the peaceful savages who were one with nature and weren't totally not trying to exterminate all the other people all the time.

Because we sought more effective ways to kill each other we accidentally invented everything from modern medicine to space flight. oops

They stopped before France because the great Khan died and they all rolled back to Mongolia to reselect a leader, this happened more than once and basically they prevented themselves from world domination.

Tell me more about the mongols walking in Paris.
They didn't even took Vienna.
>But slaves are European too
Yea, and the pharaohs were Africans.

>how do you do you do fellow Europeans

Go back to Africa, moor


Yes, like the savage Aborgines of Oceania. Fuck off, France. You got raped by Vietnam at Dien Bien Phu. And then, France 1940 and that brilliant Maginot Line.

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Also because they couldn't do shit against stone walls, because they had a limited number of mongols and had to occupy 25% of the landmass of the world and because an empire can't just expand without disbanding. Alexander too would have conquered the whole world if he was immortal and if he didn't had enemies and if....

>What makes us better than niggers?
Speed of progress.

Potential for violence is a necessary trait for survival, so it's a stupid idea to assume that wars and conflicts are a sign of inferiority. The distinction isn't found in the "if", but in the "how", it's the difference of trying to force compliance by necklacing or via state issued ticket.

>white people had wars
>that means you should go extinct to other people who are far more stupid and evil than you, who also had wars but couldn't invent the wheel either.
great plan OP

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