What does it mean?

What does it mean?

Attached: SmartSelect_20200427-062428_Chrome.jpg (1234x530, 144.41K)

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Have sex.

It meas he is abandoning other initiatives to ((Focus 100%)) on coronavirus

Attached: bill_gates_is_a_fucking_shit.jpg (720x840, 70.91K)

I guess hes funding the vaccine development

We're in the endgame

Why is Trump silent on this?

It means the “mark of the beast” is coming.

Changing the microchip to a suppository form

Attached: 885E1C4E-3F25-42CC-A93B-2AE4B9063773.jpg (1024x539, 47.87K)

IBM sold computing solutions to 3rd Reich and Bill took over IBMs market

where is the epic music and stuff?

I don't get it, shouldn't you be happy. This means Jesus is coming back.

No more civil rights for you goy! Soon you won't be able to go to work, buy groceries or be in public without a doctor's note. I hope you like being a slave. You are about to be one for real.

Jesus isn't real, user. You'll get some queer, perv version of Jesus which is really just a celebrity posing as a righteous man and you will have to obey him too. Strangely his orders will sound exactly like a Jew giving you orders to ruin your life and give all that you produce to Jews.

>Jesus isn't real
Do you have any evidence of this?

Thats not how burden of proof works

It means he's getting worried about a violent mob with pitchforks who have some questions for him

What do you mean? That guy made a claim. I'm interested in his claim and am wondering if he has any evidence for it.

Why is everyone thinking gates wants to depopulate witch vaccines?

He literally just wants to improve health in Africa with vaccines so that niggers wouldn't have 10 children who would take care of them when they're old. That's literally all there is.
More niggers means they can't take care of themselves or the environment.

I just don't get it. It's all based on 4 words he said during an interview and explains it in like 40 others.

Since there is absolutely nothing to suggest he exist the assumption is he doesn't

Circular references are not allowed

It means he realized spending billions in the nuclear energy sector was a complete failure and now he's going to spend a bunch of billions trying to set up a global government. Hopefully he'll fail in that as well and just shuffle off into obscurity

Means there is nothing more important than to enslave people under the guise of a hoax.

anyone who fell for the theranos scam needs to be laughed off the stage anytime they open their mouths about the coof
fuck this profiteering jackoffs

If there was nothing to suggest he ever existed then why is there an argument against his existence in the first place?
Wouldn't he just be completely unknown?

Are you arguing for existence of hairy pooter?


$$$ and power.

The end

Zero evidence Jesus exists
No need to prove he doesn't

No. The origination of Harry Potter is well-documented as a figment of JK Rowling's imagination.

That is solid evidence of Mr. Potter's non-existence. Do you have this sort of evidence for Jesus?

Is there a savior out there or not? Maybe he is in this thread...

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That's not a very smart thing to say. Lots of people know who he is. He's not a non-entity, so how do so many people know his name?
If he is just a made up figure like the other guy said, could you provide some evidence of that?

Nigger wants to chip us.