How do liberal/feminine men feel about the fact that women, no matter political orientation, find you sexually repulsive?
How do liberal/feminine men feel about the fact that women, no matter political orientation...
women take on the politics of their men.
She is absolutely right about most liberal men being the most predatory of them all, pic related
Stonetoss is man tbf
Speak English you fucking paki
>worked to train my daughter
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You don't even need to be their man, just the most dominate male in their life.
I don't know why you posted this shit like it was related to us.
The guy's a complete cuck, he's pro choice, he tries not to hit smaller men, what a bitch. Also I'm taller. His humor is crude ? Wow he owned the libtardz big time.
Pro trump, progressive, two sides of the same normie coin fuck that.
The comic I posted is relevant to what you posted.
What exactly are you getting at here?
That guy kinda sounds like a cuck.
He's dating a single mother, rape victim who's probably taken miles of black dick.
Yikes the manlet got angry lol
>You don't even need to be their man
No one cares what feminine men think. Especially not women.
>have wife
>redpilled qt pie
>taught her the truth about blacks
>her girl friends often around
>now all her friends make racist jokes too
>mfw married women are emulating my politics
how am I a cuck again?
You're only content with redpilling your gf's?
Seems pretty fucking stupid and vague/stereotypical. I’m a liberal/progressive, and I stand for the 2A and don’t follow all the retarded PC/SJW/IdPol/Marxist narratives. A true liberal stands up and protects everyone. Im a weight lifting, gun-owning, business owning, liberal who just feels everyone should have the same accessibility and opportunity I had as a kid. We’re not all pussies.
Sounds like you're a "classical liberal" aka conservative, and that's OK.
>Hurr women are a single-minded monolith
>Sis not Cis
Probably some reactionary TERF, who gives a shit
>Seems pretty fucking stupid and vague/stereotypical.
You know you're on Yas Forums right?
Surrender fag getting jealous someone was actually validated as a man lmaooo
>anti-government regulation
These two things are different.
I wouldn’t say so... I believe in a much more progressive tax rate, heavier government regulation on large corporations, ending the money in politics, a large environmental shift away from fossil fuels, a universal public option healthcare, federal legalization and regulation of marijuana, psychedelics, prostitution. I’m pro choice, and believe in a universal basic income to all who opt in over 18 years old, like 750 a month. There’s no way that’s a classical liberal, I never cared to study political labels but yeah
Lol rape in the military is extremely common. I think what she’s getting at is she doesn’t consider it rape if the guy is muscular and attractive.
>masculine men
How does it feel knowing that eventually your liberalism will erode the freedoms you enjoy currently? Your own party, the DNC will betray you. Just an observation from an independent who holds both far right and far left positions.
>it would be wrong to strike a man smaller than him
Sounds more like he's afraid to get his ass kicked by a manlet.
Because the women deep down inside know they are sexual predoters (fix my spelling please)
It’s true the only dudes in high school who were raping chicks were those artsy feminist sad bois, one of em was a pedo wannabe and tried to get with younger kid sisters of the girls or other dudes he knew. They also cheat a fuck ton, there was this one guy who had a hot blonde gamer girl, sexy cosplays etc, this mf cheats on her with some downright fugly dog breed mutt mexican.
>i feel like
>not I think
You're a lying sack of shit too, you ideologically possessed cunt.
It’s really sad. I could not stand the Dem debates this election cycle... fucking lunacy. People are talking about door to door gun bans, immediate bans of fracking and private health insurance, federalized minimum wage increases to fucking 15 dollars.... (goodbye every small business in cheap to live in states) giving these public services to ILLEGAL immigrants, with a hike on middle class taxes. I was actually disgusted... this is what happens when your party is full of wine and cheese liberals who must cater towards young people and poor minorities. Most out of touch people I have ever seen on a television screen. It becomes twitter in real life. Which is the final, and most cucked form of life.
beating up people smaller than you is a lose lose situation. If you lose the fight it amplifies the loss, if you win the fight it reduces the victory. It can reduce the victory so much that you actually lose respect from people even if you didnt start the fight.
Men who beat up women dont have honour. They dont understand the concept.
I am liberal in a way classic liberals are, which by current US standard makes me far-right, misogynistic and multiple-phobic nazi, so the fact I had some luck with women may have something to do with that.
For comparison, I think the guy in OP pic sounds pretty based, not gonna lie. I can agree with most, even if not all of his claims (I do believe that if women want equal rights, if they'll try to hurt me I have a right to defend myself even if it means harming them, for example and I don't think porn is good or bad by itself - it's people who abuse this shit to their own detriment that hurt themselves, but its their goddamn choice).
In general, unfortunately I think that women don't find liberals repulsive by default (at least not just on account of the politics itself, as there are guys who are repulsive and just try to make up for it by taking heavy leftist political public stance). It's after they get fucked up by some they either realize male feminists and other such tards are full of shit or, unfortunately quite often, assume that all men are at best this fucked up.
>the tall man fears the manlet
Who cares? The interesting part of that post is that this guy is in a TRAP with some Leftist bitch using him as a science experiment and discussing the results of her trying to mold him with her fucked up Leftist friends online. Thank God I got a RW fresa who knows nothing about progressive western feminism. Die of jealousy, all ya
she's not dating a nazi, she's dating a feminist who turned into a mens rights supporter. he's still a leftie, and he's not based because he's raising his wife's daughter. wtf bullshit is this
The loud male feminist types use reproductive strategy that mimics female signalling. In nature this means the alpha males won't attack them a lot of the time because they mistake them for females, doesn't really work in humans though.
>A true liberal stands up and protects everyone.
yay a hero complex
Tell me then at what point do you stop and realise protecting “everyone” ends up only hurting the ones you actually care for? This pipe dream of being a hero to everyone is just that, it’s not a comic book with a clearly defined bad guy and good guy, you’re protecting who exactly? People you feel justified in protecting right? I mean you wouldn’t extend that to someone you find abhorrent, but is that person really abhorrent or do you just not approve of them? Then wouldn’t the action of you not taking them under your wing of protection undermine the hero to everyone aspect?
Lmao yes. Because I said “I feel” instead of “I think”, which are honestly synonymous when a private citizen is talking about politics and is emotionally invested in beliefs they have been contemplating and adapting their whole life, definitely means....
>I’m full of shit and a liar
>I am ideologically possessed
Excellent logic, user.
>fighting for approval
confirmed Ken Doll
By begging for a tiny little crumb of sex.
>Tell me then at what point do you stop and realise protecting “everyone” ends up only hurting the ones you actually care for?
when you realize that the Evil in the world is made out of people's behavior, and to prosecute that evil fully you would have to start a fight with those people, one way or another. evil, in the least, is consequential to righteousness and your failure to visualize this is astounding. concern trolling doesn't work on agents, only patients.
>I am liberal in a way classic liberals are,
So, basically a conservative right-winger uncomfortable with anything that challenges the inequal status quo.
The same sub claims that swedish men are trash
my gf loves hitler memes.
>I'm a liberal/progressive, and I stand for the 2A and don’t follow all the retarded PC/SJW/IdPol/Marxist narratives
These are literally just right-wing buzzwords for liberal/progressive stances.
depressing picture
EVERYONE is the important word there.
I can find them abhorrent, I can find them unworthy. Yet I do wish to extend them the right to healthcare, the right to be protected from externalities, the right to be protected from the special interests of corporations through their own government, etc. I think clean food and drinking water is a right. Etc. i’m not the left wing type that goes “omg the ____ facing the ____ ____ community” i dont pick and choose who should be given these rights and economic opportunity. I just believe in a more fair and just society that is perpetuated by more people participating in the economy.